White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

"Terat" is a word used for any member of the Teragen, specifically one who follows the path of Teras.[1]


Terats start their lives like other novas, but they believe they have a duty to develop their powers to their limit. Through Teras, they also have a limited ability to control their Taint. By going through a process called the Chrysalis, Terats can avoid the mental aberrations that plague other high-Taint novas. The cost is that the experience much more severe physical aberrations, further alienating them from baselines.[2]

Terats who have undergone at least one Chrysalis are referred to among the Teragen as "elevated."[3]


Terat characters have two additional Traits that reflect their commitment to Teras: Archetype, which reflections the Terat's identification with either Monster, Marvel or Portent; and Chrysalis, which reflects their ability to control their Taint. Penalties from Chrysalis and Taint stack with one another, but Chrysalis points can be spent to enter the Chrysalis and modify other Traits. [4]

