- This article is about the Discipline used by Clan Tremere. For the generic usage of the term, see blood magic (VTM).
Thaumaturgy is the closely guarded form of blood magic practiced by the vampiric clan Tremere.
Created by exhaustive research and extensive experimentation, Thaumaturgy utilizes the principles of Hermetic magic used by House Tremere when it was still a cabal of mages, adapted to be fueled by the inherent magical power of Vitae rather than Quintessence. While it is certainly powerful and versatile, it is organized very differently to the Spheres; Thaumaturgy is largely unknown to mages, and universally distrusted and reviled by those who have encountered it.
Thaumaturgy uses a system of paths and rituals to focus the thaumaturge's will. Paths are learned expressions of thaumaturgical principles developed into reliable, repeatable effects. Unlike the "natural" powers of Disciplines, however, thaumaturges must concentrate their will, forcing the power of their blood to unnatural ends. If their concentration is not complete, if they falter, then the magic will fail, and in extreme cases such failure can have a lasting effect on the thaumaturge, draining their mental resources. It was not always so, however; before the Final Nights, paths were less difficult to use and did not carry the possibility of harm to the thaumaturge.
Rituals, by contrast, are elaborate, sophisticated and codified instructions for producing set magical effects. Rituals vary in complexity, and require varying levels of thaumaturgical knowledge to complete successfully. They often require the trappings of Hermetic magic – circles drawn in chalk, locks of the victim's hair, meditation, chanting ancient words of power, and the like. Rituals can take hours, days or even months to perform, but - if successfully completed - will always produce the same result. They can be incredibly powerful, particularly when senior thaumaturges join forces; it was a thaumaturgical ritual that cursed the entire Assamite clan.
Among the Camarilla, all practitioners of blood magic are sometimes lumped together as a generic "thaumaturgists".[1] While other traditions chafe at this misnomer, it shows the long-lasting effect of the Tremere on blood magic in general, since they have worked hard to incorporate most forms of pre-existing blood magic into their hermetic system.
Adept thaumaturges have sometimes been diagnosed with Thaumaturgical Glossolalia, a mental derangement that stems from over-expenditure and heavy reliance on Thaumaturgy. Afflicted persons under stress speak only in thaumaturgical symbology, but often the mind of the individual seems to shift into a different state of thought – almost like magical aphasia. The afflicted rarely has any idea they are doing anything unusual, and sometimes become unable to translate more mundane language.[2]
Thaumaturgy has a large number of paths; though it is not the oldest tradition of blood magic, the Tremere were magical scholars long before they were vampires, and toil ceaselessly to push their studies ever further. Many paths were once known by names which reflected the Tremere's previous magical heritage.
Simple changes to an object's form
- Commuta: Changes in state - solid to liquid, liquid to gas, etc.
Complex changes to an object's form
- Conforma: Simple changes in form
Complicated changes to an object's form
- Scinde: Complex changes to form
Small changes in atomic number
- Mutate: Major shifts in composition
Major changes in atomic number
- Transmutate: Radical shifts in composition
- Thaumaturgical Forensics: Gain information from a tissue sample
- Thaumaturgical Surgery (Pre-revised): Repair damage to all sorts of creatures, including supernatural ones
- Lesser Animation (Revised): Animate dead plants or small animals that will follow instructions
- Human Experimentation (Pre-revised): As Animal Experimentation, except works on humans
- Greater Animation (Revised): As Lesser Animation, except works on large animals and humans
- Supernatural Experimentation (Pre-revised): As Human Experimentation, except works on supernatural creatures as well
- Cognizant Construction (Revised): Grant an animated creature rudimentary intelligence
Elemental Mastery[]
Known in the Dark Ages as Rego Elementum, this path grants control over and affinity with inanimate objects.[3]
Elemental Strength: Draw greater strength and resilience from the earth.
Wooden Tongues: Speak with the spirit of an inanimate object.
Animate the Unmoving: Cause an object to move within the limits of its form.
Elemental Form: The caster transforms into an inanimate object.
Summon Elemental: Conjure and possibly command a spirit of one of the classical elements.
Faux Path[]
Hello, Goodbye: Temporarily cause listeners to believe a true statement to be false
Disciplinary Identification: Recognize what Disciplines are or have been used
Thaumaturgical Nomenclature: Identify what Thaumaturgy powers and rituals are being used
Ritual Madness: Give a target the sensation of a particular Thaumaturgical power or ritual without actually inducing the effect
Sanguinary Affection: Produce an illusion that gives the effect of a particular Discipline power
Focused Mind[]
Readiness: Gain a dice pool to add to Wits-related rolls or initiative
Centering: Cause a subject to ignore any effect that reduces dice pools; grant bonus to resist Frenzy
One-Tracked Mind: Make a subject unable to split perform multiple actions
Dual Thought: Take an extra mental action per round, including another Discipline use
Perfect Clarity: Reduce the difficulty of all actions, become immune to Frenzy, and become resistant to mental influence
Gift of Morpheus[]
Cause Sleep: Force a single target to become drowsy or sleep, opposed to the target's Willpower. Spend Willpower to affect supernaturals
Mass Slumber: Affect multiple targets with Cause Sleep against a flat difficulty
Enchanted Slumber: Force a target to sleep until a trigger event. Spend Willpower to affect vampires. Multiple successes extend sleep up to a year
Dreamscape: The vampire may project her own image into a dream, but has no control over the dream other than by her own actions within it. The vampire must have a belonging of the victim to use this power
Master of Dreams: The vampire may start changing the target’s dreams, once she has entered them by using Dreamscape. If the target is a vampire, a Willpower point must also be spent. Once this power has been used, the target may also change her dreams with resistance rolls, and both characters may act in the dream as if they were awake. If either character dies in this dream, the character also dies for real
Green Path[]
Grants control over and communion with plants.[7]
Herbal Wisdom: Communicate with the spirit of a plant
Speed the Seed's Passing: Cause a plant to quickly grow or decay
Dance of Vines: Animate vegetation to fight or perform tasks
Verdant Haven: Create a physical and mystical shelter of branches, leaves and vines
Awaken the Forest Giants: Briefly animate an entire tree
Geomancy Path[]
Blessings and cursings.[8]
Hands of Destruction[]
Usually practiced by members of the Sabbat, this path is rumored to have demonic origins. It grants various destructive powers, most of which require physical touch.[9]
Decay: Cause an inanimate object to age years in seconds
Gnarl Wood: Ruin an object of wood with a look
Acidic Touch: Secrete a powerful viscous acid which affects metal, wood, and living tissue
Atrophy: Cause a victim's limb to wither
Turn to Dust: Cause a living person to age years in seconds
Hearth Path[]
Guest's Herald: Create a small effect that goes off whenever someone passes through a entryway
Master's Order: Know where all things that belong to you in your haven are located
Rhyme of Discord: Anyone else who comes into your haven becomes disoriented and cannot remember what they find there
Temportal: Teleport from one of your haven's doorways to another
The Cauldron's Rede: Speak to items in your haven about events that have occurred there
Lure of Flames[]
This path, known as Rego Ignem or Creatio Ignis in the Dark Ages, creates unnatural flames, which some believe are conjured from Hell. Rather than distinct powers, each level of mastery allows the practitioner to summon larger and more dangerous flames.[11]
Power of the Mirror[]
Mirror Forge: Allows you to see through a reflective surface you created
Reality of Reflection: Allows you to alter small details of reflections in a reflective surface you created
Mastery of Reflection: Allows you to completely alter reflections in a reflective surface you created, or use certain Disciplines (Auspex, Dominate, Presence, Animalism) through it
The Thousand Eyes: Allows you to use the previous powers through any reflective surface
Mirror Prison: Trap a victim within a reflective surface for an indefinite period of time
Mastery of the Mortal Shell[]
Vertigo: Cause a target to be disoriented and dizzy
Contortion: Make a victim's limb constrict and become useless
Seizure: Cause a victim's body writhe and tighten uncontrollably
Body Failure: As Seizure, but more powerful
Marionette: Force a target's body to move and act as you desire
Movement of the Mind[]
This path grants the practitioner the power of telekinesis, allowing them to move matter at a distance - at first as though they were using their hands, and, at higher levels, allowing flight and levitation. It was known in the Dark Ages as Rego Motus. Modern versions of the path do not have distinct powers; instead, higher levels of mastery simply increase the mass a thaumaturge can affect (though level three is required for flight, and level four for throwing objects). Older versions have the following - more strictly defined - powers.[14]
Force Bolt: Cause a target to fall down losing his next action or can shunt an object of 100 lbs or less toward or away.
Manipulate: Allows you to lift and handle an object that you would with one hand, TV remote, handgun, a lever, et al.
Flight: Allows the caster the ability to hoist a person or the caster into the air and can move them at walking speed.
Repulse: As with force bolt but objects with much more weight and more than one.
Control: Force a target's body to move as you desire or you can heft up to a single ton.
Neptune's Might[]
Originally called Rego Aquam in the Dark Ages, Neptune's Might grants a practitioner control over bodies of standing water, plus some other water-related powers.[15]
Eyes of the Sea: See what has transpired on, in or around a still body of water
Prison of Water: Use a large body of water to bind a target
- Dehydrate (Pre-revised): Remotely drain water from a victim
- Blood to Water (Revised): Turn a subject's blood (or possibly another liquid) into water
Flowing Wall: Create a barrier of water nearly impervious to all beings
- Blood to Water (Pre-revised): Turn a subject's blood into water, some other liquids as well
- Dehydrate (Revised): Remotely drain water from a victim
Portents: Receive visions after waking that allegorically refer to future events of one's life
Foresee: As Portents, but works on another individual
Dreamspeak: Send messages to someone through their dreams
Augury: Gain answers to questions from another person's dreams
Reveal the Heart's Dreams: Learn what someone most desires and fears from their dreams
Path of Blood[]
Usually the first path taught to neonates among the Tremere, originally called Rego Vitae, Potestas Vitae, and The Power oF Lifeblood duing the Dark Ages.[17]
A Taste For Blood: Gather a variety of information from a blood sample
Blood Rage: Force a target to expend their vitae to raise Attributes
Blood of Potency: Temporarily lower your generation
Theft of Vitae: Steal blood from a target at a distance
Cauldron of Blood: Cause a victim's blood to burn them from within
The powers available in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.
Blood Strike: A projectile will strike your victim, and may return with stolen blood
Purge: Nearby enemies will vomit blood, causing damage
Blood Shield: A damage-absorbing shield surrounds the caster
Blood Salvo: As Blood Strike, but affecting multiple targets
Blood Boil: The target's blood is heated to a boil, causing them to explode and damaging nearby targets
Path of the Blood's Curse[]
Ravages of the Beast: Cause a target to Frenzy
Weight of the Sun: Make a vampire feel the effects of being awake during the day
Abated Tooth: Prevent a vampire's fangs from extending
Treacherous Bonds: Temporarily corrupt a blood bond, turning love to hate
The Withering of Ages: Cause a vampire to decay to their true age
Path of Cammano-deuonertos[]
This Path, whose name of Gallic origin would mean "way of the strength of the gods", was developed by the Nosferatu Drutalos. Based on ancient Druidic rituals, the powers of this path allow the user to borrow those strengths and qualities of the Celtic gods of "Gaul". [19]
Gift of Cernunnos:Allows user to re-roll once an ability roll of thier choice (they must keep the result of this new roll) or not be surprised.
Gift of Teutates: For each success obtained on the activation roll, the thaumaturge can split a point into one or more the following abilities: Crafts, Enigmas, Intuition, Folk wisdom and/or Survival. If the thaumaturge has one not the capacity in question, the first point in it "costs" two successes. This increase lasts one hour and the ability level cannot exceed 5.
Gift of Esus: During a scene, the thaumaturge can distribute one number of points equal to the successes obtained on the action roll vation between his Strength and Vigor (with a maximum of +3 in each attribute). In return, he will not be able to increase his physical attributes otherwise or heal himself until the end of the scene (whether using blood, abilities or powers).
Gift of Nantosuelta: Each success obtained on the activation roll grants an extra die to absorb damage from natural sources such as cold, lightning, storm or the fire Wood or metal are not affected by the protection tion offered by this power (no more than sunlight). The Don of Nantosuelta lasts one scene.
Gift of Sucellos: For each success obtained on the activation roll, the thaumaturge gains two dice that he can “spend” on adding to one or more relevant dice pools certain jets related to his vampiric nature. These dice can be used to resist frenzy, Rötschreck, aux damage caused by the sun and the effects of the True Faith They can also be used to wake up from a daytime torpor or staying awake during the day. The dice unspent disappear at the next dawn or dusk, whichever comes first.
Path of Conjuring[]
The practitioner can create objects (or even living things) from nothing. Such objects are generic, with repeated patterns or a uniform appearance, and have no flaws. Unless a caster is sufficiently skilled, conjured objects cease to exist without continued concentration.[20]
Summon the Simplest Form: Temporarily conjure a very simple object (single material, no moving parts)
- Summoning the Spirit: You can summon a simple inanimate object
Permanency: Conjured objects may be given permanent existence
Magic of the Smith: Conjure a complex object (multiple materials, moving parts)
Reverse Conjuration: Banish objects conjured with this path
Power Over Life: Temporarily conjure a living (though mindless) being
Path of Corruption[]
- Contradict: Make someone change their mind on a course of action
- Disfigurement (Pre-revised): Change the appearance of someone, making more or less attractive
- Subvert (Revised): Cause a victim to act on their dark impulses
- Change Mind (Pre-revised): Give someone a new Demeanor
- Dissociate (Revised): Make someone become distant from others for a time
- Cripple (Pre-revised): Paralyze someone's legs
- Addiction (Revised): Cause a victim to be psychologically dependent on a particular sensation
- Corrupt Soul (Pre-revised): Give someone a new Nature
- Dependence (Revised): Temporarily bind someone to you
Path of Curses[]
Stigma: Make an individual suffer socially for an evening
Malady: Curse a victim with an illness, reducing their Physical Attributes
Pariah: Make others see the target as their worst enemy
Corrupt Body: Temporarily reduce one of the target's Physical Attributes
Fall from Grace: A victim gains a botch die to all actions
Path of the Father's Vengeance[]
Zillah's Litany: Discover blood bonds and Vinculi the target has
The Crone's Pride: Reduce a victim's Appearance to zero for the night
Feast of Ashes: Force a vampire to only be able to gain sustenance from ash for a time, and be limited in how they may use Blood Points gained from it
Uriel's Disfavor: Make all light uncomfortable and harmful to the vampire
Valediction: Temporarily undo any change in generation from diablerie
Path of the Levinbolt[]
Spark: Generate a small electrical discharge
Illuminate: Generate enough energy to charge a small device or produce light
Power Array: Discharge or absorb a greater amount of energy
Zeus' Fury: Build up energy and direct it as arcs of lightning
Eye of the Storm: Become charged with an incredible amount of electricity
Path of Mars[]
Warcry: Temporarily increase one's Courage and Willpower
Strike True: A single melee attack automatically succeeds with one success
Wind Dance: If not attacking, you can dodge many times without penalty
Fearless Heart: All your Physical Attributes raise by one
Comrades at Arms: Use Path of Mars powers on others
Path of Mercury[]
Path of Shadowcrafting[]
Out Light: Make lights darker or extinguish
Shadow Taunt: Make a shadow mimic your movements
Coruscating Shadow: Cause shadow to cover you, making you harder to be seen
Night's Veil: Extend a shadow so that it creates an area of night in daylight
Abyssal Pact: Summon an abyssal shadow that attacks or counters Obtenebration
Path of Technomancy[]
Analyze: Learn how a device works
Burnout: Cause a machine to malfunction
Encrypt/Decrypt: Cause a device to only work for you
Remote Access: Operate a machine remotely
Telecommute: Project your mind into the global telecommunication network
Path of Transmutation[]
Fortify the Solid Form: Make an object stronger
Crystallize the Liquid Form: Transform a liquid into solid form
Liquefy the Solid Form: Cause an object to soften and melt for a scene
Gaol: Turn air into an indestructible block
Ghost Wall: Turn an object into a gaseous mist
Path of Warding[]
Bar the Common Passage: Block an door and get alerted if something breaks the ward
Glyph of Scrying: Create a glyph to monitor its surrounding area
Runes of Power: Ward an object with a rune, that deals aggravated damage to everyone who touches it
Glyph of Enlightenment: Create a glyph for scrying, communication and transmitting thaumaturgical powers
Secure the Sacred Domain: Seal off an entire castle for one night
Perdo Magica[]
This path has no powers of its own; instead, it allows the user to counter other magic.[31]
Prey on the Soul's Fear[]
Startle the Superstitious Mind: Create such fear that a mortal or vampire is rooted to the spot where he stands
Rout the Charging Hordes: Cause a number of people to flee from you
Wrath of God: Cause a victim to witness his particular version of hell
The Inner Demon: Confront somebody with his darkest fears
Demonic Horde: Create horrific images and implant them in your victims mind
Rego Magica[]
This path has no powers of its own; instead, it allows the user to create new paths.[33]
Rego Mentem[]
This path is the pagan version of the infernal Rego Manes. It does not have individual powers at each level. Instead, each level allows the user to summon stronger nature spirits, and to inflict more damage upon any spirit.[34]
Soul of the Serpent[]
Serpentine Sense: See in the dark
Scaleskin: Get a smooth and scaly skin, allowing for greater flexibility on land and considerable freedom of movement through water
Venom Curse: Transform your vitae into a deadly poison capable of blinding the eyes of nearby opponents, like that of a spitting cobra
Touch of Typhon: Transform forearm into a venomous asp
Form of The Hydra: Transform your body into a writhing mass of vipers
Spirit Manipulation[]
Hermetic Sight: See into the spirit world
Astral Chant: Be able to communicate with all spirits
Voice of Command: Force a spirit to obey your commands
Entrap Ephemera: Bind a spirit into an object to create a fetish
Duality: Exist in both the material and spiritual world
Spirit Thaumaturgy[]
Evil Eye: Inflict botched dice on your victim
Spirit Sight: See and speak with spirits
- Spirit Eyes: You can attempt to see and communicate with wraiths in the area
Spirit Slave: Demand a service of a spirit
Fetishes: Force a spirit to inhabit an object
Journey: Leave your body, using Willpower you can roll to temporarily take control of another magical being
Transitus Velociter[]
This path does not have individual powers at each level. Instead, each level allows you to increase the speed of larger groups of mortal, vampires and mounts for several hours.[38]
Video Pellis[]
This path is the pagan version of the infernal Video Nefas.[39]
See the Unseen: Gaze into the spirit world
Learn the Heart's Pain: look into someone’s heart and determine what grieves him the most
Seize the Moment : Reach into the mind of your victim and draw forth his memories and thoughts
Casting the Bones: Part the mists of time and gaze into the future
Recall the Bloody Deed: Raise a Spectre of vengeance to uncover past misdeeds
Vine of Dionysus[]
Methyskein: Make a victim slightly drunk
Omophagy: Cause a victim to be ravenously hungry
Hamartia: Give a target feelings of euphoria
Enthousiasmos: Cause multiple victims to enter a passive state of happiness
Oinos Aimatos: Imbue your vitae with the effect of Enthousiasmos
Weather Control[]
- Main Article:List of Thaumaturgy Rituals
See Also[]
- ↑ VTM: Rites of the Blood, p. 15
- ↑ VTM: Clanbook: Tremere Revised, p. 69
^ Alchemy
Alchemy | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 68-69 |
Alchemy | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 47-48 |
^ Biothaumaturgy
Biothaumaturgy | Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand | Pg. 78-79 |
Biothaumaturgy | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 69-71 |
Biothaumaturgy | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 48-50 |
^ Elemental Mastery
Rego Elementum | Vampire: The Dark Ages | Pg. 167-168 |
Elemental Mastery | Guide to the Camarilla | Pg. 99-100 |
Rego Elementum | Dark Ages: Vampire Rulebook | Pg. 215-216 |
Elemental Mastery | Laws of Elysium | Pg. 76-77 |
Elemental Mastery | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 214-215 |
Elemental Mastery | The Players Guide | Pg. 87-88 |
^ The Faux Path
The Faux Path | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 84-85 |
^ The Focused Mind
The Focused Mind | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 71-72 |
The Focused Mind | Rites of the Blood | Pg. 139-140 |
The Focused Mind | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 50-51 |
^ Gift of Morpheus
Gift of Morpheus | Player's Guide to the Sabbat | Pg. 114 |
^ The Green Path
The Green Path | Guide to the Camarilla | Pg. 100-101 |
The Green Path | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 215-217 |
^ Geomancy Path
Geomancy Path | A World of Darkness | Pg. 100 |
^ Hands of Destruction
Hands of Destruction | Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition | Pg. 182 |
Hands of Destruction | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 217-218 |
^ The Hearth Path
The Hearth Path | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 72-73 |
The Hearth Path | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 51-53 |
^ Lure of Flames
Rego Ignem | Vampire: The Dark Ages Rulebook | Pg. 165 |
Lure of Flames | Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition | Pg. 180 |
Lure of Flames | Vampire: The Masquerade Rulebook | pg. 104 |
Lure of Flames | Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition | pg. 171 |
Rego Ignem | Dark Ages: Vampire Rulebook | Pg. 214-215 |
The Lure of Flames | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 218 |
Creatio Ignis | Vampire 20th Anniversary: The Dark Ages Rulebook | Pg. 297 |
^ Mastery of the Mortal Shell
Mastery of the Mortal Shell | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 73-75 |
Mastery of the Mortal Shell | Rites of the Blood | Pg. 138-139 |
Mastery of the Mortal Shell | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 53-54 |
^ Movement of the Mind
Rego Motus | Vampire: The Dark Ages | Pg. 165-166 |
Movement of the Mind | Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition | Pg. 181 |
Movement of the Mind | Vampire: The Masquerade Rulebook | pg. 104 |
Movement of the Mind | Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition | pg. 171 |
Rego Motus | Dark Ages: Vampire Rulebook | Pg. 215 |
Movement of the Mind | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 220 |
^ Power of the Mirror
Power of the Mirror | Die Stadt, das Blut, der Tod: Frankfurt bei Nacht | Pg. 87 |
^ Neptune's Might
Neptune's Might | The Players Guide | Pg. 86-87 |
Neptune's Might | The Players Guide Second Edition | Pg. 83 |
Rego Aquam | Vampire: The Dark Ages | Pg. 166-167 |
Neptune's Might | Guide to the Camarilla | Pg. 101-102 |
Neptune's Might | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 218-220 |
^ Oneiromancy
Oneiromancy | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 75-76 |
Oneiromancy | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 54-56 |
^ Path of Blood
Rego Vitae | Vampire: The Dark Ages | Pg. 164-165 |
Potestas Vitae | Vampire Twentieth Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages | Pg. 301-302 |
The Power of Lifeblood | Vampire Twentieth Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages | Pg. 301-302 |
Path of Blood | Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition | Pg. 178-180 |
Path of Blood | Vampire: The Masquerade Rulebook | pg. 104 |
Path of Blood | Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition | pg. 168-169 |
Thaumaturgy | Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines | |
Rego Vitae | Dark Ages: Vampire Rulebook | Pg. 213-214 |
Path of Blood | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 213-214 |
^ Path of the Blood's Curse
Path of the Blood's Curse | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 76-78 |
Path of the Blood's Curse | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 56-58 |
^ Path of Cammano-Deuonertos
Path of Cammano-Deuonertos | France by Night | Pg. 238-239 |
^ Path of Conjuring
Path of Conjuring | The Players Guide | Pg. 85-86 |
Path of Conjuring | The Players Guide Second Edition | Pg. 82 |
Path of Conjuring | Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition | Pg. 181 |
Path of Conjuring | Laws of Elysium | Pg. 73-74 |
Path of Conjuring | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 220-221 |
^ Path of Corruption
Corruption | The Players Guide | Pg. 88-89 |
Corruption | The Players Guide Second Edition | Pg. 85-86 |
Corruption | Laws of Elysium | Pg. 77-78 |
Path of Corruption | Guide to the Camarilla | Pg. 102-104 |
Path of Corruption | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 221-224 |
^ Path of Curses
Path of Curses | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 78-80 |
Path of Curses | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 58-60 |
^ Path of the Father's Vengeance
Path of the Father's Vengeance | Guide to the Sabbat | Pg. 117-118 |
The Path of the Father's Vengeance | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 226-228 |
^ Path of the Levinbolt
Way of the Levinbolt | Dark Ages Companion | Pg. 94 |
Path of the Levinbolt | Clanbook: Tremere Revised | Pg. 51-53 |
Path of the Levinbolt | Rites of the Blood | Pg. 140-142 |
^ Path of Mars
Path of Mars | Guide to the Sabbat | Pg. 116-117 |
Path of Mars | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 224 |
^ Path of Mercury
Path of Praapti | Blood Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgical Companion | Pg. 65 |
Path of Praapti | Rites of the Blood | Pg. 165 |
^ Path of Shadowcrafting
Path of Shadowcrafting | Clanbook: Tremere Revised | Pg. 53-56 |
^ Path of Technomancy
Path of Technomancy | Guide to the Camarilla | Pg. 104-105 |
Path of Technomancy | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 224-226 |
^ Path of Transmutation
Thaumaturgical Alchemy | Dark Ages Companion | Pg. 92-94 |
Path of Transmutation | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 80-82 |
Path of Transmutation | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 60-61 |
^ Path of Warding
Path of Warding | Dark Ages Companion | Pg. 95-96 |
^ Perdo Magica
Perdo Magica | House of Tremere | Pg. 109-110 |
Perdo Magica | Players Guide to Low Clans | Pg. 168 |
^ Prey on the Soul's Fear
Prey on the Soul's Fear | Dark Ages Companion | Pg. 94-95 |
^ Rego Magica
Rego Magica | House of Tremere | Pg. 106-109 |
^ Rego Mentem
Rego Manes (Path of Spirits) | Dark Ages Companion | Pg. 107-108 |
^ Soul of the Serpent
Soul of the Serpent | Cairo by Night | Pg. 88 |
^ Spirit Manipulation
Spirit Manipulation | Guide to the Camarilla | Pg. 106-107 |
Spirit Manipulation | Rites of the Blood | Pg. 142-145 |
^ Spirit Thaumaturgy
Spirit Thaumaturgy | The Succubus Club | Pg. 65-66 |
Spirit Thaumaturgy | Vampire Players Guide Second Edition | Pg. 83-84 |
Spirit Thaumaturgy | The Players Guide | Pg. 87 |
Spirit Thaumaturgy | Laws of Elysium | Pg. 74-75 |
^ Transitus Velociter
Way of Passage | Libellus Sanguinis 2: Keepers of the Word | Pg. 63 |
Transitus Velociter | Dark Ages: Vampire Rulebook | Pg. 217 |
^ Video Pellis
Video Nefas (Path of Evil Revelations) | Dark Ages Companion | Pg. 105-106 |
^ The Vine of Dionysus
The Vine of Dionysus | Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy | Pg. 82-83 |
The Vine of Dionysus | Laws of the Night: Storytellers Guide | Pg. 61-63 |
^ Weather Control
Rego Tempestas | Vampire: The Dark Ages | Pg. 166 |
Weather Control | Guide to the Camarilla | Pg. 108-109 |
Weather Control | Vampire: The Masquerade Rulebook | pg. 104 |
Weather Control | Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition | pg. 171 |
Rego Tempestas | Dark Ages: Vampire Rulebook | Pg. 215 |
Weather Control | Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition | Pg. 228-229 |
Vampire: The Masquerade Disciplines | ||
Animalism · Auspex · Blood Sorcery · Celerity · Dominate · Fortitude · Obfuscate · Oblivion · Potence · Presence · Protean · Thin-Blood Alchemy | ||
Legacy | Abombwe · Bardo · Chimerstry · Daimonion · Deimos · Dementation · Flight · Kai · Kineticism · Maleficia · Melpominee · Mytherceria · Nihilistics · Obeah · Obtenebration · Quietus · Rift · Sanguinus · Serpentis · Spiritus · Striga · Temporis · Thanatosis · Valeren · Vicissitude · Visceratika | |
Legacy Blood Magic | Abyss Mysticism · Akhu · Thaumaturgical Countermagic · Dur-An-Ki · Mortis · Nahuallotl · Voudoun Necromancy · Western Necromancy · Ogham · Sadhana · Sihr · Thaumaturgy · Dark Thaumaturgy · Sielanic Thaumaturgy · Assamite Sorcery · Anarch Sorcery · Koldunic Sorcery · Setite Sorcery · Wanga |