Terence Merik, born as Terance Merick, was the Prince of Milwaukee from 1927 until 1992 when he frenzied and murdered his wife. The murder of his wife, an unnamed Gangrel, drove the Prince mad and sent him into self destructive spiral that culminated in his destruction. He was succeeded as Prince by a Gangrel by the name of Mark Decker.
The Prince was born in 1645 in Kent, England and Embraced by a Countess on Christmas in the year 1683. His real name is Terence Merick, an Earl who supposedly died in 1750 (when the people of Kent began to wonder why he lived so long). History says he was slain by an unknown hand in a minor peasant uprising that rarely makes it into the history books. He moved to North America not long after and has lived there ever since.
Terence met his wife in America. She was a nurse for the northern soldiers during the Civil War, and he met her when some of the Union soldiers asked to use his plantation as a hospital. He could see immediately that she was a Vampire, and he was touched that she still behaving like a mortal and still getting involved in their little affairs. He forced her into a Blood Bond and fled with her to the north when the war was over. She had many friends among the Lupine, and used these contacts in the 1920s to control the liquor traffic around Milwaukee. This power led him to a control of organized crime and finally to the Princedom of the city in the 1930s.
- VTM: Milwaukee by Night, p. 76, 84-85