The Faithful and the Forsaken is a sourcebook for the Scarred Lands d20 setting.
- Dark Dwarves and Lost Elves
- A sourcebook for any fantasy campaign, both the Scarred Lands and elsewhere.
- Once, the high elves commanded a powerful empire, opposed only by the wicked Charduni — ferocious evil dwarves with a thirst for conquest. Today, both races are a mere whisper of their former selves. The elves went from high to forsaken as they lost their god, while the Charduni's vast kingdom crumbled to a small remnant.
- The Search for Salvation
- Yet change is in the wind. Hope of possible salvation rouses the forsaken elves. The dark dwarves also stir, determined to regain the favor of their dread god, Chardun. And as two fallen races struggle for redemption, the conflict of ancient enemies threatens to begin anew.
- This Sword & Sorcery™ book is published under the Open Game License and is 100% compatible with 3rd Edition rules and the d20 System.
Chapter One: The Rose and the Chain[]
Chapter Two: A Land Forsaken[]
Chapter Three: People of Hope and Despair[]
Chapter Four: Forsaken Secrets[]
Chapter Five: Adventures[]
Appendix: Prestige Classes[]
Memorable Quotes[]
Previous book: SL: Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary |
Game Books Scarred Lands books |
Next book: SL: Vigil Watch: Secrets of the Asaatthi |