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The Rich Bastard's Guide to Magick is a 2021 release for Mage: The Ascension.


From the seller's page:

Spend it while you've got it.
This Mage 20th Anniversary Edition sourcebook expands on the mystique of the elite with an exploration of how the real movers and shakers operate when you throw magick into their world as well.
The Rich Bastard’s Guide to Magick contains:
  • An examination of money and mage society, exploring what it means to have magick and wealth at your fingertips.
  • Money Magic: viewing the technocratic concepts of Hypereconomics and the Primal Utility Sphere through a non-technocracy POV. Includes new money-based magickal effects.
  • Movers and Shakers: Organizations, private clubs, elite locations, and the sample characters you might meet in such places.
  • High-Ticket Items: A collection of the best talismans, instruments, devices, and wonders money can buy (or can buy you access to), plus costly enhancements for sanctums, laboratories, chantries, etc.


Background Information[]

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MTAs: Technocracy Reloaded Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
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Mage: The Ascension books
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MTAs: Technocracy Reloaded Screen Buy it from DriveThruRPG!