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A Thaumaturge is a mortal practicioner of "low" magic, as opposed to the Supernal magic of the Awakened.


Thaumaturges rely in equal parts on lengthy, exacting ritual as on force of will to accomplish their magic. Their powers are the result of long study and self-discipline, and (possibly) the intercession of an otherworldly spirit or divinity. While not susceptible to Paradox, thaumaturgical rituals are hampered by the presence of disbelieving witnesses. The quality of the materials and the timing and location of the ritual can also affect the outcome.

Rather than the power of a particular Arcanum, thaumaturges learn to achieve quite specific magical effects which are operationalized as thaumaturgical merits. Knowledge of one merit does not necessarily provide any benefit for a thaumaturge in learning any other, no matter how similar the two are.

At the Storyteller's discretion, it is possible to treat high and low magic as aspects of a single system. For instance, a mage character may purchase a thaumaturgical merit to represent a power that has become well-practiced and instinctive, or a thaumaturge may buy an Awakened spell as if it were a merit, assuming the spell is one suitable for ritual casting.

"Thaumaturge" is considered a minor supernatural template, and thus cannot stack with any other supernatural template. A thaumaturge who is Embraced becomes a vampire (a major template) and loses all thaumaturgical merits. On the other hand, a thaumaturge who consumes vampiric vitae may become a ghoul (and lose all thaumaturgical merits) or may completely resist its effects (remaining a thaumaturge).


Thaumaturgical practices vary greatly around the world and across time. They are colored by the histories and cultures that shaped them. In game terms, each tradition limits which thaumaturgical merits a character can learn, as well as applying other strengths and weaknesses.

Some "traditions" are as small as a body of knowledge passed down from mentor to student, while others encompass vast areas of knowledge and population. In some countries, people still regularly seek out witches, folk healers, shamans and the like, and thaumaturges may practice relatively openly. In urbanized and industrialized countries, on the other hand, thaumaturges tend to keep their practices secret, to avoid mundane ridicule or suspicion as much as unwanted supernatural attention.

Known traditions are:

  • Apostles of the Dark One, who bear similarities to real-life Satanists
  • Ritual Magicians, highly intellectual thaumaturges
  • Hedge Witches, practitioners of folk magic
  • Taoist alchemists, who practice both "interal" and "external" alchemy
  • Vodoun, a magic based on West African spiritualism
  • Shamans, mortals who learn to interact with spirits


Thaumaturges are closely analogous to sorcerers in the Classic World of Darkness, with thaumaturgical merits taking the place of Paths of linear magic.

