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White Wolf Wiki

Terminus West is a book and clothing shop in Glasgow.



Terminus West is unobtrusive from the outside. It seems like one of the several other red-brick storefronts on Bytes Road. But step inside and you are confronted with Malaysian and African totems and neon lights that run the length of the store. Tin panels are bolted to the floor, and the walls are festooned with loose Christmas lights and posters from local bands. Books on philosophy and non-Western religion peer out between stacks of folded clothes. Bolts of cloth and newspapers spill over the tops of rickety tables salvaged from bins around the local campus.

Wander around long enough, and Trellis, a middle-aged black woman, will grill you on your beliefs. If you pass her muster as an open-minded and intelligent person, she just might sell you a book or make you some clothes.

Trellis is a Hollow One, although she prefers to call herself a Constructivist. She is the titular head of a group of four other Hollow Ones who live in the West End. She knows of the strong fae presence in Glasgow, but only knows Anguish personally, One of her favorite customers is Agnes Ranald, a Brujah. Her visits ensure debates that go long into the night. Trellis is eager to find out more about the Kindred in the city.


  1. MTAs. Isle of the Mighty, p. 95.