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The Last Battle is the second book in the Time of Judgment Trilogy, and the final novel for Werewolf: The Apocalypse. The Last Battle is set against the backdrop of the Apocalypse, the final battle between the Garou and the Wyrm. The novel ties into the game rulebook Apocalypse and, loosely, to the other books published under the Time of Judgment banner. Although the primary protagonist of The Last Battle is Jonas Albrecht, the Last Gaian King, the story is told from the perspective of a number of other recurring Werewolf characters.


From the White Wolf catalog:

A Final Stand For Gaia
For millennia, a dwindling race of shapechangers has lurked in the woods and glades of the world. These werewolves, these Garou, hold a sacred duty to protect the Earth and fight against the corrupt spirit known as the Wyrm. But the battle is not an easy one — the enemy grows stronger daily and the Garou grow fewer. Tribal battles and personal rivalries have long divided the Garou, making their struggle all the harder. And with every dawn the final reckoning — the Apocalypse — looms closer.
Jonas Albrecht and his packmates have felt the weight of these times more heavily than most. Once an exile from his people, Albrecht has risen to the lofty position of king. But as the prophecies come true and the final call to battle sounds, Albrecht faces the prospect that all he has gained has been for naught. The prophecies are clear: the Last Gaian King will fall to the Wyrm.
Can King Albrecht fight on?
Werewolf: The Last Battle is the second act of the Time of Judgment, telling the story of a wide-ranging Armageddon among the supernatural entities of the World of Darkness.
Act Two of Three


  • Prologue: A Star of Blood
  • Part One: Unholy Fires
    • Chapter One: The Steps of the Ancestors
    • Chapter Two: The Reluctant Third
    • Chapter Three: No Tomorrow
    • Chapter Four: The Most Ancient
    • Chapter Five: Northern Shadows
    • Chapter Six: Trouble All Over
    • Chapter Seven: First Steps
    • Chapter Eight: Guided by a Star
  • Part Two: Calling Down Curses
    • Chapter Nine: Circling Prey
    • Chapter Ten: Pledged to the Cause
    • Chapter Eleven: The War Party
    • Chapter Twelve: Death's Door
    • Chapter Thirteen: Burying the Past
    • Chapter Fourteen: Tomorrow We March
    • Chapter Fifteen: The Plain of the Apocalypse
    • Chapter Sixteen: Empty Caern
    • Chapter Seventeen: The Cage
  • Part Three: The Last Days
    • Chapter Eighteen: Bane Arrows
    • Chapter Nineteen: Return to the Ancestors
    • Chapter Twenty: The Lost Valley
    • Chapter Twenty-One: The Hidden Moon
    • Chapter Twenty-Two: Battle Plans
    • Chapter Twenty-Three: The Last Gaian King
  • About the Author
  • Acknowledgments

Background Information[]

  • In the acknowledgments section, Bill thanks the many authors who have contributed to the world of Werewolf over the years.
  • Ads at the back of the book include: Dark Ages Clan Novel series (Gangrel: Feb.), Judgment Day and New World of Darkness (Vampire: The Requiem: Aug. 2004; Werewolf: The Forsaken: Nov. 2004).

Memorable Quotes[]

"In the Last Days there shall appear within the heavens a star of blood, gyring as it falls toward Gaia's breast." - The Prophecy of Speaks-in-Silence, Pg. 8

"Unholy fires fell to the ground, burning us all, twisting us and making us vomit blood." - The Prophecy of the Phoenix, "The Seventh Sign," Pg. 26

Finally, Persimmon Cloud spoke. "What can we do? What is the meaning of the Phoenix's last words to you?"
"Where one goes, another can follow," Antonine said." - Pg. 131

"The Wyrm made itself manifest in the towers and the rivers and the air and the land, and everywhere its children ran rampant, devouring, destroying, calling down curses of every kind." - The Prophecy of the Phoenix, "The Seventh Sign," Pg. 134

The dire wolf hunkered down, its eyes slits. "You would dare attack your king?"
The spear-carrier seemed to hesitate, looking at the nervous faces of her fellow Garou. She snarled and turned to stare into the dire wolf's eyes. "We need no more kings!" - Pg. 188, The First King-Slayer

"I'm confused. Did it cause the king to die?"
"No," Swift Talker said. "Garou rage killed the king. The act of king-slaying shaped it, gave the unbound spirit a new form."
"I don't get it. It's a Talon. It's supposed to be a monster or something, at least according to the legends."
"The Talons are our monsters," Crying Bird said. "They are given life by the Wyrm, but the form they take and the powers they wield are shaped by Garou fear. In every age, every time a Talon is freed, it takes the form that freed it. In all ages, this has been the form of betrayal and distrust. The power of murder."
"That doesn't make sense. The one that's free now, it killed Garou this time, the Uktena banetenders. They didn't kill each other to release it."
Crying Bird shook his head. "It has been free since the king-slaying you witnessed. The Uktena only captured its heart. Its tendrils have always touched the descendants of those who participated in that slaying."
"So it's been affecting Garou all this time? Since when? When was the king-slaying?"
"Before the Pangaian Moot. Before the Litany. It is the Heartsplinter, the wound that will not heal, the scar that tears apart siblings. It festers in all Garou hearts, hidden by rage. It cannot cause hate, but it empowers it, turning petty disputes into vendettas."
Evan felt his legs weakening with the enormity of the revelation. "I can't fight this. Nobody can."
"You are the Healer of the Past. You must set things aright. You must atone for your ancestor's wrongs."
"How?!" How do you fight bodiless mist?"
"Strike at the heart." - Pg. 190

"The Plain of the Apocalypse!" Mephi said.
Margrave's eyes became slits. "So I was right," he said, looking at his marshal.
The marshal looked at Mephi. "How can this be? We were at the Scar for sure. There's no mistake!"
"It's in the prophecy!" Mephi said. "The last battle will be fought on the Plain of the Apocalypse, in the Battleground. This is it. The last battle."
"No," the Margrave said, "It is our final victory, where we defeat our enemy for good." - Pg. 214

"How... how did you get here?" Mephi whispered.
"Mephi Faster-Than-Death," the Strider said, "You are my scion. My loins birthed your kin long ago, in lands far from your own."
Mephi looked down at Tvarivich, who looked back at him with an inquisitive look on her face. He realized that she couldn't see the other Silent Strider; only he could.
"How can this be?" Mephi said. "My ancestors are gone."
"Gone?" the Strider said, cocking its head. "No. Unseen, but never gone. Our duty is to the dead, and so we are never seen by the living. Until now."
"Why now? Why me?" Mephi gripped his staff tighter.
"The door has been opened by the ancestors' decree. Only three times before has this happened; the fourth will be the last. The door cannot close until one among the living has made his choice. The Ivory Priestess's power - secrets stolen from the dead-has opened your eyes to us. This is forbidden. And yet... I sense that you might still serve the ancestors' purpose."
"How? Who is this 'one among the living'?"
"Come," the Strider said. "The dead depart and we must guide them." The Strider walked slowly back toward the misty portal over the Margrave's body, waiting for Mephi.
Mephi looked back at Tvarivich and clutched his staff tighter when he saw her swinging her mace at a Black Spiral Dancer. The Wyrm army had broken through and he had not heard them. He felt a cold shudder shoot up his spine as he saw a Black Spiral Dancer step through him from behind, oblivious to Mephi's presence. Mephi was intangible.
"You have already taken the first step," the Strider said.
"Now finish the journey." - Pg. 230

Sirius Darkstar coughed up blood, trying to speak.
"Loba... Wh... White-Eye... he knew."
"White-Eye is evil!" Loba said, sobbing. "Why Sirius? Why did you come to him?"
Sirius shook his head weakly. "No. White-Eye Uktena. Always Uktena. Died with honor. Killed thunderwyrm." He coughed up blood. "I tried to fight. Too many wounds. I forbid them wait for me. Knew you'd come. White-Eye knew the shadow...." - Pg. 240

Sirius croaked low and weak. "The Shadow Queen..."
Loba stared at Martin. His face was wracked with conflicting emotions, worry and anger fighting for dominance. Anger won. He stepped back, smiling, baring his teeth and raising his claws.
Loba hunched over, growling. "Who are you?"
Martin laughed, but it was not his voice. It sounded more feminine, older. "I'm the very thing you have always fought."
"You're a bane!" Loba said, advancing. Martin took a step back from her. "Get out of that boy's body or I'll tear you out!"
"He and I are one. His parents were damned-puppets of the Seventh Generation, your worst enemy. His body is the culmination of generations of treachery. It is my host."
Loba's body began to fade, shifting into the Umbra, from where she could attack the possessing spirit. Martin growled and parted the Gauntlet like a curtain, arriving in the spirit world just as Loba stepped through.
She stared in surprise at him. Martin had never exhibited such spiritual control before. She scanned him, seeking signs of the spirit that inhabited him but saw none. She growled again.
"You won't find me. I'm coiled too deep. As I said, the boy and I are one. I was entwined with him before he left the womb. I am the reason for his purity. I shaped his body to perfection, hiding the hole in his soul where I sleep."
"Martin!" Loba yelled. "Listen to me! You've got to resist her! Throw her off!"
Martin laughed, an old woman's cackle. "He can't hear you. When I'm awake, he sleeps. When he is awake, I watch. Your open heart took him in and saved him from those Garou who suspected the truth about me. Ironic, no?"
"I'll kill him if I have to," Loba said, approaching Martin slowly, hunched over. "To get to you." - Pg. 241-242

"This is the Circle of Deceit," the hydra said. "You must betray the Wyrm's truest servant."
"It's not me?" Zhyzhak cried. "Ha! Point him out! He dies!"
The snakeheads all turned to look at a portal in the mist revealing the blasted, fiery landscape of Malfeas. At its center, upon a throne on a high tower, sat a large, heavily muscled Black Spiral Dancer, his fur carved from head to toe with blasphemous pictograms. His eyes darted from side to side, watching all that took place in the duchies below.
"The general of Malfeas," the hydra said, its heads watching the portal. "The only being to pass our test who still lives."
"Him?" Zhyzhak said. "I kill him, then rule Malfeas?"
"Exactly," the hydra said, all eyes watching the general. He sniffed the air suspiciously and turned around in his chair, looking for something. He seemed to sense that he was being watched. "He fears you. He knows someone will usurp him eventually. He is weak. If you strike now, you can take him."
Zhyzhak howled and cracked her whip. Instead of reaching through the portal, it slashed across the snakeheads' necks, severing six of them. Blood hosed out of the six stumps.
The hydra stumbled and its three remaining heads spun to stare aghast at Zhyzhak.
The Black Spiral Dancer stepped forward, howling with laughter. She looped her whip around the frantically moving necks and tugged tightly, yanking them together into a single bunch, trapped by the barbed strands of the whip.
"Circle of Deceit, idiot!" Zhyzhak yelled. "That means you die!" She yanked the whip again, like pulling the cord on a lawnmower or boat engine, and the three heads fell from their stumps. - Pg. 247-248

"Garou!" she cried, still clinging to the gate, below his climbing figure. "What the hell are you doing?"
He didn't respond. How dare he ignore her!
"Listen to me, scum!"
He paused, looking down at her, a frown on his lupine face.
"Why?!" she yelled. "Why are you here? Why do you open the gate?"
He watched her silently, seeming to measure whether he should speak or not. He made his decision. "I followed you here, Zhyzhak. Your trail was obvious."
"Imposible! No Gaian can walk the Labyrinth without taint!"
"You destroyed the Labyrinth behind you as you went," he said, shaking his head, surprised at her ignorance. "It had no power over me." - Pg. 254, Zhyzhak confronting Antonine Teardrop

It tasted awful. She spat out a scale and picked another from between her teeth.
She walked back to the gate and squeezed her way through it again.
The fallen Garou opened his eyes weakly, watching her warily.
"Take that, fucker!" Zhyzhak barked. "I killed your friend!"
"You devoured the Devourer," he said, weakly rising on wobbling legs. "Now you will always be hungry. Not even the entire universe will satisfy you." - Pg. 257

"Devour him!" she snarled to the Wyrm
The dragon's snout shot out and swallowed the Garou whole in one bite. Zhyzhak began to cackle, but it became a growl as she saw the Garou's face just before he disappeared into the dragon's maw. She snarled, confused. He had displayed no fear, none of the bowel-loosening terror she wanted him to suffer. The bastard's final insult to her was to smile and whisper a word she had barely heard. What was it? She struggled to understand the sounds. Chimera? One of the Gaian's cursed totems. The fool had called out to his totem at the last. Pitiful. She would eat this Chimera herself. - Pg. 258-259

"These are the last days. May Gaia have mercy on us." - The Prophecy of the Phoenix, "The Seventh Sign," Pg. 260

He remembered Crying Bird's words: It has been free since the king-slaying. The Uktena only captured its heart. Its tendrils have always touched the descendants of those who participated in that slaying. You are the Healer of the Past. You must set things aright. You must atone for your ancestor's wrongs.
Evan felt a lurch in his stomach and a chill up his spine as he realized what the ancestors had told him but which he had refused to see. The Heartsplinter touched the descendants of the slayer. Evan had to atone for her wrongs. He was the descendant of the slayer. He could see the Heartsplinter because it was in his blood. He wasn't its nemesis - he was its progeny. - Pg. 279

"Mephi?" Evan said. "You're dead, too? I thought you were supposed to be faster than that," he said with a smile.
Mephi smiled. "Very funny, Evan. No, I'm not dead. And you shouldn't be either."
Evan frowned. "I don't understand. I stabbed myself with a big knife. I definitely should be dead."
"Yeah," Mephi said. "Under any other circumstance, you'd be toast. But Shem-ha-Tau here says it's not meant to be." Mephi indicated the Silent Strider next to him. "Seems your favor for the ancestors gets you a 'get out of death free' card." - Pg. 281

"The Wyrm creatures are heading for the material world," Mephi said. "They're coming here."
Albrecht growled. "She said she'd be back, with the armies of Malfeas behind her. The bitch is looking for me. It's that goddamn prophecy. She probably actually believes it."
Evan looked uncomfortably at Albrecht. "What if it is true? What if she is destined to 'slay the last Gaian King?"
"Oh for crying out loud! Not you, too? It's a bunch of Black Spiral Dancer propaganda! I almost had her! Another few rounds and she would have been paste. She knew it, so she cut and ran. Had to go get allies to take me on. Well, we're going to be ready for her. Let her try!"
Mari smiled. "That's the spirit, Albrecht!" - Pg. 288

"Shantar!" Moon-Sister cried.
"The dragon ate her!" Canopus said.
Altair frowned. Dragon? He looked at his septmates. "There is no dragon. Only an endlessly devouring mouth. A black hole."
Canopus and Moon-Sister looked at him as if he were crazy. The others also looked at him strangely.
"Can't you see it?" Canopus said. "It's a huge dragon, its tail stretching back into the farthest reaches, past our vision."
Altair nodded. He understood now. "You see with the eyes of hope. Your vision is clouded by reliance on forms. Forget what you know and see clearly. See the entity for what it truly is: a cosmic force of Uncreation."
They nodded slowly, barely comprehending. They were powerful Stargazers, but they had not yet learned to see past all the illusions their minds foisted upon them. When faced with the unimaginable, their minds sought to give it form, even if it was the very manifestation of formlessness.
"What does this mean?" Canopus said.
"The Wyrm is loose," Altair said. "It does what it does. It destroys."
"No," Moon-Sister said. "The Wyrm, once freed of its prison, is a force of balance. It is supposed to destroy only those things which are out of balance: the Weaver that chokes the universe."
Altair gave them a wry smile. "In a perfect universe, this would be true. But in a perfect universe, there would be no imbalance. The Wyrm is not truly free. It is loosed from its cage, but it is leashed to the will of its own corrupt children. Do you now see the dilemma of believing an illusion rather than the truth? The Wyrm has succumbed to its own lies, a story it told to those it hoped would set it free. Now, like so many beings, it is trapped by its own story."
"How can you be so damn cold?" Canopus yelled. "That thing is destroying all we know and love - the very planets themselves, damn it! And you sit here philosophizing about it!"
Altair raised an eyebrow. "What would you have me do? Fight it? To what end? It acts from ignorance. The cure is truth. How would you administer it?"
"I don't know! All I know is it's wrong to just sit back and... and think about it! We're Garou! It's our job to defend Gaia. To fight for her with our last breath."
"Fighting is not always about fists." - Pg. 298-299

Canopus howled and the others joined in. A dirge of parting. Before it was complete, Canopus broke the howl, staring out into space, eyes wide and mouth gaping. The others followed his gaze.
The Moon was gone, but not devoured. The dragon circled in the sky, searching for its silver prey, roaring in anger. There was no sign of the white teeth. There was no sign of the white orb.
Altair smiled, pleased. "She has bought us some time. We must depart now."
The radiance beneath them dimmed. The moon path was failing.
Altair began walking, leading them back to the tower. "Come. There may just be time to open a final moon bridge before they all fail."
"I don't understand," Canopus said, following behind Altair but glancing back at the sky, looking for the Moon. "Where did Luna go?"
"She shed her skin," Altair said. "She metamorphosed into the invisible moon, the 'no moon.'"
Canopus blinked. "She can do that? Go from full to new without waning first."
"Only at great cost to her power and servants," Altair said. "Already, many Lunes will have dissipated. We must hurry."
Moon-Sister smiled. "In the material world, a new moon means the sun's light is blocked by Gaia. But here, in the Umbra, she becomes intangible and invisible, the Keeper of Secrets. And not even the Wyrm can find her!" She laughed. - Pg. 305

"So what's the battle plan?"
Albrecht sat down on a rock that had been cleared and covered with a furred pelt. "I'll fill everyone in once Abbot gets here. No use repeating myself." He gestured at the space next to him. "This is your seat for the powwow."
Evan rolled his eyes. "That's not politically correct, Albrecht. A lot of my tribemates are justifiably sensitive about the misuse of their language and culture." He sat down anyway, smiling, glad to be beside the king during an important meeting.
Albrecht held out his hands as if to say, O lord, why me. "Okay. How about this: We'll call it an overview of our strategic-tactical procedures during the expected conflict."
Evan smiled and shook his head. "Too wonky."
Albrecht smiled. "War briefing?"
Evan nodded. "Succinct and descriptive."
"If we get through this thing alive, you're my new minister of propaganda." - Pg. 308

"Something's bugging you," Evan said. "Spill it. You can hide it from others, but not us."
Albrecht looked wearily at Evan and Mari. "I failed big time. It's all my fault we're in this mess."
Mari frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"
Albrecht crossed his arms, still leaning against the cliff. "Tvarivich asked me to join her and the Margrave. He was gathering an army. She wanted me to lead it with them. I refused, too damn concerned about getting home."
"That doesn't sound selfish to me," Evan said. "You had no idea what was going on back here. Nobody could have predicted things would get this bad."
"The Plain of the Apocalypse," Albrecht said, staring out across the valley. "For Gaia's sake, if I only knew it would come to that... If I'd been there, maybe I could've turned the tide. You heard Mephi's report. If Tvarivich killed the Black Spiral Dancer general, the army would have been in disarray. I could have pressed that advantage. If we'd won there, this thing would be over."
"What makes you think that?" Mari said, incredulous.
"You've heard the legends about that place. The final battle was supposed to be fought there. What if that was the final battle? We lost. That means we're just part of the Wyrm's clean-up operation. If we'd won there, maybe Zhyzhak wouldn't have succeeded, or wouldn't be as powerful."
"You're wrong," Mari said with a growl. "This is the most egotistical bullshit I've ever heard. You would have died there with the rest of them. Your duty led you here, Albrecht. There's a reason for it. The Heartsplinter, the Ancient Bear, this valley - it's not coincidence. The last battle is meant to be here. It always has been - here on earth, not in some distant Umbral realm where no sane spirit actually lives."
Albrecht looked at her. "I don't deny there's some sort of providence in this place, Mari. But it feels a lot more like a final refuge than a battlefield."
"Quit this sulking," Mari said, pacing. "You've got a whole army of Garou who have fled their caerns to fight here with you. Get out there and show your face again."
"She's right," Evan said. "We're all feeling the weight of this, you most of all. But it's what you've been working toward since you were born. You're the king. You wear the Silver Crown. When they see that band on your head, they know they belong here, fighting for something greater than their own territory."
Albrecht stepped forward and smiled. "The tough love committee. Thanks." He stretched, standing at his full eight. "You're right. No use living in the past, reliving bad decisions. I've got to get out there and review the troops." - Pg. 315-316

Albrecht said nothing for a while, staring at the sky. "You said the moon was in hiding. You mean Luna, right? If so, why'd I see her earlier?"
"Her material reflection still shines. Only her spiritual shadow is occulted. The Wyrm sought to devour her, but she sloughed her skin, leaving it nothing to grasp."
Albrecht smiled. "Good old Luna. As long as the moon shines in this world, we've got a chance." - Pg. 322

Altair stumbled aside from the passage entrance. He clutched his left arm; he could no longer move it. He had fought in the second line, using his advanced fighting skills to keep the Wyrm forces at bay. Then his companions broke and ran, listening to a voice that carried across the valley.
He looked over at Martin and groaned when he saw the cub's third, red glowing eye, just below the silver band on his brow. The prophecy had come true. The omen Loba had most feared about the boy. And the armies of destruction marched forth, led by the child that should not be and bearing the sign of the eye of devourer upon its brow.
Martin had clearly used the Silver Crown's powers of command, bolstered by the hypnotic red eye, to orchestrate a terrible rout of Garou forces.
Then he heard the voice, the strange, warbling female voice issuing from Martin's throat. It was not Martin's voice. He frowned. He knew that voice. He had heard it before. Ruatma, the Incarna of Uranus, had spoken a prophecy about Martin, but he called him 'the Shadow Queen.' Altair had always wondered about the gender discrepancy; he now understood. Martin was possessed by a spirit, one so subtle and powerful it had gone undetected even by the greatest seers. He silently cursed himself for letting Loba keep the boy away from other Garou for so long. They might have sensed it before this disastrous moment.
He saw King Albrecht, backed against a wall by his own warriors. They slashed at him, keeping him from approaching Martin. Why doesn't Martin's voice affect me? he wondered. Have I progressed that far beyond illusion?
He shook his head and bolted forward, charging at the boy. Martin, who watched King Albrecht, failed to see the large Garou coming straight at him. Altair grasped the boy's head in both his hands, holding tight, keeping Martin from turning his eye upon him. His palms burned where they touched the Silver Crown and he grunted in pain. He leaned his jaw against the boy's ear and whispered two single words, backed by all his power: "Break free." - Pg. 338-339

Falcon! By the power of the Sun and Moon that forged this crown, give me the strength to destroy that bitch! If it's that last goddamn thing I do! - Pg. 343, Albrecht pleading to Falcon in aid to destroy Zhyzhak

Altair, his breathing slow and labored, tried to smile. He had dropped in and out of consciousness, trying to muster the strength to live. He had witnessed Martin's victory over the bane within him and knew that both prophecies had come true. The Perfect Metis was both the world's doom and its savior. Too bad Zhyzhak had had killed him before he could further assert his powers against the Wyrm.
He watched as the black hole beyond the valley's passage slowly are itself. As the singularity burst into a pinprick of pure light, he marveled at the star. His tribe's symbol was a star. He had suspected when he witnessed the Wyrm's battle with Rorg that more was afoot than mere appearances suggested. He had seen his tribe's totem, Chimera, deep within the black hole. - Pg. 345

He scanned the bodies, looking for Mephi Faster-Than-Death, hoping the galliard had survived. Somebody had to tell the tale. But there was no sign of his body anywhere. - Pg. 346

A figure stirred near Albrecht. Mari Cabrah opened her eyes, feeling a terrible pain in her ribs and chest. She looked over at Evan and Albrecht and choked back a sob. She watched the snow fall slowly over them.
She looked out over the valley and watched the snow pile up around the megaliths, pregnant with the slumbering spirits none of them could awaken. She wondered: Was there even a world left for them to awaken into?
She closed her eyes, feeling her body grow numb, but then snapped them open again with a growl. She remembered. Her duty was not yet done.
Her hand fumbled in her pocket and withdrew the nut she had taken from the Most Ancient's tangled hair. Nothing else matters, the Ancient had said. Mari looked at it, examining its seamless, hard surface. With her other hand, she used her claws to dig into the hard dirt, wincing in pain with the strength it required to open a hole big enough for the small object.
She placed the nut in the hole in the hole and scraped the lose dirt on top of it, covering the hole. She waited, watching. Time passed, moments impossible to count. Nothing happened.
She closed her eyes, tired and numb, and forgot what she was waiting for.
The snow fell, covering her with its mantle, wrapping her and her packmates beneath a single white sheet. A cold wind whistled through the valley, blowing the snow in small circles as it fell.
From the ground by Mari's hand, a single green shoot rose from the earth. - Pg. 346-347


  • Speaks-in-Silence - Garou
  • Zhyzhak
  • Slatescrape-ikthya
  • White-Eye-ikthya - Black Spiral Dancer - Uktena
  • Ghavaaldt - Black Spiral Dancer, previous caern leader, died
  • Mange-Breath - Black Spiral Dancer, Trinity Hive Guardian
  • Palefish - Black Spiral Dancer Metis
  • Galvarg - Black Spiral Dancer, leads Gaian warriors to the Labyrinth, Duty-Bound
  • King Albrecht
  • Lord Byeli - Silver Fang Galliard
  • Nightmane - Female Garou Theurge
  • Queen Tamara Tvarivich - Died
  • Lord Arkady
  • Jo'cllath'mattric
  • Goldflame - Silver Fang
  • Birchbark - Female Silver Fang Theurge, Missing
  • Rustarivich Golden-Paw - Silver Fang, Firebird Sept Leader
  • Margrave Konietzko - Died
  • Blackhammer - Silver Fang
  • Mari Cabrah
  • Evan Heals-the-Past, "Snow Skin"
  • Aurak Moondancer - Wendigo Theurge, Sept of the Winter Wolf
  • Broken Talon - Silver Fang, Sept of the Crescent Moon
  • Erik Honnunger - Silver Fang, Sometimes spelled as "Eric"
  • Jarlsdottir
  • Yorgi Firedancer - Ragabash Shadow Lord, Smoking Tower Sept
  • Ivan Sukosin - Gatekeeper of the Sept of the Crescent Moon
  • Derick Hardtooth - Silver Fang Theurge
  • Most Ancient of Bears - Female Gurahl, died
  • Heartsplinter - Destroyed
  • Quiet Storm - Female Ragabash Wendigo, Sept of the Winter Wolf
  • John North Wind's Son
  • Flint Knife - Ahroun Wendigo, Sept of the Winter Wolf, Died
  • Cries-at-Sundown - Uktena Banetender, Died
  • Painted Claw - Ahroun Wendigo, Sept of the Winter Wolf, War Chieftan
  • Narlthus
  • Lame Paw - Wendigo Gatekeeper of the Sept of the Winter Wolf
  • Julia Spencer
  • Carlita Big Sis
  • Storm-Eye
  • Cries Havoc
  • Mother Larissa
  • Fengy
  • Loba Carcassone - Died
  • Alani Astarte
  • Thomas Abbot
  • Johnathon Strongheart - Children of Gaia
  • Liza - Female Children of Gaia
  • Martin - Perfect Metis, Ahroun
  • Sirius Darkstar - Stargazer Theurge
  • Antonine Teardrop - Devoured
  • Persimmon Cloud - Female Stargazer, New Abbot of the Purest Resolve Sept
  • Number Two
  • Prince of Enigmas - Bane of the Eight Circle of the black Labyrinth
  • Shazi Windwhistler - Silent Strider, Open Road Pack
  • Feedback - Glass Walker, Open Road Pack
  • Jacky Brokentooth - Fianna, Open Road Pack
  • Jim Jurgens, "Broadshanks" - Get of Fenris, The Vanguard Pack
  • Al Krupp, "Ironclaw" - Get of Fenris, The Vanguard Pack, Died
  • Fred Berger, "Runestone" - Get of Fenris, The Vanguard Pack
  • Tommy D - Bone Gnawer, Dawn Rover Pack
  • Sasha Sharpeye - Female Bone Gnawer, Dawn Rover Pack
  • Dweezil - Bone Gnawer, Dawn Rover Pack
  • Loper - Lupus Bone Gnawer Theurge, Dawn Rover Pack
  • Great Horn - Uktena, Niagara Falls Sept
  • Delilah - Black Fury, Athena's Shield Pack
  • Tom, "Black Bellower" - Galliard Fianna
  • Gleaming Tree - Philodox Wendigo
  • Crying Bird - Lupus Wendigo Theurge, Died
  • Swift-Talker - Philodox Wendigo, Died
  • King-Slayer - Past Garou, Evan's Ancestor
  • The Binding Stone - Past Garou Theurge, Last Guardian of the Heartsplinter, before there were tribes
  • Mephi Faster-Than-Death
  • Sergiy Dawntreader - Children of Gaia, Sept of Dawn Leader
  • Wepauwet
  • Charvas Yurkin - Ex-Get of Fenris, Black Spiral Dancer, served Baba Yaga, General of the Wyrm Forces at Battleground
  • Altair - Stargazer
  • Canopus Skydancer - Stargazer, Sept of the Stars
  • Shadow Queen - Bane, Female, Possesses the Perfect Metis
  • Guliera Moon-Sister - Black Fury, Sept of the Prophecy
  • Shem-ha-Tau - Silent Strider Ancestor Spirit
  • Kleon Winston
  • Diode - Female Glass Walker
  • Pearl River
  • True Silverheels
  • Morningkill - Mentioned
  • Dark Runner - Garou
  • DuBois
  • Aliara
  • Doge Klypse
  • Thurifuge


Abodes of Death, Adirondacks, Aetherial Realm, Airts, America, Ancestor Spirits, Anthelios (Eye of the Wyrm, Red Star, Red Eye), Apocalypse, Arc Oil (Pentex subsidiary), Arrow's Fall (Byeli's Pack), Athena's Shield Pack, Aura, Baba Yaga, Balefire, Balkans, Bane, Bane Arrows, Banetenders, Battleground (Plain of the Apocalypse), Bawn, Beast of War, Bitter Rages, Black Lacquer Box, Black Spiral Labyrinth, Boar Spear Pack, Boon, Bowery, British Isles, Bronx, Budapest, Buffalo, Canada, Central Park, Charon, Chicago, Chimera, China, Corax, Crawling Poison, Curse, Dawn Rover Pack, Deep Umbra, Defiler Wyrm, Dratossi, Dream Realm, Duchy, Eater-of-Souls, Egypt, Elder, Europe, Falcon, Fang Dagger, Ferectoi, Ferryman, Fetish, Fifth Rank, Fifth Talon, Finger Lakes Caern, Firebird, Firebird Sept, First Change, First Dawn, First Wolf, Five Talons of the Wyrm, Fomor/Fomori, Frenzy, Furmlings, Gaia, Gaian King, Garou Nation, Gatekeeper, Gauntlet, Germany, Ghost, Glade, Grammaw, Grandfather, Grand Klaive, Great Tortoise, Green Dragon, Guardian, Gurahl, Helios, Hellhole, Hogling, Hordes of Valhalla (Spirits), House Crescent Moon, House Wyrmfoe, Howl of Departing, Incarna, Ivory Priesthood, Kinfolk, Klaive, Leeches, Legacy Rite, Litany, Little Brother, London, Lu-Bat, Luna (Betrayed Moon), Lunes, Maeljin, Maeljin Incarna, Malfeas, Meros, Middle Brother, Montana, Moon bridge, Moon Calf, Moon path, Morningkill Estate, Moscow, Mount Meru, Near Umbra, Nerigal, Net Spider, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, New York City, Nexus Crawler, Niagara Falls, North Country Caern/Protectorate, Older Brother, Ooralath, Open Road Pack, Pack, Pangaea, Pangaia, Pangaian Moot, Patagia, Path of the Milky Way, Pattern Spiders, Pattern Web, Pegasus, Pentex, Penumbra, Phoenix, Pit, Poland, Pool of Sorrows, Position Stormcrow, Prophecy of the Phoenix, Protectorate, Psychomachiae, Purest Resolve Monastery, Rage, Rat, Rirab Lhungpo, Rite of Passage, Roads of the Dead, Rorg, Ruatma, Russia, Scar, Scrags, Sept of the Crescent Moon, Sept of the Green, Sept of the Stars, Sept Leader, "The Secret of Rulership", Seventh Generation, Shadow Curtain, Shantar, Shigalu Monastery, Silver, Silver Crown, Silver River Pack, Silver Spiral, Skull Pigs, Smoking Tower Sept (Budapest), Soul, Spirit, Spirit Wilds, Spirit World, Steadfast Friend (Hare Spirit), Stepped Sideways, "Steps of the Ancestors", Stone Fist Pack, Stonehenge, Stormcrow, Sub-realm, Summerlands, Taint, Tao Chemicals, Temple Obscura, Thunderwyrm, Tisza, Totem, Trinity Hive Caern, Umbra, Underworld, Unicorn, United States, Ural Mountains, Vampires, The Vanguard Pack, Vegarda (Pole Star), Velvet Curtain, Vermont, "The Wall of Heroes", Warder, Weaver, Wild Hunt (Spirits), Winter Wolf Sept, Womb of Gaia (Gurahl Caern), Wyld, Wyrm, Wyrmcomer, Wyrm Elementals, Zagorsk, Zarok, Zmei,

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