White Wolf Wiki

The Deep is a water-dominated Arcadian realm among the Pitiless Elements.


A tropical domain, the ordinary facets of ocean life, such as current strength and direction, temperature, and depth, are all at the whims of the presiding True Fae. Changeling inhabitants of the Deep are capable of breathing as easily in the water as in air, though a fair few inhabit the sparse islands that dot the realm instead. Those who remain underwater, however, must beware not to stay too long, for fear of forgetting how to breathe air.

Aquatic, predatory fae creatures, both plant and animal, haunt the Deep, tearing one another apart to sate their hunger; so, too, do less aggressive creatures capable of such tricks as dematerializing from reality or blinding predators with starlight.

Captive changelings, put to work harvesting pearls or constructing coral structures, commonly become Swimmerskins, Waterborn, or Water-Dwellers. Those who stick to the few islands are likely to be Hunterhearts or Gristlegrinders.


