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The Masquerade Players Kit is an accessory for players of The Masquerade, the live-action roleplaying game later known as Laws of the Night. The Players Kit presents many Mind's Eye Theatre adaptations of character options that were introduced for tabletop in The Players Guide for Vampire: The Masquerade, including the Assamite, Followers of Set, Giovanni and Ravnos clans, the Daughters of Cacophony, Salubri and Samedi bloodlines, the Disciplines for these seven groups, and numerous Merits and Flaws. Additionally, new non-mechanical guidelines are presented for creating and playing characters both before and after the Embrace; these guidelines are written to be usable in both live-action and tabletop play.


From the White Wolf catalog:

No more dress rehearsals...
Enter the world of the vampire: dark, chilling and erotic. Who are these creatures? Why does the tragedy of their existence fascinate us so much? Take a look at their politics and secrets.
Lights, Camera, Action...
The Masquerade Players Kit is the first supplement for Mind's Eye Theatre: The Masquerade. However, the Players Kit is also suitable for use with Vampire: The Masquerade. The Players Kit includes information entirely new to Vampire, with sections on rules conversions, new props and new costuming options. No journey into the World of Darkness is complete without this guide.
The Masquerade Players Kit features:
  • * A Prelude Flowchart — A series of detailed tables designed to help you flesh out your character's background through your mortal life and into the Embrace.
  • * New Clans and Disciplines — Seven new clans and bloodlines are detailed here, each with its own special Disciplines, advantages and weaknesses (for use with Mind's Eye Theatre).
  • * New Handouts — This book is filled with handouts to enhance both tabletop and live-action stories. These handouts include narratives detailing a variety of Embraces, as well as scripts for announcing the entrance of your city's Prince. Also included are two complete coteries, each with its own dark secrets and sinister goals.



Chapter One: Clan Politics[]

Chapter Two: Expanded Creation[]

  • Merits and Flaws
    • Psychological: Code of Honor (1 Trait Merit), Higher Purpose (1 Trait Merit), Berserker (2 Trait Merit), Compulsion (1 Trait Flaw), Dark Secret (1 Trait Flaw), Intolerance (1 Trait Flaw), Nightmares (1 Trait Flaw), Phobia - Mild (1 Trait Flaw), Prey Exclusion (1 Trait Flaw), Overconfident (1 Trait Flaw), Shy (1 Trait Flaw), Soft Hearted (1 Trait Flaw), Speech Impediment (1 Trait Flaw), Low Self-Image (2 Trait Flaw), Short Fuse (2 Trait Flaw), Vengeance (2 Trait Flaw), Driving Goal (3 Trait Flaw), Hatred (3 Trait Flaw)
    • Mental: Light Sleeper (2 Trait Merit), Calm Heart (3 Trait Merit), Iron Will (3 Trait Merit), Deep Sleeper (1 Trait Flaw), Confused (2 Trait Flaw), Weak-Willed (3 Trait Flaw), Absent-Minded (3 Trait Flaw)
    • Awareness: Acute Hearing (1 Trait Merit), Acute Sense of Smell (1 Trait Merit), Acute Sense of Taste (1 Trait Merit), Acute Vision (1 Trait Merit), Hard of Hearing (1 Trait Flaw), Bad Sight (2 Trait Flaw), One Eye (2 Trait Flaw), Deaf (3 Trait Flaw)
    • Aptitudes: Computer Aptitude (1 Trait Merit), Eat Food (1 Trait Merit), Pitiable (1 Trait Merit), Daredevil (3 Trait Merit), Jack-Of-All-Trades (5 Trait Merit), Illiterate (1 Trait Flaw)
    • Supernatural: Inoffensive to Animals (1 Trait Merit), True Love (1 Trait Merit), Medium (2 Trait Merit), Danger Sense (2 Trait Merit), Faerie Affinity (2 Trait Merit), Magic Resistance (2 Trait Merit), Occult Library (2 Trait Merit), Spirit Mentor (3 Trait Merit), Unbondable (3 Trait Merit), Luck (4 Trait Merit), Destiny (4 Trait Merit), Guardian Angel (6 Trait Merit), True Faith (7 Trait Merit), Cursed (1-5 Trait Flaw), Repulsed by Garlic (1 Trait Flaw), Magic Susceptibility (2 Trait Flaw), Can't Cross Running Water (2 Trait Flaw), Repelled by Crosses (3 Trait Flaw), Haunted (3 Trait Flaw), Dark Fate (5 Trait Flaw), Light-Sensitive (5 Trait Flaw)
    • Kindred Ties: Boon (1-3 Trait Merit), Prestigious Sire (1 Trait Merit), Special Gift (1-3 Trait Merit), Reputation (2 Trait Merit), Clan Friendship (3 Trait Merit), Pawn (3 Trait Merit), Enemy (1-5 Trait Flaw), Infamous Sire (1 Trait Flaw), Insane Sire (1 Trait Flaw), Mistaken Identity (1 Trait Flaw), Sire's Resentment (1 Trait Flaw), Twisted Upbringing (1 Trait Flaw), Clan Enmity (2 Trait Flaw), Diabolic Sire (2 Trait Flaw), Notoriety (3 Trait Flaw)
    • Physical: Baby Face (1 Trait Merit), Misplaced Heart (2 Trait Merit), Efficient Digestion (3 Trait Merit), Huge Size (4 Trait Merit), Allergic (1-3 Trait Flaw), Disfigured (2 Trait Flaw), Selective Digestion (2 Trait Flaw), Child (3 Trait Flaw), Deformity (3 Trait Flaw), Lame (3 Trait Flaw), Monstrous (3 Trait Flaw), One Arm (3 Trait Flaw), Permanent Wound (3 Trait Flaw), Mute (4 Trait Flaw), Thin-blooded (4 Trait Flaw), Paraplegic (5 Trait Flaw)
  • New Clans
  • Bloodlines
  • New Disciplines
    • Chimerstry: Basic: Minor Illusion; Intermediate: Complex Illusion; Advanced: Horrid Reality
    • Melpominee: Basic: Tourett's Voce; Intermediate: Toreador's Bane; Advanced: Death of the Drum
    • Necromancy: Basic: Summon Spirit; Intermediate: Compel Spirit; Advanced: Soul Stealing
    • Obeah: Basic: Healing Touch; Intermediate: Neutral Guard; Advanced: Healing the Mind
    • Quietus: Basic: Silence of Death; Intermediate: Poison Blade; Advanced: Blood Sweat
    • Serpentis: Basic: Eyes of the Serpent; Intermediate: The Serpent's Tongue; Advanced: Form of the Serpent, Heart of Darkness
    • Thanatosis: Basic: Putrefaction; Intermediate: Ashes to Ashes; Advanced: Withering

Chapter Three: Prelude[]

Chapter Four: Handouts[]

  • Blood Trait Card Sheet
  • Character Name Card Sheet

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


  • Khalid
  • Hook - Sabbat scout
  • Mahatma
  • Set
  • Galen - Ventrue elder
  • Malachaius - Tzimisce elder
  • Nefer-meri-Isis
  • Alan Sovereign
  • Bishop Mark - Sabbat
  • Rebekah
  • Wallace - Prince of Birmingham
  • Karina - Sabbat assassin
  • Elijah
  • Saulot
  • Andark - Tremere Chantry Leader
  • Clifton - Probationary Sabbat Pack Member
  • Pagi - Nosferatu
  • Jackie - Malkavian antitribu
  • Dondinni
  • Francois Villon
  • Jefferson Foster - Sabbat bishop
  • Carmen - Humam
  • Old Lady Pogue - Vampire
  • Kellog Whittaker - Ventrue, Stats
  • Harcourt - Gangrel, Stats
  • Celeste - Follower of Set, Stats
  • Nicholas DuMonte - Ventrue, Kellog's Childe, Stats
  • Otto - Ventrue, Stats
  • Tanya - Ventrue, Kellog's Childe, Stats
  • Brian - Kellog's Ghoul, Stats
  • Dominique - Kellog's Ghoul, Stats
  • Flare - Ventrue, Nicholas' Childe, Leader of the Midnight Rose, Stats
  • Kyle - Malkavian, Member of the Midnight Rose, Stats
  • Rant - Brujah, Member of the Midnight Rose, Stats
  • Hyde - Nosferatu, Member of the Midnight Rose, Stats
  • Calvin - Caitiff, Member of the Midnight Rose, Stats
  • Wraith - Caitiff, Member of the Midnight Rose, Stats
  • Blair - Toreador, Member of the Midnight Rose, Stats
  • Marcus - Gangrel, Harcourt's childe, Member of the Midnight Rose, Stats


Ancillae, Assamite, Black Velvet (Gang), Bloodlines, Brujah, Daughters of Cacophony, Elders, Followers of Set, Gangrel, Giovanni, Malkavian, Midnight Rose (Anarch Gang), Neonates, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Salubri, Samedi, Toreador, Tremere, Ventrue,


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cMET: The Masquerade Second Edition Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print! Mind's Eye Theatre books cMET: The Book of Props Buy it from DriveThruRPG!