Ten Steps, by Leif Jones
Ten Steps is who waits at the ananta before the Xi Wang Chi for the judges.
It is the person who welcomes them in the judges' house who takes care of the needs. When Sesha calls to report it is the Ten Steps who calls us and escorts us to his room. It is not known his age or who his parents were. He looks American for the rattle on the tip of his tail. It is ahi by your language that always divides. It looks lonely the way it is deep and yellow eyes. He loves Sesha for the wavering reverence that bows in his presence.
He doesn't ask questions, he doesn't disrespect, he doesn't comfort, he doesn't offer advice, he doesn't look down with pity, he doesn't put down with pity, he doesn't suggest methods and, above all, he doesn't judge. He just sits beside you at the feet of the Dragon Kings. Showing that judging is just our duty, not our being.