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The Hedge is a 2024 sourcebook released for Changeling: The Lost.


From the seller's page:

Once upon a time, you fled through the Thorns, wanting nothing more than to get away, to get home.
But the place you ran through along the way was more than just the brambles that catch and tear. The Hedge is home to hobgoblins and faerie creatures, a source of wonders and delights even as it’s home to snarling, snapping briarwolves.
You just had to learn your way around.
The Hedge includes:
  • Storytelling advice for setting your adventure within the Hedge, including systems for creating Groves and new locations for motleys to visit.
  • Rules for Hedge sorcery, including how to craft your own rituals.
  • An exploration of the Dreaming Roads, the Bastions that connect to them, and fellow travelers you might meet along the way.
  • A collection of storyteller characters and new Entitlements for use in your game.



Prologue: The Two Carolines[]

Chapter One: Journey[]

Chapter Two: Destination[]

Chapter Three: Hedge Sorcery[]

Chapter Four: Wheelings and Dealings[]

Chapter Five: The Dreaming Roads[]

Chapter Six: Faces[]

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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