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Tara-Nar is the great freehold castle of High King David Ardry. He ordered its construction during the last years he spent in Queen Mab's palace. Tara-Nar acts as the seat for his power and a symbol of Concordia.


The Stronghold of Dreams, Tara-Nar is the seat of power and primary residence of the High King David Ardry. Located in upstate New York, it is an imposing and splendid castle reminiscent of French architecture, protected by the geography of the Catskills and the Red Branch Knights. The walls reflect the changing weather, painting patterns in accordance with the sun, wind, and rain on the translucent stone. Formal gardens and a tourney field surround the palace, and stables, mews, and kennels occupy outbuildings. Beneath it is the Well of Fire from which comes all balefire in Concordia.

The High King moved there with his sister Morwen, who continued to act as his advisor.

During High King David disappearance, the throne of the castle remained empty. He returned during early autumn 2005.

C20 Write Up[]

Tara Nar

David Ardry of House Gwydion, the High King, rules Concordia from Tara Nar, its capital, nestled in the Catskill Mountains of New York state. Located within the Kingdom of Apples, Tara Nar’s “mortal” seeming resembles one of the grand lodges tucked away amid the breathtaking mountain vistas beloved to both environmentalists and ski buffs. King David’s creation, to the eyes of the Kithain, evokes the splendor of Europe’s historic castles and the fairytale palaces of the Brothers Grimm.

The palace of Tara Nar rests upon an island of the same name, surrounded by the crystal clear waters of Kingslake. Occupying its own smaller island not far from Tara Nar, the Hall of Advocates houses the Parliament of Dreams, where nobles and commoners have a voice, through their representatives, in Concordia’s rule. It is connected to the island of Tara Nar both by a causeway connecting the shores of the two islands and via a carved wooden bridge that connects with the Hall’s second floor balcony, which overlooks the parliamentary hall. King David used to divide his time between Tara Nar and Homefires, his Winter Court, which occupies a brownstone in downtown Manhattan. Of late, however, he remains in Tara Nar, brooding on the meaning of his dreams. His sister, Lady Morwen, and his ward and heir, Princess Lenore of House Dougal, also spend part of the year at Tara Nar, and his wife, Faerilyth, lives there full time.

