White Wolf Wiki

According to Garou myth, the Talons of the Wyrm are the result of the first direct attack on Gaia. He manifested a gigantic hand that corrupted everything it touched, until brave Garou warriors managed to rip the hand into shreds. And while the Wyrm was forced to retreat, his fingers had clawed themselves deep into Gaia and managed to flee the Garou by changing their form. They were primal manifestations of the Wyrm, the physical stuff of its first manifestation in the world of matter, and were thus almost indestructible by any force. But the Garou were able, through great feats and earth magic, to bind them into objects. Garou mystics speculate about the exact number of talons, but a few are known and rightly feared by the Garou Nation, for should all Talons be freed from their ancient prisons, the Apocalypse would surely begin.

While there is no exact number of the Talons, The Last Battle novel states that there are only five.[1]

Known Talons[]


  1. WTA: The Last Battle, p. 91
  2. WTA: Rite of Passage, p. 58
  3. WTA: Werewolf Chronicles Volume 1, p. 58
  4. WTA: Rage Across Russia, p. 97
  5. WTA: Werewolf Players Guide, p. 49
  6. WTA: Werewolf Players Guide, p. 49
  7. WTA: Book of the Weaver, p. 61
  8. WTA: The Last Battle, p. 79, 90, 190, 196, 262-264, 270, 274-275, 279-280, 285, 291, 316