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The Art of Werewolf: The Apocalypse is an art book and visual reference published in 2001.


From the White Wolf catalog:

Red in Tooth and Claw
Nine feet of killing power. The sleek lines of a predator. The fangs and claws of a monster. The ancient weapons of a millennia-old culture. The Trappings of shamanism. The tools and weapons of the modern world. It's impossible to look on a Garou and see it for anything other than what it is - one of Gaia's Warriors, a fusion of man and beast that's greater than either.
Lon Chaney They Ain't
The Garou of Werewolf: The Apocalypse redefined what werewolves could be like in a gaming context. Bigger, badder, and sexier than ever before, they set readers' imaginations on fire. And now the best of the visually inspiring illustrations that put these werewolves on the map are available in a stand-alone art book, ready to be turned loose. Veterans will enjoy the look back; newcomers will never look at werewolves the same way again.



By Ethan Skemp. Revised Tribebook covers, book covers and 2n ed. Screen cover.


Homid, Glabro, Crinos, Hispo and Lupus.

Lunar Auspices[]

The 13 Tribes[]

The Fallen[]

The Spirit World[]

The Triat[]

The Wyrm[]

The Weaver[]

The Wyld[]

Garou History[]

  • Mari Cabrah
  • King Albrecht
  • Evan Heals-the-Past
  • Margrave Konietzko
  • Zhyzhak

The Fera[]


Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]

"Ignorance is not bliss. It is suicide." - Monica Tranh, Uktena Philodox


  • Raw-Back - Bone Gnawer Ragabash
  • Katarina Thousand-Howl - Ivory Priestess of the Silver Fangs, Theurge
  • Anrik the Scythe - Child of Gaia Philodox
  • Thunder-in-his-Belly - Wendigo Daboudjimoot
  • Mahmet Ghost-Eater - Silent Strider Ahroun
  • Tifah Read - Black Fury Freebooter
  • Ragpile - Lupus Ahroun of the Hood
  • Mikko Seven-Oaks - Children of Gaia
  • Anne-Marie Bentblade - Fianna Whisper Rover
  • Aaron the Fire-scarred - Died
  • Karin Jarlsdottir
  • DMZ - Glass Walker Galliard
  • Silent Moon - Red Talon, Lodge of the Predator Kings
  • Anna Kliminski
  • Fadil Corpseslayer - Silent Strider Harbinger Ragabash
  • Iasmin Sunsdaughter - Silver Fang of House WiseHeart
  • King Albrecht
  • Mehdi Dragonbrow - Stargazer Klaital Puk
  • Leaping Rock - Stargazer Zephyr Galliard
  • Monica Tranh - Uktena Philodox
  • Cries-in-the-Wind
  • Nhaukh - Black Spiral Dancer Theurge of the Dragon's Daughter Pack
  • Mari Cabrah
  • King Morningkill
  • Evan Heals-the-Past
  • Margrave Konietzko
  • Zhyzhak


2000, Apocalypse, Auspice: Ragabash, Theurge, Philodox, Galliard, Ahroun; Black Spiral Dancers, Bane, Board, Celestine, Dark Ages, Falcon, Fera: Ajaba, Ananasi, Bastet, Corax, Gurahl, Kitsune, Mokolé, Nagah, Nuwisha, Ratkin, Rokea; First Change, Fomori, Forms: Homid, Glabro, Crinos, Hispo, Lupus; Gaia, Garou, Garou Nation, Great Wendigo, Green Dragon, Kinfolk, Lost Cub, Luna, Pack, Pentex, Rage, Sept, Silver Crown, Spirit, Storm Eater, Triat: Wyrm, Weaver, Wyld; Tribe: Black Furies, Bone Gnawers, Bunyip, Children of Gaia, Croatan, Fianna, Get of Fenris, Glass Walkers, Red Talons, Shadow Lords, Silent Striders, Silver Fangs, Stargazers, Uktena, Wendigo, White Howlers; Umbra, War of Rage, Wild West,

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WTA: Tribe Novels: Red Talons & Fianna Buy it from DriveThruFiction! Werewolf: The Apocalypse books WTA: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers Buy it from DriveThruRPG!