The Cage is the name of a popular nightclub in New York's Bronx borough. It is owned and operated by the Brujah Richter.
The club is built out of a former cement factory in the neighborhood of Hunts Point, just off the East River waterfront. The exterior of The Cage is described as "three stories of brick, concrete, graffiti, and attitude", with the exterior still playing host to a lattice of fire escapes and metal catwalks, some of which still connect to the old cement-making machinery that looms over the club proper. The entrance is actually the doors to the former loading bay, the exterior of which doubles as the parking lot. As Richter's de-facto headquarters, the club is well-known as a hub of Anarch activity. It even regularly hosts a local Kindred-only band known as Bronx Cheer.
Dance Floor[]
Directly past the main entrance is the club's dance floor, what originally used to be the building's main factory floor, complete with internal catwalks and a freight elevator that leads up to the upper floors. Directly overhead is the club's namesake: a massive iron cage suspended from thick chains bolted into the ceiling, swaying precariously over the heads of the crowd below. It's fully accessible via the catwalks, often playing host to a fully separate portion of the gyrating crowd. The dance floor also doubles as the main "feeding area" for Kindred guests - provided they have Richter's permission.
Richter's Office[]
Located on the top floor of The Cage - a long room dominated by a polished wooden conference table surrounded by several chairs. One of the walls is a series of floor-to-ceiling windows, giving a panoramic view of the East River and the far-off lights of Queens. Richter and his coterie tend to conduct important business here.
The "Tanning Salon"[]
Down a set of stairs deep in the labyrinthian bowels of the club lies a massive bank vault door, beyond which is a small room which contains only a barber's chair with sturdy leather straps connected to its arm and leg rests. Directly above the chair is a skylight. Richter tends to reserve this execution chamber for licks who dare steal from him.
The Pit[]
A recent construction, built out of the remnants of a concrete-walled cement-mixing pit that's been further reinforced to withstand "extreme force". This room effectively functions as a private fight club, mostly to generate further profits from betting on fights, but also doubles as a means by which local Kindred can settle their differences. The only rule seems to be once you're in, you fight until one of you drops.
Notable Occupants[]
Richter's Coterie[]
Other Kindred[]
- VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade: New York By Night
- S1E1: Dear New York
- S1E2: Rumor of War
- S1E5: Darkness Clings
- S2E3: Festivals of Babylon