The Ra-Ahau, or Army of the Sun, are a compact of hunters mostly comprised of both Ghouls and Humans. They are a militaristic cult of psychotic fanatics who worship the sun and believe they are divinely called to rid the world of vampires. They consider themselves Jihadists and are ceremonially based in the Yucatan.
The Ra-Ahau were founded by one Gabriel Miguel Alavardo, an archeology and ancient linguistics professor who was Ghouled by a Toreador Clan vampire. Alvarado served many years blood bound to his Domitor and begged for the day he could be Embraced. However she denied him this and instead grew bored, instead choosing to formally Embrace another of her Ghouls. Alvarado saw this as an unforgivable betrayal to his many years of loyal service and he grew bitter enraged and resentful.
He began to plot the downfall of his domitor. Using his knowledge of the inner workings of Kindred society, Alvarado slew both his former Domitor and the Ghoul she had replaced him with. For many years he wandered many parts of the world, thirsting for the Vitae of vampires to feed his own addiction. This was when he met Herman Muller, a German philosopher and secret member of the Loyalists Of Thule. Muller sensed the potential of Alvarado and using his festering hatred for all vampires, Muller saw an opportunity to mold a powerful Hunter in the wayward Ghoul.
Together Muller and Alvarado came up with an ideology and philosophy that fused the ancient mythologies of Egypt and the Maya. Muller infused within Alvarado's head that he had been divinely called by the sun gods to wipe out the object of his hatred, namely all vampires. That his journey had a purpose and that he was to construct an army in which to take back the world. Thus the Ra-Ahau was born, the Army Of The Sun had risen.
The Army of the Sun is primarily devoted to the destruction of all Kindred. They have adopted a mixture of beliefs of both Egyptian and Mayan religious doctrine. Their name is the combination of both the Egyptian and Mayan sun gods, namely Amun-Ra and Kinich Ahau respectively. They believe that the sun or The Divine Aten is the source of all life. They hold firm that Vitae was originally created by the Aten as a gift for Humanity, but was stolen by the evil god Set. Set in turn gave the Vitae to his unholy offspring, the vampires that now populate the world.
Therefore Set is the mortal enemy of the Aten, which is why vampires are destroyed by the divine light of the sun. Since the Ra-Ahau consider the drinking of Vitae as their god given right and as them simply taking back what was meant for them in the first place, they fail to realize the highly addictive quality of the vampire blood. Over the years the cult has festered a rabble of blood addicted psychotics who see themselves as divine warriors. The Ra-Ahau also adopt and perform ancient Mayan blood sacrifices and rituals. With every vampire they slay and sacrifice, the more the Aten is pleased.
In stark contrast, the cult respect the Garou, the various werewolf clans around the world. Since the Garou were created by Gaia and mother Earth is often seen as a royal consort to the sun and sky...the Ra-Ahau believe that werewolves are anointed as protectors. Contained within their beliefs is an ultimate end game, something the cult refers to as "The Vanquishing". Even though the Kindred are at the top of their hate list, the Ra-Ahau believe that all life on Earth must eventually be destroyed. They see the world as so over polluted by unnatural monsters that in order for the world to start fresh, all sentient life must be wiped out.
They believe it is the will of the Aten. To this end, the cult continually seek to obtain weapons of mass destruction including tactical nukes. They believe that once they have amassed enough weaponry, they can initiate The Vanquishing and usher in a new age of peace.