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A Temple of Apollo Lodge Member

The Temple of Apollo is a cultish Lodge of werewolves who reject the Oath of the Moon and the Oath of Father Wolf to worship a dangerous 'totem'.


Aliases: Apollonians, Thebans, Children of Helios

The Temple of Apollo rejects the creed of both Forsaken and Pure. Enclaves of the Temple thrive in cities and amongst the rich and wealthy, building a secret society of debauchery and decadence that they call the "Culte de la Raison." Apollonians see no point in denying themselves the luxuries and power that their spiritual blessings can acquire. They are, after all, the chosen priests and priestesses of Apollo, Wolf of the Sun.

As far as most Forsaken are aware, the Temple of Apollo build and maintain holy shrines that seems to be of the utmost importance to the cult, and they take as their sacred prey anyone who transgresses and intrudes into such a shrine. The Temple swears to protect its altars and its secrets, and is relentless in chasing down anyone - human, Uratha, or otherwise - who pierces into its inner mysteries. What outsiders don't realize is that the Temple has a second sacred prey - when the sun is right, Apollo's hungry maw must be filled with the life energies of human sacrifices.

The Temple of Apollo is made up of Ghost Wolves and converts from the Tribes. Temple members form entire packs of Lodge members, fiercely loyal to each other and to the cause. Outsiders need not apply. Every pack centers its activities around a shrine or temple, usually well-hidden and guarded with the finest security money can buy. Outsiders who breach the sanctum are killed.

Apollonians are treated with suspicion at best and hostility at worst by the Pure and the Forsaken, but the cult often tries to position itself as a neutral go-between that can mediate between the two sides. The Culte da la Raison, the human wing of the Temple, gets its hooks into the rich and powerful by satisfying their hungers and darker appetites; Apollonians often try to do the same to werewolves. No whim or desire is too sick or twisted, and tales circulate of Apollonians luring werewolves into cannibalism.

The Temple is strongest across Europe and North America, but has a surprising number of enclaves across the rest of the world. Most werewolves presume that the Temple actually worships Helios or one of the sun spirit's mightiest servants, and explain the cult's persistence and power through the spiritual aid of such beings.

Totem: Apollo The Sun Wolf[]

Apollo is not a servant of Helios; it's not even clear if he's a spirit at all. Apollo is a ravenous, alien horror of energy and light, swimming in the blazing sea of the sun's outer reaches. He is trapped there, unable to pierce past the guardian stride of the Warden Moon. He craves release into the bountiful feeding grounds of the world that he might consume life and gather enough souls to journey on through the void. When he manifests in the world, he attempts to contain his form in the shape of a wolf of nuclear light, but such an avatar struggles to contain his true presence; if angered, wounded, or disrupted, it distorts and twists into streaming tendrils of flame and energy.

The Temple believes itself to be the inheritors of Apollo's human priesthood from a past era, blessed with lycanthropy as a reward from the gods. Cultists know Apollo watches over them, and believe it is their holy duty to offer him the sacrifices his divine nature is due. The Lodge's bond offers the alien horror some small access to the world; he can manifest a tendril of himself to mark a new initiate, and the temples and shrines that his cult maintains are based around occult geometries that gather and focus the life energy of sacrificial victims. During phases of solar activities, when the sea of nuclear fire spasms and flares and the Warden Moon's embrace falters, Apollo can manifest a stronger presence at each of these shrines. One such sacred days, the cult mist furnish each avatar of their god with a bounty of victims that he might consume. In the modern age, Apollo urges his followers to build ever greater temples that might gather even more souls for his feasting, bringing him closer to breaking free and descending upon the world.


  • Blessing: The Lodge member does not suffer any penalties to a social roll to force Doors if the desired action aligns with the prey's Vice (or Blood).
  • Aspiration: To slake any hunger or desire the adherent feels strongly.
  • Ban: To allow no infidel to enter a shrine of Apollo and live.

Game Mechanics[]

The following are an overview of the game mechanics.

The Sacred Hunt[]

The Lodge Sacred Hunt grants your character the ability to sense if the prey has entered a sacred shrine of Apollo while not a member of the Lodge. Should the prey have done so, your character may activate Facets targeting the prey, augmenting attacks against the prey, or defending against the prey's own attacks at no cost in Essence. Once she has activated five Facets in this way during a scene, Apollo's power pours through your character, causing light to spill from her mouth and eyes. For the remainder of the scene while thus empowered, she adds her Glory Renown to her Defense and her Cunning to her perception rolls; darkness of any kind, even a supernatural source, is no impediment to her vision.

During periods of intense solar activity such as solar flares, your character gains the ability to consume the soul of a human marked as prey in the Siskur-Dah when she kills him, Consuming the soul in this way refills the adherent's Willpower entirely, grants her 5 points of sun-resonant Essence, and transfers the soul on to Apollo.


The Temple of Apollo has access to the Lodge Connections, Lodge Sorcery and Lodge Stronghold Merits, and may choose Sorcery Influences from Fire, Hunter and Light.

Glorious Lyre (Fetish Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet )[]

A Glorious Lyre is a work of art simply to look upon; its strings gleam iridescently and always seems slightly aquiver.
Effect: When the Glorious Lyre is played, anyone other than the musician and Lodge members has their Doors reduced by one against any social maneuvering during the scene. Playing the Glorious Lyre also allows the musician to reflexively engage in a Clash of Wills against any mind-influencing supernatural powers that affect any listeners who can hear the music, using a dice pool of her Primal Urge + Glory + Expression to counter the effects.


Werewolf: The Forsaken Lodges
First Edition
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Iron Masters Lodge of 66Lodge of ArmsLodge of the Hidden HuntLodge of LightningLodge of MetalLodge of ScrollsLodge of SpiresLodge of StonesLodge of Wires
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Second Edition
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Bone Shadows Lodge of the Hundred Days
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Auspice Lodge of the ChronicleLodge of Gargoyles
Pure Lodge of Muspell
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