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The Essential World of Darkness is an omnibus collection of five World of Darkness novels, one for each of the five core World of Darkness game lines (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Wraith: The Oblivion and Changeling: The Dreaming). The Vampire novel in this volume, Vampire Diary: The Embrace, is actually a reprint of a novel that was previously published as a standalone book in a nontraditional format.


From the White Wolf catalog:

One world.
Five visions.
Enter White Wolf Game Studio's World of Darkness through the eyes of six master storytellers.
Vampire Diary: The Embrace
Mark Rein•Hagen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Robert Weinberg (Blood War)
In the shadows of Los Angeles, a young artist fights for love and life among black lights and wild music. Then he catches the attention of an ancient vampire...
Shaman Moon
Owl Goingback (Crota - winner of the 1997 Bram Stoker Award)
In the wilds of the Great Smoky Mountains, a young orphan werewolf must prove her right to power as a Guardian of the Fang, defender of Gaia against the foul spirits of the Wyrm. But a blood-red moon is rising...
Lightning Under Glass
Scott Ciencin (The Lurker Files: Incarnate)
Three mages - one mercenary, one rogue, and one very wild talent - race against fate, corruption and each other in a contest for control of reality. But no matter how fast they go, their old enemies are always one step ahead...
Except You Go Through Shadow
David Niall Wilson (To Sift Through Bitter Ashes)
A loyal suicide cultist finds himself dead - a wraith - not in the Paradise he was promised, and sets out to find the Prophet who led him there. But the Prophet is looking for him, too...
Playing With Fire
Esther M. Freisner (The Psalms of Herod)
In San Francisco's Chinatown, a Fae youth wrestles with his Chinese and Changeling heritage and learns to wield strange powers. Everything's aces - until a friend falls into the clutches of the Unseelie Court...


  • Vampire Diary: The Embrace by Mark Rein•Hagen and Robert Weinberg, illustrated by Daniel Thron and Chris Elliott (referred to as "Vampire Diary: The Embraced" on its title page)
  • Shaman Moon by Owl Goingback
    • The Sacred Laws of the Wendigo
    • Part I
      • Chapter One - Chapter Eight
    • Part II
      • Chapter Nine - Chapter Sixteen
    • Part III
      • Chapter Seventeen - Chapter Twenty Eight
      • Epilogue
  • Lightning Under Glass by Scott Ciencin
    • Prologue
    • Chapter One - Chapter Thirteen
    • Epilogue
  • Except You Go Through Shadow by David Niall Wilson
    • Chapter One - Chapter Twenty One
  • Playing With Fire by Esther M. Freisner
    • Chapter One - Chapter Fifteen
    • Epilogue
  • Beyond This Book
  • Other World of Darkness Fiction

Background Information[]

  • Shaman Moon is a continuation of the short story, "Fang of the Wolf," from the When Will You Rage? anthology.
  • In Shaman Moon, "Utluhtu, Spearfinger" is described as a forgotten type of Little People (Nunnehi), a Witch, a Skin Walker and a Spirit. This would be years before Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition added Skin Walkers as a Thallain kith.
  • Lightning Under Glass was originally planned as an Art Fiction Book for April 1997.[1]
  • Playing With Fire on the back of the book is described as talking place in San Francisco, this is a mistake, it actually takes place in New York.
  • The werewolf references in Playing With Fire (See quotes below) are to the Rage CCG and to the cardboard cutout of Shogecka Hunter Moon.

Memorable Quotes[]

"There was a werewolf in the doorway. Tony rubbed its snout for luck as he sidled past it... Tony looked back at the kid, who was studying the freestanding cardboard cutout werewolf with unabashed delight. It was almost as tall as he. The kid cautiously extended one finger to touch the embossed fangs, only to jerk it back with a yelp of pain so convincing that Tony jumped. The kid killed himself laughing over that." - Playing With Fire, pg. 597

"The nocker snagged a fruit from the basket and pitched it fastball style at Jordon, who ducked. It splattered against a poster on the wall behind him, steaking sticky juice all over the slick picture of a raging werewolf." - Playing With Fire, pg. 694


  • Vampire Diary: The Embrace
    • Auston Jacobson - Ventrue, Claudius' Childe
    • Ben Jacobson - Auston's Brother, Mortal
    • Danya - Female Blood Doll, Mortal
    • Kary - Neverland Manager, Mortal
    • Claudius - Ventrue
    • Myk - Neverland DJ, Mortal
    • Drake - Claudius' Bodyguard
  • Shaman Moon
    • Heather Ocoee, "Medicine Wolf" - Female Wendigo Theurge, Guardian of the Fang
    • Sam Nakai - Wendigo Theurge, Blue Sash Society Member, Died
    • John Nakai - Sam's Father, Wendigo Kinfolk
    • Runs-On-Fire - Garou Elder, Wendigo
    • Joseph Swimmer - Wendigo Kinfolk, Member of the Sitting Wolf Sept, Died
    • Michael Pathkiller - Wendigo, Member of the Sept Leader and Pack Leader of the Sitting Wolf Sept/Pack, Died
    • Moon Singer - Black Fury Pack Leader of the Daughters of the Sun
    • Utluhtu, Spearfinger - Witch/Skin Walker, Nunnehi, Spirit, Destroyed
    • Suntock - Heather's father, Wendigo Ahroun
    • Lydia Ocoee - Female Wendigo Kinfolk, Heather's mother
    • Shadow Dancer - Nightmaster's sister, Garou, Died
    • Margaret Zimbraw, "Iron Maiden" - Female Wyrm-tainted Human, Runs Pentex Home for Girls
    • Maria Alvarez - Mortal, Girl at the Orphanage, Died
    • Linda - Mortal
    • Nightmaster - Mentioned
    • Klaital - Mentioned
  • Lightning Under Glass
    • Julian Ibiero - "Lord Shaper," "Lord of the Dead," Orphan Mage, Owner and Designer of Enigma Fashions, Died
    • Marietta Townsend - Julian's Mother
    • Shivraj Ibiero - Julian's Father, Died
    • Viku - Julian's Friend
    • Channi - Scout for Flesh Merchants, Died
    • Sunder - Mortal, Died, Brought back to life by Julian, Animated Corpse
    • Freddy - Mortal, Died
    • Maxine Anderson, "Max" - Female Mage, Former Employee of Infinity Software, No Tradition
    • Lauren Price - Infinity Software Employee
    • Ted Brenner - CEO of Infinity Software
    • James Willits - Supervisor, Infinity Software
    • Glynnis - Temp., Infinity Software
    • Roger Aikland - Infinity Software
    • Julie Pratchett - New Executive Assistant, Infinity Software
    • Arlan - Roger's estranged wife
    • Mrs. Lang - Brenner's Personal Assistant, Infinity Software
    • Greg Callan - Legal Consultant for Infinity Software
    • Phil Suello - Maxine's Former boyfriend
    • Neve Ryan - Works for Enigma Fashions
    • Alisa Aleman - Model
    • Cheryl
    • Tommy Tusedell
    • Butch - Paradox demon transformed into a pet dog
    • Gina Gala
    • Mark - Vampire
    • Batista - Female Garou, Ben and Christopher's Maid
    • Ben
    • Christopher
    • Neelam - Someone Julian Loved, Died
    • Emalle - Orphan Mage, Died
    • Benjoon
    • X'an - Julian's mentor, Mage
    • Jian Zhao - Virtual Adept Mage
    • Mitchell Marazzi - Ex-Cult of Ecstasy Mage, Died
    • Rosanna Arquette
    • Phil - Technocrat Mage
    • Erik - Technocrat Mage
    • Paul Rogers - Technocrat Mage
    • Jeremy, "Chrome" - Technomancer Mage, Died
    • Durjaya Vikram - Mage
    • Nochuro Nabaska - Ancient Mage, Died
    • Christina - Flight Attendant
    • Bob - Flight Attendant
    • Ed Hauser - In-House Software Designer for Infinity Software, Died
    • Tricia - Infinity Software Employee
    • Peter Jacque - Model and Pilot for Julian
    • Marjory - Mortal, Julian's Personal Assistant
    • Linda - Mortal, Model
    • Naomi - Mortal, Model
    • Pax - Mortal, Guide
    • Hero - Eternal Mage
    • Anne Jean-Marie - Tradition Mage
    • Billie Jean - Mage
    • Roger Malcolm - Billie's Ex-husband
    • Weaponsmaster, "Roland" - Guardian at the Gate, Spirit
    • Forty-Seven - Group of Technocrat Operatives, destroyed
    • Joey Phillips - Technocrat Operative, Mitchell's New Body
    • Snyder - Technocrat Mage
  • Except You Go Through Shadow
    • Love/Eddie "Deathwish" Constantine, "The Beast" - Wraith, Cult Member, Heretic
    • Elliot Fontana - Wraith, Cult Leader, Heretic
    • Din - Wraith, Slaver, Serves Bontempt
    • Sully - Wraith, Slaver, Serves Bontempt
    • Darius Bontempt - Wraith, Hierarch
    • Llanna - Female Wraith, Heretic
    • Crassus - Barghest
    • Brutus - Barghest
    • Hope - Female Wraith, Cult Member, Heretic
    • Charity - Wraith, Cult Member, Heretic
    • Cindy Lawson, "Faith" - Female Wraith, Cult Member, Heretic
    • Archangel Raphael - Wraith, Cult Member, Heretic
    • Archangel Michael - Wraith, Cult Member, Heretic
    • Archangel Uriel - Wraith, Cult Member, Heretic
    • Archangel Gabriel - Wraith, Cult Member, Heretic
    • Razz - Wraith, Slaver, Gone
    • Doughboy - Wraith, Slaver, Gone
    • Cyclops - Bontempt's Second Eye, Crow
    • Murph - Wraith, Hierarch
    • Chamelia - Female Wraith, Hierarch
    • England - Wraith, Federal Agent
    • Cappy - Ex-Legionnaire Wraith, Ferryman
    • Beulah - Female Wraith, Guard, Hierarch
    • Seth - Wraith, Heretic, Ferryman
    • Bobby - Wraith, Heretic
    • Reverend Forbes - Wraith
    • Jim - Wraith, Destroyed
    • Anton McLean - Wraith
    • Madge - Mortal
  • Playing With Fire
    • Tony Lee, "Anthony Edward Lee" - Kithless Changeling, Lung's Grandson
    • Skiz - Mortal
    • Hank - Mortal
    • Guy - Mortal
    • Nicky - Mortal
    • Ashley - Mortal
    • Jordan Avery - Owner of the Wild Things Comic Shop, Human ally to Tony Lee and aware of Changelings
    • Nok Nok - Seelie Eshu Childling, Lavena's Consort
    • Marcus - Mortal
    • Joe - Mortal
    • Ike - Mortal
    • Miss Hilton - Mortal
    • Sylv - Female Seelie Nocker
    • Master Lung, "Liu Lung Ming" - Human who thinks he's a Seelie Changeling
    • Magloire, "Mags" - Unseelie Satyr
    • Deni - Female Seelie Mink Pooka
    • Lavena Dubh - Female Sluagh, Legendary
    • Sonnet - Female Seelie Tuxedo Cat Pooka
    • Teddy - Mortal Waiter at Chrysalis
    • Xia Xiao - Aka "Kuan Yin", Goddess of Mercy
    • Prinx - Troll
    • Camellia - Changeling
    • Rupert - Changeling
    • King David - Mentioned
    • Popo, "George Ricci" - Boggan Grump
    • Jiang - Master Lung's friend
    • Tirall - Seelie Sluagh
    • Telamon - Seelie Satyr Childling
    • Varna - Female Seelie Troll
    • Tans - Mortal Family
    • Mabel - Mortal
    • Elizabeth - Jiang's Granddaughter, Mortal


Vampire Diary: The Embrace: Bangkok, Beast, Blood Doll, Caine, California, Childer, Clan, Embrace, Hunger, Los Angeles, Malibu, Masquerade, Minnesota, Neverland (Night Club), New York, Progenitor, Reno, Sire, Traditions, Vampire, Ventrue; Shaman Moon: Abyss, Ahroun, Ancestor Spirit, Ataga'Iti (Sacred Lake in the Umbra), Badger, Banes, Banth (Wyrm Spirits), Black Hills, Black Spiral Dancers, Blight, Caern, California, Calumn, Canada, Ceremony of the Flame (Ritual), Cleveland, Cliath, Crinos, Croataon, Dark Watchers (Nightmaster's Pack), The Daughters of the Sun Pack (Black Furies), Deep Umbra, Delirium, Eater-of-Souls, The Fang of the Wolf (Fetish), Fianna, Fran's Diner, Gaia, Garou, Gauntlet, Germany, Get of Fenris, Giant Rolling Head, Golden Path, Greece, Helios, Hive, Homid (breed), Homid (form), Idaho, Iron Path, Kinfolk, Legendary Realm, Little People, Los Angeles, Lupus (breed), Lupus (form), Malfeas, Marty's Pizza, Metis, Monterey Mountain, Moon Bridge, Moon Path, Nee Yah Kah Tah Kee (Great Wolf Spirit), New Mexico, Nexus Crawler, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pacific Northwest, Pack, Pattern Spider, Pentex, Pentex Home for Girls (Orphanage: CA), Personal Totem, Philodox, Pits, Pure Land, Quebec, Rage, Realm, Rite of Passage, San Francisco, Sept, Sept of the Sitting Wolf (Wendigo), Sept Leader, Shadow Lords, Shaman Moon (Blood Moon), Silent Striders, Silver Fangs, Silver Path, Silver Touch (Gift), Sitting Wolf Pack (Wendigo), Skin Walkers, Smoky Mountains, Society of Nidhogg, Song of Greeting, South Dakota, Spirits, Spirit Sending Song, Sportman's Bar, Stargazers, Tennessee, Theurge, Tlanuwa (Hawk Spirit), Totem, Tribe, Tsul'Kalu (Giant), Uktena, Umbra, Umbral, Watie's Cafe, Wa Ya Ny Wa Ti (Medicine Wolf, Heather Ocoee's Title), Wendigo, Werewolf, Wyld, Wyrm, Wyrm-Spawn; Lightning Under Glass: Acolyte, Amazing Grace Elephant Company (Shop), Art, The Art Bar (Seattle Loc.), Ascension, Astral Travel, Attention '97 (Fashion Event), Aura, Australia, Avatars, Awakened, Awakening, Bangkok, Bangladesh, Boroko, Buttery (Irish Pub), Calcutta, California, Cathedral of Swords, Changelings, Chantry, China, Clan, Coincidental Magick, Construct, Cork, Cult of Ecstasy, Cyborg, Darjeeling, Demons, Divisions, Dublin, Durandal (Talisman), Edmonds, Enigma Fashions, Euthanatos, Garou, Gauntlet, The Harlot (Trinity Campus Newspaper), Hollow One, Hollywood, Hong Kong, India, Infinity Software (Company), Ireland, Islander Travelodge (New Guinea Hotel), Japan, Kindred, Kopi Haus Coffee Shop, London, Madagascar, Mages, Magic, Magick, Mexico, Museum's Rest (Irish Pub), Mythic Age, Near Umbra, Nebraska, Nephandi, Newark, New Guinea, New Jersey, New York, Norseman (Irish Pub), One, Operatives, Orlando, Palm Beach (Location), Papua (Location), Paradox, Paradys Lost (L.A. Loc.), Pattern, The Piranha (Trinity Campus Newspaper), Point and Shoot System, Poor Man's Nightclub (Hong Kong), Port Moresby (Location), Quebec, Quintessence, Reality, Sandman Hotel, Sanmare Restaurant, Seattle, Seychelles Republic (Location), Sleeper, Spell, Sorcery, Spirits, Stockholm, Talisman, Technobabblers, Technocracy, Technomancer, Tel Aviv, Texas, Tokyo, Tradition, Trenton (Location), Trinity College (Location), TROG (The Time Traveling Troglodyte), Truth Worms, Umbra, Vampire, Virtual Adept, Washington, Waynesville (Location), Werewolf, World of Darkness, Wraiths, Wyoming, Wyrm; Except You Go Through Shadow: Artifact, Barghests, Byways, California, Chains, Charon, Citadel, Death Lords, Ferryman, Fontana Farms (Cult Compound), Forge-Fire, Friendly (Location), Ghost, Guilds, Harbinger, Haunt, Haunting, Heaven, Hellhole, Heretics, Hierarchy, Lavender (Location), Legionnaires, Legions, Little Green Book (Artifact), Materialized, Nihil, Oblivion, Plasm, Plasmics, Protoplasm, Realm, Renegades, San Valencez (Location), Shadow, Shadowlands, Shady Grove (Location), Shroud, Skinlands, Slavers, Soul, Spectres, Spirit, Spooks, Stygia, Stygian, Tempest, Thralls, Transcendence, Underworld, Usurer, Wraiths; Playing With Fire: Arcadia, Art, Banality, Bedlam, Brooklyn, Changelings, Chimera, Chinatown, Childling, Chinese New Year (Holiday), Chrysalis, Chrysalis (New York), Cold Iron, Concord, Dreams, Dreaming, Enchantment, Eshu, Fae, Faerie, Feast of the Hungry Ghosts (Holiday), Fledge, Glamour, Grump, Kin, Kith, Kithain, Lion-dogs, Little Italy, Manhattan, Motley, New Jersey, Newark, New York, New York City, Nocker, Oaths, Oathcircle, Pooka, Primal, Rapture, Ravage, Redcaps, Revels, Satyr, Seelie Court, Seeming, Shattering, Sidhe, Sluagh, Sundering, Troll, Troop, Unseelie Court, Wild Things Comic Shop (New York), Wan Sui Herb Shop (New York)


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