- See also: Convention Book: N.W.O. (revised edition)
Technocracy: N.W.O. is a sourcebook for the Mage: The Ascension Second Edition about the New World Order: the Technocratic Union Convention that deals with social engineering and direct control over the Masses. It was later revised in Convention Book: N.W.O.
From the White Wolf catalog:
- The dreaded Men in Black dog the steps of Tradition mages, kidnapping, interrogating, converting or removing any threat to the Greater Good. While the clumsy cyborgs of Iteration X blast their targets to atoms, the N.W.O. cuts down their enemies quietly and efficiently.
- Technocracy: New World Order follows the methods, agents and history of this subtle Convention with an insider's perspective and host of tidbits for the Mage Storyteller. From paranoia to subversion, from mindwipes to betrayal, no tool is ignored. A safe reality, after all, is worth any price.
- Technocracy: New World Order includes:
- "Official" data: the lessons and observations of a Man in Black.
- Ready-to-use gadgets, agents, magickal "procedures" and a safehouse base.
- Tactics, Methodologies, and a labyrinthine glimpse into the Technocratic puppeteers.
File One: This is Only a Test[]
Chapter One: Inner Illuminations[]
Chapter Two: Ranks and Relationships[]
File Two: Hardware[]
Chapter Three: Procedures, Gadgets and Agents[]
- Common Effects
- Coordination
- Correspondence
- Entropy
- Forces
- Mind
- Spirit
- Time
- Complex Procedures ("Spells")
- Sense Node (
- Heat Seeking (
- Hail of Bullets (
- Psychological Breaking Point (
- Phone Tap (
- Holdout Weapon (
- Red Button (
- Strengthen Gauntlet (
- Persona (
- Pirated Media Blitz (
- Sense Node (
- Mind Games
- Talismans and Gadgets
- Watchers
- Men in Black
- Servants of the Ivory Tower
- Security Talismans
- Shadow Warriors
- Operatives
- Men in Black - Stats
- Gray Men - Stats
- Intelligence Analyst - Stats
- Men in White - Stats
- The Ivory Tower
- Educators - Stats
- Mission Specialists - Stats
- Watchers
- Reporters - Stats
- Gatekeepers - Stats
- Field Observers - Stats
- Operatives
Chapter Four: The Divisidero Safehouse[]
- Recommended Indoctrination
- Fiction
- George Orwell, 1984
- Ayn Rand, We and Anthem
- Anthony Burgess, Clockwork Orange
- The Collected Stories of Phillip K. Dick
- Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminatus Trilogy
- John LeCarre, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
- Nonfiction
- The Cuckoo's Egg by Clifford Stohl
- Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent
- A History of Secret Societies by Arkon Daraul
- The CIA by Graham Yost
- Other Game Sourcebooks
- Paranoia by Greg Kostikyan and West End Games
- GURPS Prisoner and GURPS Espionage
- Nephelim by Fédéric Weil and Fabrice Lamidey, licensed and redone by Chaosium
- Films
- Brazil
- Closetland
- Sneakers, La Femme Nikita (re-made as Point of No Return; see the original), James Bond films, Falcon and the Snowman, In The Line of Fire, 1984 (both versions), The Osterman Weekend, Manufacturing Consent and They Live.
- Television
- The X-Files
- The Prisoner
- Max Headroom and Masumune Shirow's Black Magic M-66
- Fiction
Background Information[]
- This book appears with Technocracy: Iteration X and Technocracy: Progenitors as part of the Technocracy Assembled 1 compilation.
- The ad at the back of the book is for Halls of the Arcanum (May).
- Brian Campbell dedicates the book to Phillip K. Dick and to Number 6, for obvious reasons.
Memorable Quotes[]
- Chapter One: Inner Illuminations
- Hernando, #AT423 - NWO, Died, Black Suit Unit, AT#4
- Terrance Whyte - NWO, Collegium
- Alexandra Takahashi, #AT333 - NWO, Watcher
- Sandi - NWO, Watcher
- #AT776
- Stephen Thundran - Progenitor RA
- Franklin, #AT421, Black Suit Unit, AT#4
- Gene, #AT422, Black Suit Unit, AT#4
- #AT335 - Assistant to Daniel Smith
- #AT976 - Watcher, NWO
- #AT992 - Operative, Watcher
- #AT336 - Assistant to Daniel Smith
- John Courage
- Queen Victoria
- Professor Donald Richardson - NWO, Collegium
- Inspector Rathbone
- Detective St. Crispin
- Parminideans - Historical Figure
- Guttenberg - Historical Figure
- Copernicus - Historical Figure
- DaVinci - Historical Figure
- Newton - Historical Figure
- Weisshaupt - Historical Figure
- Jefferson - Historical Figure
- Franklin - Historical Figure
- Alexander Graham Bell - Historical Figure
- Professor Yukio Ishida - NWO, Collegium
- #AT944
- Chapter Two: Ranks and Relationships
- Karpov - Historical Figure
- Chapter Four: The Divisidero Safehouse
- Arthur Fotheringay
- Eddie Carmichael
- Sarah McGregor
- Merika Seth
- Crissie Pendarvis - KWLF
- Dr. Ken Himiitsu
- Roland Cassault, #AT13
- Ivan, #AT424
- Blake - Progenitor, Pharmacopiast, Amalgam 17
- Johnny Yung - Syndicate, Amalgam 17
- Mustafa - Iteration X, Amalgam 17
- Daniel Smith, "Dan Smith" - Intelligence Analyst, NWO
- Catherine Salazar - White Suit
Documentation: Apparatus, Black Suit, BTW, Collective Will, Construct, Convention, Deep Universe, E-mail, Enlightened, FTP, Gengineering, Gray Suit, Influence, Kirlian lens, The Masses, Methodology, Mindscaping, Mistridge, Mythic Age, Natural, Newlife, Oldlife, Order of Reason, Paradox, Procedure, Processing, Processed, Reality Criminal, Reality Deviant, Reality Programmer, Safe House, Shroud, Sleepteaching, Social Conditioning, Sympathizer, Technocracy; 1325, 1890, 1972, Administrative Journal #32 (NWO), Alliance Vodka, Alpha Outpost, Amalgam 17, Anachronism, Atlas Accounting, Autochthonia, Bavarian Illuminati, Black Suit Unit #AT4, Cabal of Pure Thought, California, Cataclysm, Citation Procedure, Clan, Collegium, Collegium of History, ComLog, Convention of the White Tower, Craftmasons, Deep Universal Collective #722 (NothCal RC), The Divisidero Safehouse (aka "Div City", San Francisco Construct), EcoR, Faeries, Fotheringay and Carmichael Investigations, Gauntlet, Ghosts, Grand Housecleaning, Hive Mind, Horizon Realm, Inner Circle, Inquisition, Knights Templar, KWLF, Legalists, Lycanthropes (Rats), Masquerade, MECHA, Nepal Chantry, Northern California Security Collective (Horizon Realm), Operatives (Man in Black, Gray Men, Intelligence Analyst, Men in White), Order of Reason, The Order of the Rosy Cross, Paradox Spirit, Prieure de Scion, Research Collective, Rogue Agents, Sabbat, Sampson School of Languages, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Schroedinger Gateway, Servants of the Ivory Tower (Educators, Mission Specialists), Silicon Valley, Sprockets Productions, Symposium, Talisman R&D (Q Divisions), TEMPEST systems, Thaumaturgy, Tremere, Union, Vampires, Watchers (Reporters, Gatekeepers, Field Observers, Lensmen), Werewolves, West Virginia, World Advisory Council (WAC),
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