The Pure is a sourcebook for Werewolf: The Forsaken. It delves into the society of the Pure, and examines their motivations and history.
From the Onyx Path catalog:
- "Child, we do not hate you for being born who you are. Each of us was born of wolf and man, and marked by the moon harlot with her silver when the change came on us. We cannot hate you because you were born of the blood that murdered our Father, for many among us were born of that blood as well.
- "But you have heard our truth, and you reject it. You have felt the wrath of the spirits, and you do not abase yourselves before them. You wear the silver brands of the slave with honor, rather than purging them from you with flame.
- "We do not hate the ignorant child. But you are grown, and you know, and you still do not kneel. And for that - you will burn."
- —Hunter's Voice, Fire-Touched
- This book includes:
- An intensive treatment of the society of the Pure, from their legends and history to modern-day practices of indoctrination and penance
- A full treatment of each of the three Pure Tribes: Fire-Touched, Ivory Claws and Predator Kings
- A plethora of Gift lists, rites, fetishes, totems and other tools to craft the perfect Pure werewolf or pack
- A sample setting where the Pure are in control, ready to be used as the basis for a chronicle or dropped into an existing game
Prologue: Smoldering[]
Two stories told from a Forsaken point of view and a Fire-Touched point of view.
Chapter One: A Pure Society[]
Gives an overview of the practices and concerns common to all the Pure Tribes. Here can be found the legend of Father Wolf and the history of the People as they tell it, the laws that bind the Anshega together as a whole and many of the ugly details of their recruitment practices. Also covered are many of the concerns affecting the Pure as a body, from the dangers and benefits that derive from their singular relationship with spirits to hotspots and areas of particular interest around the world.
Chapter Two: The Three Tribes[]
Focuses specifically on each tribe - tribal customs, practices, dogma, laws and the like. Information ranges from the various proselytizing techniques used by the Fire-Touched to the Ivory Claws' treatment of their wolf-blooded kin and the brutally pragmatic tribal laws of the Predator Kings.
Chapter Three: Scourge and Brand[]
Contains the various tools and weapons that the Pure bring to bear. Here are found the Gift lists that set the Pure Tribes apart from their brethren, as well as many of the rites that reinforce their community - including those rites that can remove a werewolf's auspice or prevent a nuzusul from ever gaining Luna's blessing. The chapter is rounded out by some sample Pure totems and a supply of fetishes common to the Anshega.
- Pure Gifts
- Agony Gifts: (Ivory Claws)
- Disease Gifts: (Fire-Touched)
- Fervor Gifts: (Fire-Touched)
- Savagery Gifts: (Predator Kings)
- Scouring Gifts: (Ivory Claws)
- Totems
- Engum Spirit - The Faceless Hunter
- Pack Totem - The Blood Vines
- Pack Totem - Purity-of-True-Fury
Chapter Four: Storytelling the Pure[]
Contains in-depth advice and tricks for using the Pure to full effectiveness in any chronicle. Not only does this chapter look at ways for using the Pure to stress theme, mood or other narrative elements, but it also provides ideas for tactics Pure packs might use in the war against their rivals and other such tools. This chapter also contains the sample territory of Santa Fe, providing a look at what it's like in a section of the country where the Pure are fully dominant.
Pure Domain: Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Loci:
- The Wreckage of the School Bus Crash
- The Bed in Cellblock 4
- The Headstone of Carlos Coriz
- The Bathtub in Room 9
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
- Hunter's Voice, Fire-Touched (Back Cover)
- Ember - Fire-Touched
- John Red-Hands - Fire-Touched, died
- Auren - Pure
- Helen - Forsaken
- Caroline Dawnsprinter - Forsaken
- Michael - Fire-Touched
- Rachel, "Silent Truth" - Fire-Touched
- William - Blood Talon
- Harry - Forsaken
- Jason - Forsaken
- Karen - Forsaken
- Janos - Pure war leader
- Terry - Hunter in Darkness
- Charles Flint - Pure ritemaster, died
- Elaine - Forsaken
- Judith’s Dagger - Ivory Claw, Rite Example
- Gunpower Jack - Iron Master Irraka, Rite Example
- Cinder - Fire-Touched (formerly Storm Lords Rahu)
- Shawna Singer - Fire-Touched
- Tremor - Fire-Touched (formerly Blood Talon Elodoth)
- Samuel Mentis - Fire-Touched
- Nails - Fire-Touched
- Robinsons - Wolf-blooded family, guarded by Fire-Touched
- Gus "White-Hot" Fererro - Ivory Claws
- Evan Hamilton - Ivory Claws
- Beth Golden - Ivory Claws
- Dan Jimenez - Ivory Claws
- Tim Kendall - Ivory Claws
- Seed-Spitter - Ivory Claws
- Louis Park - Ivory Claws
- Akilles Jordan - Ivory Claws
- Monica Tullio - Ivory Claws
- Mike Turner - Ivory Claws
- Snowsprinter - Predator Kings
- Sound-the-Howling-Cries - Predator Kings, died
- Sarah Grey-Howler - Predator Kings
- Gutterblood - Predator Kings
- Rain-Caller - Predator Kings
- Rodrigo - Roach Blood Pack alpha, Pure
Tribal Splash Pages:[]
- ? - Fire-Touched Signature Character
- ? - Ivory Claws Signature Character
- Beast-of-Rage - Predator Kings Signature Character
Pure Bloodlines:[]
- The Lancaster Clan - Ivory Claws bloodline, Charlotte, North Carolina
- Los Asesinos - Fire-Touched bloodline, Los Angeles, California
- Keeltown, Colorado - Ghost town, Predator Kings bloodline
African Spirits:[]
- Many-Faceted Gaze - Spirit that Ivory Claws follow
- Black Oil Burning - Spirit that Fire-Touched follow
Character Creation:[]
- Stokes - Fire-Touched, The Last Mile Pack
- Bear - Fire-Touched, The Last Mile Pack
- Celeste - Fire-Touched, The Last Mile Pack
- Chains of the Soul - Last Mile Pack Totem
Noteworthy Ivory Claws:[]
- Damon Radcliffe - Ivory Claw and Pack: Vengeance
- Renato Cabral - Ivory Claw and Pack: Deep South
Local Figures in Santa Fe, New Mexico[]
- Preys Unseen - Predator Kings, Howl of the Before Time Pack, Pack Totem is Scion
- Devil's Daughter - Fire-Touched, Route 666 Pack
- Little Mary - Predator Kings, Roach Blood Pack, member of the Lodge of Vermin's Shadow
- Crucible - Fire-Touched, Fire's First Children Pack
- Chupe - Predator Kings, Negatory Pack, Pack Totem is Gravel-Belly
- Blood-on-the-Stones - Predator Kings, Storm Above the Land Pack, Pack Totem is Whispers of Coming Thunder
- Eddie Rawhide - Predator Kings, Ignition Pack
- John "Little Hell" Keeler - Fire-Touched (formerly Iron Master), Laughing Jackals Pack
- Reverend Winter - Fire-Touched, The Blood Street Preachers Pack
- Josef Coburn - Ivory Claws, The Town Elders Pack
- Theia - Ivory Claws, The Silver Rush Pack
- Silent-in-the-Desert-Wind - Predator Kings, Absence of Sunlight at Dawn Pack
- Abelita Sundancer - Ivory Claws (Bale Hound), Dogs of Chimayo Pack
- Cholo - Blood Talon Irraka, The Howlrunners Pack
- Jose "Blackmark" Garcia - Hunters in Darkness (formerly Predator Kings), The Last Misery Jester Pack
- Tomas Chavez - Storm Lord Elodoth, Last Light Pack
Pure Tribes, Fire-Touched, Ivory Claws, Predator Kings, Silver Wolf, The Reclamation, Brethren War, Rite of Renunciation, Oath of Urfarah, Non Daeng "Gutworms"; Lodges: Lodge of Sana'a, Lodge of Plague, Lodge of Absolution, Council of Eagles, Blood of Kings, Lodge of Kin's Blood, Lodge of Night's Fear, Lodge of Vermin's Shadow; First Tongue: Taga Dan (Paradise of the Hunt; Fire-Touched), Sehe Nu Lu’u Thim (Honor Nothing of Human Craft; Predator King Tribal Vow), Gurim-Ur (Rabid Wolf), Huzuruth-Ur (Dire Wolf), Si Zi’the (Silent Truth), Gurim-dakh (Rabid Fire or Rabid Touched), nahdar (Locus), Anshega (Pure), Nuzusul (Pre-First Change Werewolves), Engum (Loci guardians), imin fala Uzuhama muz (Seven turns of the Bitch Mother’s face),
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