White Wolf Wiki

The Almost Assembly is a Thin-blooded group formed of medical professionals who seek to transcend Kindred limitations through the research and use of Thin-Blooded Alchemy. It was formed in the mid-2000s.


The Almost Assembly is a community of Thin-blooded focused on transcendence, hidden away on seemingly dead forums, obscure microblogs, and password protected messenger servers. Their purpose is the search for true immortality. The Assembly formed sometime in the mid-2000s from a collective of thin-blooded doctors, nurses, scientists, and occultists who gathered on an abandoned USENET newsgroup to discuss their condition.

The discussions initially focused on support and reports on self-medication, but when a pseudonymous user posted a scientific paper concerning Thin-Blooded Syndrome, the newsgroup pivoted into the medical and mystical implications of thin-bloodedness and the rising art of Thin-Blooded Alchemy. Much of that paper's findings don't hold up tonight, but the Almost Assembly considers it a seminal text and its author, "Dr. Douglas Netchurch," as an honorary founder of the community.

The Assembly styles itself as a virtual academic association, and it publishes a digital annual journal called the Curriculum Vitae, which presents case studies of Duskborn around the world, as well as formulae with clear scientific measurements. It also provides a forum for its members to discuss its current main philosophy: that the thin-blooded are an evolutionary step between mankind and its alt-states, and a Neo-Human, an immortal being with Kindred abilities but no frailties. The exact details of this philosophy still draw debate, and its subject to change as years pass, but its basic assumption is that the idea of blood-thinning is an inherently flawed concept. They don't reject the Generation framework, except for a few radical Blood Cycle theorists. This is too tied to mythology and Kindred social bias to tell the full story.

Assembly theory argues that the alchemical prowess of the Duskborn and their better integration with prey prove them the evolutionary equal of older Kindred wielding hoary Disciplines and stifling custom. The Assembly further proposes that vampirism isn't a separation from humanity, but rather an alt-state, a setting the human body enters when exposed to occult trauma. Alt-states tap on the body's natural occult energy systems, which persist even post-death. The issue, is that alt-states are hard on humans biologically and psychologically. An alt-state is difficult to deactivate. After a certain amount of time or with enough occult trauma exposure, it's impossible. The thin-blooded provide a unique opportunity to learn to toggle the two settings, or achieve something more. The Almost Assembly see the road to Neo-Humanism in the perfection of Thin-Blood Alchemy. Their formulae focus on decreasing typical Kindred weaknesses and enhancing their strengths. Breakthroughs are scarce, and the threat of FIRSTLIGHT infiltrating the Assembly is real, but the community continues on. Every member is their own magnum opus, a great work sculpted with care and formulae. Every year, the dream of the Neo-Human, who knows both the warmth of the sun and the chill of the night, comes closer to reality.


Sorcerous Affiliations
Standard Affiliations Ancient Order of the Aeon Rites · The Arcanum · Balamo'ob · The Children of Osiris · The Cult of Isis · The Cult of Mercury · The Dozen Priests of the Pythian Order · The Fenian · Forn Jafnaðr · Maison Liban · Mogen HaLev · Nebuu-Afef · The Nephite Priesthood · The Newburgh Group · The Seven Thunders · The Silver Portal · The Society of Enlightened Altruistic Ideologies · The Star Council · Thal'hun · US Government: Project Twilight · Uzoma
Mage-run Affiliations Council of Nine Mystic Traditions · Disparate Alliance · Technocratic Union
Redworking Affiliations The Almost Assembly · The Calderone · CRONUS/DOVECOTE · House Carna · House Goratrix · Lui Domien · The Plague Oracles · Sunburners
Minor or Defunct Affiliations Asatru Futhark · Bata'a · Masters of Stonecrop