The Dagda is the Tuatha god of revelry. He is a warrior and former king of the Tuatha.
The Dagda is the son of Danu and husband of the Morrigan, though he has had many other wives and lovers; Aengus is his son with Boann, Nuada's wife.
After Lugh, the Dagda was king of the Tuatha for eighty years, leading them in battle against the fomorians. He is above all else a warrior, and by now an expert on fighting Titans and titanspawn. Anyone who disagrees with him on the subject is likely to get an object demonstration of the superiority of his methods.
The Dagda possesses many magical treasures: a harp that commands armies, a bottomless cauldron and a club that can kill nine enemies with one blow. He is frequently found in the mortal world, and has fathered many Scions. He may be found in a boxing ring, a hog farm, a state capital, or a biker bar, and is equally at home in all of them.
His larger-than-life nature is reflected in his Scions: they have big appetites, short tempers and boundless affection. Those who pick up their father's guardian tendencies often work in public service, while others become athletes. Scions of the Dagda who share his charisma succeed in social professions like acting, politics and sales.
Powers: Animal (Pigs), Enech, Epic Charisma, Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Guardian, War
Abilities: Animal Ken, Command, Fortitude, Melee, Presence, Thrown
Rivals: Horus, Huitzilopochtli, Odin, Ogoun, Tezcatlipoca, Zeus
- Scion: Scion Companion, p. 9