White Wolf Wiki


From the back cover:

Price of Power

From their unfathomable domains, the powers beyond life call forth your soul. Your burdensome choice lies between Light or Dark, and your fate hangs in the balance, either for torment in life and paradise beyond, or paradise in life and torment beyond. Choose Dark and all the world is your bauble, its every craven satisfaction yours to relish. You are master over all, magical or mundane. And what is the price for this glory? Merely your paltry, intangible soul. Yet, why does the shadow grin?

Price of Soul

The Maleficium is an Ars Magica Third Edition sourcebook that explores the machinations and mystique of the Infernal Realm. With this reference Storyguides and players may pierce netherworldly deceptions and secrets, bringing about confrontations with the Evil, and mastery of the Dark Arts. You may now become a Magus opposed to the Light and the Order of Hermes itself.



  • A Word on Research:
    • The Holy Bible (several editions, including Revised Standard)*
    • Encyclopaedia Brittanica (macro entry on Magic)
    • The Dictionary of Demons
    • American Council of Learned Societies - The Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
    • Alighieri, Dante - Inferno (Allen Mandelbaum trans.)
    • Aquinas, St. Thomas - Summa Theologica*
    • Black, Matthew (trans.) - The Book of Enoch
    • Butler, E. M. - Ritual Magic*
    • Carus, Paul - The History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil
    • Cavendish, Richard - A History of Magic
    • Gardiner, Eileen - Visions of Heaven and Hell Before Dante
    • Gilson, Etienne - The History of Christian philosophy in the Middle Ages
    • Hall, Frederic T. - The Pedigree of the Devil
    • Lewis, C.S. - The Screwtape Letters
    • Oggins, Robin - "Knights, Peasants and the Church in Medieval England " [Lectures, University Center at Binghamton]
    • Russel, Jeffrey Burton - Lucifer: The Devil in the Middle Ages*
    • Schneweis, Emil - Angels and Demons According to Lactantius*
    • Theological Studies #42 - "Angels and Demons: The Teachings of IV Lateran"
    • Wall, J. Charles - Devils
    • Watts, Alan W. - Myths and Ritual in Christianity
    • Johan Weyer - Witches, Devils and Doctors in the Renaissance*
        • An asterisk indicates a source of heavy influence

Chapter One: The Pathway Dark[]

Chapter Two: A Metaphysical Interlude[]

Chapter Three: Mythic Hell[]

Chapter Four: Know Thine Enemy[]

Chapter Five: Master and Servant[]

Chapter Six: Bestiary[]

Chapter Seven: The Shape of the Saga[]

Appendix One: The Evil Entrenched[]

Appendix Two: The Order Breached[]

  • Goetic Portfolio Sheet

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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