The Book of Mirrors: Mage Storytellers Handbook is a support book for Storytellers running a Mage: The Ascension game.
From the White Wolf catalog:
- "Wow! Cool Game!"
- Mage: The Ascension takes place in an epic world loaded with dangers, intrigues and contradictions, a world where nothing is ever what it seems to be. Within the exotic realm of the Awakened, wizards plot, demons rise and reality itself shudders in pain and rapture.
- "Now How Do I Run It?"
- Intriguing as it may be, Mage offers the world-be Storyteller a host of challenges. Fortunately, help is now at hand. This essential yet informal tome includes Storytelling advice, a developer's F.A.Q., secrets of the Ascension War, and many other enlightening goodies, like...
- A step-by-step chronicle history;
- A comprehensive index to Mage books, rules and magicks;
- Systems and suggestions for animals, shapeshifting, alternate settings and more.
Prelude by Kathleen Ryan[]
Introduction: Smoke and Mirrors[]
Chapter One: Anatomy of a Chronicle[]
Presents a semifictional chronicle, from its inception to its eventual end. Using the game as a forum, Deena McKinney and Wayne Peacock pass along step-by-step advice for the feeding and caring of an extended Mage game.
Chapter Two: The Storyteller's Corner[]
Brings us to the game developer's table to discuss some common questions about rules, details, errata and the journey of transformation that marks a mage of any kind.
Chapter Three: Behind the Scenes of the Ascension War[]
Explores the factions - who they are, how they work, who they control and what they think of everyone else.
- Marauder Girl's Guide to Psychoses
- Amnesiacs
- Dead Men
- Escapists
- Infiltrators
- Lunatics
- Manic-depressives
- Megalomaniacs
- Melancholics
- Multiple Personalities
- Obsessive/Compulsives
- Paranoids
- Phobics
- Shellshocked
- Throwbacks
Chapter Four: Supporting Cast[]
Details animals, spirits and common folks, and addresses their potential roles in your chronicle.
- Animals
- Alligator/Crocodile - Stats
- Antelope/Deer/Impala/Stag - Stats
- Ape/Gorilla - Stats
- Bear - Stats
- Bison/Cape Buffalo - Stats
- Boar (wild) - Stats
- Cat (domestic) - Stats
- Cheetah - Stats
- Cobra - Stats
- Cougar/Leopard/Panther - Stats
- Cow/Bull - Stats
- Crow/Hawk/Owl/Raven - Stats
- Dog (large or guard) - Stats
- Dolphin - Stats
- Elephant - Stats
- Frog - Stats
- Hyena/Jackal - Stats
- Hippopotamus - Stats
- Horse/Zebra - Stats
- Lion - Stats
- Bobcat/Lynx/Wildcat - Stats
- Monkey - Stats
- Octopus/Squid (normal: five to 10 feet long) - Stats
- Octopus/Squid (huge: 30 to 80 feet long) - Stats
- Python - Stats
- Rat - Stats
- Rhino - Stats
- Shark (tiger, blue) - Stats
- Shark (great white, hammerhead) - Stats
- Spider (large) - Stats
- Tiger - Stats
- Wolf - Stats
- Normal Folks
- Spirits
- Glitterfly (Joy Epiphllng) - Stats
- Achlodoch (Madness-Spriit) - Stats
- Shrike (Pain-Spirit) - Stats
- The Reaper (Death Epiphling) - Stats
Chapter Five: Alternate Chronicle Settings[]
Suggests a variety of different backdrops, a few system guidelines and a range of source material.
Chapter Six: Observations from the Field[]
Offers advice on a variety of subjects, from symbolism and magickal style to sex and gender roles. Enjoy!
- Gender, Sex and Gaming by Deena McKinney
- In the Mind's Eye by Ross Issacs
- Sharing the Spotlight by John "The Gneech" Robey
- Through a Glass, Darkly by James Estes, Looking Eagle
Appendix: Indices[]
Offers reference indexes for rites, Effects, Talismans and riles, as well as a suggested reading list.
- Magick Index
- General Magick Systems
- Rotes & Magickal Effects
- Talismans & Devices
- Character Systems
- Character Creation
- "Basic" Traits
- Abilities
- Backgrounds
- Merits
- Flaws
- Rules & Systems
- General Systems
- The Otherworlds
- Group Specialties
- References & Resources
- Adler, Margot, Drawing Down the Moon
- Atlas Games/Wizards of the Coast/White Wolf/Lion Rampant, Ars Magica
- Bach, Richard, Illusions
- Barker, Cliver, Imajica, The Great and Secret Show, The Hellbound Heart
- Becker, Udo, The Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols
- Blake, William, The Book of Urizen, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
- Campbell, Joseph, Myths to Live By, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, The Power of Myth
- Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass
- Carse, James P., Finite and Infinite Games
- Castaneda, Carlos, Journey to Ixtlan, The Art of Dreaming, The Second Ring of Power
- Chomsky, Noam, Deterring Democracy, Manufacuring Consent, Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies, World Orders Old and New
- Daraul, Arkon, A History of Secret Societies
- Denning, Melita and Phillips, Osborne, The Foundations of High Magick
- Ellison, Harlan, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Paingod and Other Delusions, Stalking the Nightmare (aka Edgeworks II), Strange Wine
- Eros/Fantagraphics (Dennis Cramer), Mara: Celtic Shamaness
- Fannon, Sean Patrick, The Roleplaying Gamer's Bible
- Fontana, David, The Secret Language of Symbols
- Gelernter, David, Mirror Worlds
- Gibson, William, Neuromancer, Burning Chrome
- Hardison Jr., O.B., Disappearing Through the Skylight
- Hawke, Simon, The Wizard of 4th Street
- HERO Games (Aaron Allston), Lands of Mystery, Strike Force
- Howard, Michael, The Occult Conspiracy
- Juster, Norton, The Phantom Tollbooth
- Kraig, Donald Michael, Modern Magick
- Lackey, Mercedes, Burning Water, Magic's Pawn, Magic's Promise, Magic's Price, Sacred Ground
- McWilliams, Peter, Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do
- Pirsig, Robert M., Lila, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Postman, Neil, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology
- Smith, Huston, The Illustrated World's Religions
- Starhawk, The Spiral Dance, Truth or Dare
- Time/Life Books, The Great Ages of Man series
- Turner Publishing, The Native Americans: An Illustrated History
- Tyson, Donald, The New Magus, Ritual Magic
- Vertigo Comics (DC Comics), The Books of Magic, Death (The High Cost of Living and The Time of Your Life), Doctor Arcane, Doom Patrol, Ghostdancing, John Constantine, Hellblazer, Sandman, Shade: The Changing Man, The Invisibles, Vamps, and Witchcraft
- Volk, Tyler, Metapatterns
- Wilson, Robert Anton, The Illuminatis Trilogy, Reality is What You Can Get Away With, Sex & Drugs
- Common Magickal Effects
Background Information[]
- Dedications are made to Aaron Allston, VCU Gamesmasters '82-'85, Grey Beeker, Bill and John Bridges, Bob Busch, Chris Gibbin, Doug Lemmon, Shadow Lied, Judith McLaughlin, Libbi Miller, John and Laurie Robey, Jennifer Starling-Shirley, Lee Watts, Greg Wilkenson, Ehrik Winters, the Hard Rock Cabal (Darrell Autrey, Deena McKinney, Kieth Martin, Stewart MacWilliam, Wayne Peacock and "Susan Pradha"), the Maicon gang (Basel, Christian, Isabelle, Hean-Marc, Louise, Marc-Ande, Yaks, the Martins and all the rest), Sam Chupp for the title of the book, Mage Players and Storytellers everywhere, Stewart, Steve, Andrew and Bill.
- In Chapter Two, it states that the initial idea for Mage: The Ascension came from Stewart Wieck, who modeled Mage's concepts after Robert Pirsig's idea that creation is ever-changing. Stewart, his brother, Chris Hind and Chris Early brainstormed for the better part of a year, creating the framework of the game. The first draft was too radical for most people to accept. And an in-house rewriting session retolled Mage from the ground up, shifting the metaphysical original into a more streamlined, accessible format. Many of the White Wolf staff at the time worked on it, including Bill Bridges, Brian Campbell, Sam Chupp, Ken Cliffe, Andrew Greenberg, Mark Rein•Hagen, Rob Hatch, Kathy Ryan and Travis Williams - created other components, such as the Marauders, the Umbral Realms and ties to other World of Darkness games. Chris Hind, Brian Campbell and Judy McLaughlin helped transform the Technocracy from soulless villains to being misguided. Kathy Ryan took the Marauders as her own. Sam Chupp, Nicky Rea and Kevin Andrew Murphy helped blur the lines between metaphysics and mystery, and the uneasy teamwork of Dan Greenberg, Darren McKeeman, Harry Heckel and Phil Brucato created the Digital Web. A collaborative interplay between Bill Bridges and Phil Brucato bound their games together (Werewolf and Mage). And a host of authors from Beth "Order of Hermes" Fischi to Jim "Samuel Haight" Moore helped shape the Mage cosmos. Phil's personal beliefs in mysticism, transformation and responsibility melded well with Stewart's concept of magick as a metaphysical force of change.
Memorable Quotes[]
Player: I've got the "Aura of God" Merit. That lets me reroll all my "1s" and double all my successes.
Storyteller: Huh? - Appendix: Indices, pg. 154
- Prelude
- Amanda
- Mitzi - Senex's lieutenant, Euthanatos Mage
- Senex
- Jeremy
- Richard Somnitz - Died
- Dr. Scherer
- David Cho - Cult of Ecstasy Mage
- Xia
- Michael, "Mike"
- Zack
- Mr. Joseph
- Masque
- Father Tim - Celestial Chorus Mage
- Lacey
- Tommy
- Chapter One: Anatomy of a Chronicle
- Peter Freundlich - Akashic Brother (Creator: Keith Martin)
- Clarissa Ryan, "Cassie" - Cult of Ecstasy Mage (Creator: Deena McKinney)
- Father Ethan Shelley - Celestial Chorus Mage (Creator: Wayne Peacock)
- Jade Demon - Nephandus
- Rosario - Vampire Prince
- Sinclair - Orphan, Blood Doll
- Barrister Martins - Marauder
- Jodi Blake
- Stanislaus Kowalcyk, "Stanley" - Verbena Mage (Creator: Stewart MacWilliam)
- Gwen Fisher - Orphan Mage (Creator: Susan Pradha)
- Marianna of Balador
- Bethany - Gwen's lost mentor
- Broti - Son of Ether Mage (Creator: Darrell Autrey)
- Myrt
- Caeron Mustai
- Olonga the Whisperer
- Mao - Clarissa's lover
- Chapter Two: The Storyteller's Corner
- Chapter Three: Behind the Scenes of the Ascension War
- Santiago
- The Echo - Marauder
- Raspberry Popart Salad
- The Islington Horror - Marauder
- Stephen of Warwick - Marauder
- Medea - Marauder
- Miss Zhao - Marauder
- Robert Davenport
- Señorita Abraxas - Marauder
- Lord Ex - Marauder
- Mr. Nicholas - Marauder
- Mother Goose - Marauder
- Elizabeth Dribb - Marauder
- Sergeant Manuel Mendoza - Marauder
- Tim Conners - Marauder
- Annie - From Ascension's Right Hand
- Johnny Gore - Corax that hangs with the Umbral Underground
- Louis di Alessandro - Nephandi, barabbi
- Alaric
- Body Count - From Ascension's Right Hand
- Yaqub al-Iblisi - Nephandi
- Galarius - Nephandi
- Desmond - Nephandi
- Herr Flax - Nephandi
- Gorool
- Richard Drake - Order of Hermes Mage
- Dr. Burns
- Matriarch
- Dr. Ken Himiitsu
- Agent AT324
- Chapter Four: Supporting Cast
- Jennifer - Mage
- Angela Skytalon - Dreamspeaker Mage
- Heasha Morninglade
- Jessica Bradly - Mortal
- Raggadoom, Eight Duke of Thunder - Spirit
- Shudderskin Nell - Spirit
- Aelida, Lady of Feathers - Spirit
- Loreena Owlkiller
- Chapter Five: Alternate Chronicle Settings
- Marcus - Acolyte
- Joan of Arc
- Victoria
- Chapter Six: Observations from the Field
- Michael Skyhawk
1325, 1348, 1466, 1920s, 1939, 1943, Amalgams, Apocalypse, Arcanum, Ascension War, Aswadim, Atlanta, Avatar, The Bai Dai (The Hemlock Court, The Fire of the Mahdi, The Maenads, P'o Chün, The Seven Bowls, The Flowers of Camaxtli), Banality, Bane, The Benevolent Society of Lost Souls (Neph.), Black Dog Game Factory, Black Fury, Black Spiral Dancers, Blood Bond, Blood Hunt, Bygones, Cerberus, Changeling, Changing Breeds, Chicago, Chiminage, Construct, Corax, Council of Nine Mystick Traditions, Custer's Last Stand (Band), Damage Control, Dispatch Centers (Fronts: Duplex Assembly/Recycling), Doissetep, Drachus Vachor, DSEATC, Etherbykes, Faerie, Familiar, First Team, Fomori, Gafflings, Garou, Gauntlet, Gehenna, Ghoul, Gilledians, Glass Walker, Grandfather Thunder, Hermetic Covenant of Fuar Drochit, High Mythic Ages, Horizon Collectives (Northern California Security Collective, Acme Pyrotechnic Institute, EcoR), House Criamon, House of Helekar, Infernal Cults (New Rite Church, the Blissful Waters Brotherhood, the Dai Han Loc), Impergium, Inquisition, Iteration X, Jaggling, Kindred, Kinfolk, K'llasshaa (Flaming Brand Church, Wailing Darkness and The Order of the Golden Pyramid Cults), Los Sabios Locos (Ecstatic sect), Low Mythic Ages, Lycanthrope: The Rapture, Malfeans, Malfeas, Malkavian, Marauders, Maze of Ebon Gates, MECHA, Men in White, Nephandi, Nightmare Theater (Orphans), NSA, NWO, Oblivion, Operation Twilight, Order of Reason, O'Tolley's, Pack, Paradox, Pentex, Philadelphia, Prelati, Progenitors, Q Division, Quiet, Reality Deviants, Renaissance, Sabbat, The Satanic Bible (Book), Seekings, Shadowland, Shangri-La, Shockwave (Iteration X agency), Silicon Valley, Spectres, Spirit, Statisticians, Steel Horse (Bar), Succubus Club, Syndicate, Technocratic Union, Totem, Triat, Umbra, The Umbral Underground (Butcher Street Regulars, Men of Gotham, The Copper Dragoons, White Lotus Woman/Shangri-La Ladies' Club, The Force of Chaos, The Numpa Kachpa, Al Borak, The Fantastic Twenty-Six, Knights of St. Stephen aka Harriet Tubman or The Railroad), Umbrood, Underworld, Unseelie, Vampires, Void Engineers, War of Rage, Weaver, Wendigo, Werewolves, Wild West, The World Advisory Council, World War II, Wraith, Wyck, Wyld, Wyrm, Yama Kings, Zöoterrotism,
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