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The Exiled is an expansion for EVE: The Second Genesis, a collectible card game.


EVE The Exiled Booster Pack
EVE The Exiled is an expansion for the collectible card game EVE The Second Generation. This product is one single booster pack. Each booster pack contains 15 randomly sorted cards from the 161 cards in ESG: The Exiled (10 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare and 1 home region or outer region). It has a 25% chance of containing a foiled premium card that replaces a card of the same rarity.
EVE The Exiled Booster Display
EVE The Exiled is an expansion for the collectible card game EVE The Second Generation. The ESG: The Exiled Booster Display contains 24 booster packs and a random rare foil card.
Each booster pack contains 15 randomly sorted cards from the 161 cards in ESG: The Exiled (10 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare and 1 home region or outer region). It has a 25% chance of containing a foiled premium card that replaces a card of the same rarity.
EVE The Exiled Starter Display
EVE The Exiled is an expansion for the collectible card game EVE The Second Generation. EVE: The Second Genesis is a collectible card game created by the developers of the award-winning MMOG EVE Online. This starter display box contains 8 starter decks, 2 decks each of Angel Cartel, Blood Raiders, Guristas and Serpentis.
Each pre-built starter deck contains fifty cards, coins and a rules booklet.
EVE The Exiled Starter Guristas
EVE The Exiled Starter Serpentis
EVE The Exiled Starter Angel Cartel
EVE The Exiled Starter Blood Raiders

Background Information[]


Table of Contents: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Previous Product:
ETSG: EVE: The Second Genesis
Collectible card game
EVE: The Second Genesis
Next Set:
