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The Longest Night: A Ghost Hunters Jumpstart is a 2022 release for the World of Darkness (specifically, Wraith: The Oblivion).


From the seller's page:

How many times must we witness a hapless group of aspiring ghost hunters spend a night in a “haunted” house before we accept it for the cheap source of jump scares and bottled hysteria that it is?
These places house no ghosts. These people know nothing of the undead. These “ghost hunters” do not understand real fear.
Well, now they’re coming to my house, and I feel it’s high time someone put a damn good fright into the impetuous living.

Who knows? Maybe before the night’s out, they’ll join the ranks of the dead, and keep me permanent company. The Longest Night includes:

  • A condensed version of the Storyteller System for use in any World of Darkness 20th Anniverary[sic] game.
  • A full chronicle taking ghost hunters from their arrival at an old, haunted house, through to their departure — as living or dead — the morning after. Perfect for a one-shot or convention play.
  • A selection of ready-made characters, all playable straight from the pages of this book.


Background Information[]

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WOD/WTO: World of Darkness: Ghost Hunters Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print! Wraith: The Oblivion books WOD/WTO: World of Darkness: Paranormal Investigator's Handbook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!