I reckon this one should be in the singular; "Cleopatra" is a nickname applied to certain members of the clan, not a true group or bloodline of Nosferatu. Just my two cents... -- Benjamin 04:03, 31 January 2007 (UTC)
- I wasn't sure if Cleopatra the person played a role in any of the old World of Darkness lines. Unless someone knows otherwise, it's fine by me.BebopKate 04:47, 31 January 2007 (UTC)
- Well, after trying to copyedit it under the existing title, I think the plural form leads to some awkward wording in the article and also gives the impression they're an organised group. If the real Cleopatra turns out to be important (and I can't remember ever seeing her referenced), we can always disambiguate, making her Cleopatra (oWOD) or (character), and this article Cleopatra (VTM). I'll move and reword. -- Benjamin 23:34, 31 January 2007 (UTC)
- Looks good. Thanks! BebopKate 05:51, 1 February 2007 (UTC)
- The historical Cleopatra is mentioned in the 2E Clanbook: Setites on Page 16. Quote "A Setite ghoul and agent, Cleopatra, was sent unsuccessfully to Rome to gain influence over the Senate and Julius Caesar. She succeeded in seducing Mark Antony, Caesar's general, but even his revolt did not halt Rome's advances. Egypt became a Roman province in 30 BC. Cleopatra committed suicide, submitting to an asp's fangs rather than to imperial Rome." I'm not sure why they went with that story, as the historical Cleopatra was a good queen and a victim of Rome, who basically sacked her entire kingdom and civilization. That said, old White Wold was very Christian-centric and would paint anything not from the mainstream as evil. Anyway, there it is. --Karin Logan 10:55, 2 January 2020