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Talens are mass-produced single use fetishes.


While Fetishes are rare items requiring great effort to create, Talens are far more common. Even a fairly inexperienced Garou can create a Talen. Unlike Fetishes, which are permanent until either the Garou releases the spirit or it somehow breaks free, a Talen is a temporary item, usually good for one use only.

In Garou society, it is considered less disrespectful to force spirits into a Talen than a Fetish, as the spirit is freed upon the talen's use.

Sample Talens[]

Talens don't require attunement, but have a limited number of uses (just once, unless otherwise specified). A successful Gnosis Challenge (retest Primal Urge) activates the spirit within a talen. You may spend a point of Gnosis to force a talen active if the challenge fails. A Garou may only carry a number of talens equal to twice their permanent Gnosis Traits.

The Fetishes and Talens located here are but samples. The list is by no means complete or exhaustive.

Bane Arrows
Gnosis 4
These obsidian-headed arrows seek out and home in on Banes, whether or not they are visible. They hit Banes automatically and inflict three dice of aggravated damage. Furthermore, the bite of a Bane arrow is so painful that no Bane can resist howling in agony. Wyrm spirits can sometimes sense the presence of these Talens, and they may not wait for the archer to fire before acting.

To create a Bane arrow, one must bind a spirit of war, air, or pain into the arrow.

Death Dust
Gnosis 6
When broken open, activated, and sprinkled over the body of a recently (within a day) dead creature, this small jar of dust allows the wielder to communicate with the spirit of the corpse. The Silent Striders sometimes give these Talens to their pups to help them discover knowledge.

To create death dust, one must bind a spirit of death, communication, or divination into the jar.

Moon Glow
Gnosis 8
This Talen is a single moonbeam caught within a small crystal. Upon embarking on a journey into the Umbra, the wielder may activate this Talen from Luna. As long as it is carried continually, the journey should be a safe one. The crystal shatters once the Garou reaches his destination. This Talen keeps away only incidental danger. If a powerful and hostile spirit hunts the werewolf actively, she has more problems than this Talen can solve.

Only a Lune can empower a moon glow Talen.

Moon Sign
Gnosis 5
This small waxen seal bears the sign of the full moon. When activated and thrown down before any werewolf, the werewolf's player must succeed on a Willpower roll (difficulty 7), or the character changes immediately to Lupus form. This Talen works on Black Spiral Dancers and other shapechangers as well, making them shift to their animal form.

To create a moon sign, one must bind a Lune into the seal. One may also use a spirit of the Wyld, a spirit of change or a wolf spirit.

Gnosis 5
This Talen is distilled from the very essence of night. When quaffed, one fluid ounce of this liquid turns the imbiber's body into shadow, rendering her virtually invisible in darkness. Only a watcher searching actively for the user can make a roll to spot her. This effect lasts only an hour. Weaker versions of this Talen exist that last only until the change of the next hour.

To create nightshade, a spirit of night or darkness must be bound into a vial.

Wyrm Scale
Gnosis 8
This sigil possesses some protection against the power of the Wyrm. Servants of the Wyrm revert to their true forms if the sigil activates in their presence. Some believe that this action alerts the Wyrm to the existence of the sigil, but in any event, the sigil combusts in a greenish fire immediately after use, and it is incinerated completely.

To create a Wyrm scale, a Wyrm spirit must be bound into the sigil.

List of Other Talens[]

  • Ala Archa National Park: Archa Torch - Gnosis 6 -
  • Compostela Scallop Shell - Gnosis 6 - Reward for completing the Compostela pilgrimage -
  • White Lightning – Level 4, Gnosis 5 -
  • War Paint - Gnosis 5 -
  • Wyrm Sign - Gnosis 6 -
  • Klaital's Tears - Gnosis 8 - These small, unidentifiable gems are said to be the crystalized tears of Klaital, the first Stargazer, shed as he wept with Harano on his journey to the end of the world. They dried up and crystalized as he past them on his triumphant return from despair. Each tear, when activated, will once again become salty water and exude such a feeling of despair to all nearby that everyone must make a Willpower roll, difficulty of the talen's Gnosis (8) or else fall into Harano. These tears ae extremely rare, and are believed to have all been collected by the Stargazers and hidden away.
  • Seed of the World Tree - Gnosis 8 - This small seed (most often oak, but sometimes of another species) is an actual seed of the World Tree, the first tree grown by Gaia and the tree which sheltered the first Children of Gaia cubs, given new life by the Mother. When carefully planted and activated, the seed will grow (over time) to be an incredibly strong and powerful tree, exuding an aura of peace and courage. All who live near it will be affected by these emotions. While still a sapling, the tree will need guarding, for minions of the Wyrm will try to uproot it, but once it has grown to 10 years in age, it can defend itself, for it has becomes an animate plant Kami. These seeds are so rare as to be thought of as mere myths, but it is said that they can still be sought in the far reaches of the Umbra, in areas where they have blown but can grow no roots. All Child of Gaia believe it their duty to return such seeds to be planted in the Earth.

Players Guide Talens[]

  • Chiropteran Spies - Gnosis 6
  • Faerie Gold - Gnosis 5
  • Storm Feather - Gnosis 8
  • Trapdoor Boon - Gnosis 5
  • Basket of Bones - Gnosis 8
  • Clear Water - Gnosis 4
  • Fianna Mead - Gnosis 6
  • Pine Dagger - Gnosis 6
  • Herbs
    • Yaupon
    • Plantain
    • Catmint
    • Basil
    • Peyote

Breed Talens[]

See Breed Fetishes here.

Auspice Talens[]

See Auspice Fetishes here.

Tribal Talens[]

  • Black Furies: Kyra Firefoot: Thunder Arrows - A quiver of arrows that transform in flight into lightning bolts, doing 8 dice of aggravated damage to their targets.
  • Black Furies: Children's Poultices and Potions - Gnosis 6-8 - Between the wisdom of every Mother and Crone on the planet, it is possible that the Black Furies can find a cure to almost any childhood ailment, including some of the most serious. This surprises some other Garou, but makes perfect sense among the Furies. The Furies embrace motherhood as an essential part of their connection to Gaia, and to do their job poorly would be to deny part of that connection. Besides which, since they never keep any male Garou, the importance of keeping their young alive until they can undergo their First Change is double what it would be for other tribes. This entry represents a plethora of different liquids, herbs, and other cures to a variety of childhood woes from the flu to whooping cough even to childhood cancer and leukemia. Generally, Black Fury cures tend to mirror modern science, but can often deviate. Very few Black Furies probably know of any technique that has a chance of curing cancerous conditions, but there might be one somewhere in the world who does. (Storytellers may wish to assign a level to such powerful talens, having them purchased or created as fetishes but only working once before being discarded.) More common ailments, even life ailments, even life threatening ones, can generally be treated with these talens and such treatment often has fewer side effects and shorter recovery times than modern medicine. (Although the spiritual cost of such ensures that non-Black Furies will not see the benefit of it outside of exceptional circumstances.) In all cases, the talen rolls its own Gnosis to cure diseases. Non-life threatening illnesses are difficulty 4. Terminal illnesses that can be cured by modern medicine are difficulty 6. Diseases that are otherwise incurable are difficulty 9.
  • Black Furies: Golden Apples - Gnosis 7 - The goddess of the Primordial Night, Nyx, gave birth to the Hesperides, a set of daughters who would guard the Golden Apples given by Gaia to Zeus and Hera upon their wedding day. Most Black Furies enjoy the compliment of being compared to a dread goddess of the night, but take exception to the rest of the story. Gaia gave the Apples to them directly. And Heracles never got near them. The legends that talk of the original Golden Apples and what incredible powers they would possess are hard to believe. The most common story by far is that anyone eating just one would become utterly invincible, so filled with life that she would never know death. However, the Golden Apples that the Furies know are a specific set of talens, the techniques for making which have been passed down throughout the ages. The process of infusing one of these apples is quite different from the normal process of talen making; the secret must be learned from Black Fury elders, although to other Black Furies it is normally taught freely. It works by binding three tree spirits into an apple, and it is this process that turns the apple golden. When activated, the golden shine becomes even more powerful. A sense of incredible life flows from the Apples and cause any who see them to want to devour them more than anything else. A Willpower roll at difficulty 6 is required to resist the temptation to fling all else aside and focus solely upon eating the apple. When eaten, the Golden Apples roll their Gnosis against a difficulty of the eater's Rage; every success restores one health level. This restorative effect reminds not a few Black Furies and Get of Fenris of the Norse legends of Idun's golden apples, suggesting a connection where the two tribes don't want to see one.
  • Sept of Bygone Visions: The Rain God's Tears - Level 4, Gnosis 9 - A collection of fist-sized topaz talens created by Mayan mystics. Each "tear" allows the wielder to call up a storm as per the Gift: Invoke the Spirits of the Storm. Each "tear" is good for one use.
  • Children of Gaia: The Final Draught - This powerful potion is made by ritemasters who are also herbalists. Portia Tucker, Child of Gaia and survivor of the Civil War, was one of the last who knew how to make it. Its ingredients include wolfsbane and heart's ease as well s alcohol. When consumed, the drinker can Change only once more before it takes effect, and thereafter cannot shapeshift ever again. She remains Garou in all ways, including rites and Gifts, but is trapped in one form till death. Uses for this drug vary. Septs have used it as a punishment for breakers of the Litany, but some older Children of Gaia have used it as a form of retirement (or suicide) after a lifetime of service. As the drinker cannot shapeshift for any reason (even if Gnosis drops to zero), some take it, enter Crinos and go to death in battle. Metis have even used it to ensure that they will not break the Veil by sleeping or dying to reveal their Crinos form.
  • Children of Gaia: Pearl River: Sacred Soil - Gnosis 4 - This is earth that was carefully tended and purified before it was removed from its Umbral Glen. When placed carefully into a plot on the ground, it sprouts any seed, instantly growing the plant or tree by one year’s reckoning for each success on the Soil’s Gnosis roll, difficulty 8.
  • Fianna: Battlemead - Gnosis 6 - Battlemead is sweet as regular mead, but buns its way down the throat, exploding in the belly like some serious rotgut. Some Fianna like to take a few swigs before battle. If the imbiber succeeds in a Willpower roll against the mead's Gnosis, he gains a Rage point and can ignore the first wound level sustained in the upcoming combat. Failing the roll results in all Rage roll difficulties being reduced by one for the rest of the scene. A botch results in immediate frenzy. Battlemead is made from honey derived from Battledew, a rare flower found in certain Umbral realms.
  • Fianna: Riordan Cliffgrazer: Titania's Wine - Gnosis 6 - Good for two drinks. This is the cure for Oberon's Ale. If forced down the throat of the sleeping imbiber, the sleeper must make a Stamina +2 roll versus the Wine's Gnosis. If he loses, he awakens with no headache. If he wins, the Wine has no effect.
  • Fianna: Unicorn's Milk - Gnosis 6 - This drink is passed around during tense meetings to help the assembly relax. The drinker must make a Willpower roll against the Gnosis of the drink. If the drinker is successful, this elixir raises the difficulties of all Rage rolls by two. If a drinker fails his roll, he loses a Rage point. If he botches, then he loses all but one of his Rage points, and he becomes a happy, philosophical drunk. The Fianna refer to that state as being comfortably numb. In order to make Unicorn's Milk, the brewer must find a piece of hair from a unicorn's mane, usually gotten by traveling to the Children of Gaia homeland.
  • Fianna: War Whiskey - Gnosis 6 - War Whiskey is a harsh drink that explodes in the throat and burns all the way down. Some Fianna packs like to take a few shots before battle. The imbiber rolls Willpower against the Gnosis of the drink. If successful, she can ignore the first wound level of damage she suffers in combat. If she fails the roll, then all Rage roll difficulties are reduced by one for the rest of the scene. If she botches, then she frenzies immediately.
  • Fianna: Faerie Fyre - Gnosis 7 - This drink is especially favored by Fianna, because it gives a hot rush and makes the eyes of the drinker glow slightly. A Garou who drinks Faerie Fyre must make a Willpower roll against the Gnosis of the draught. Failure means that all Willpower rolls increase in difficulty by one (+2 if the Storyteller is using the Fianna Tribal Weakness). A botch means the drinker gets completely drunk and wild, acting on her basic passions, completely uninhibited. Faerie Fyre is called Wyld Wine by some Fianna.
  • Fianna: Gaia's Best - Gnosis 7 - The absolute peak of Fianna brewing. Only a master brewer can make Gaia's Best. The ingredients are kept secret, and an apprentice brewer must pass many arduous tests before she learns the ancient methods of brewing. All that most Fianna know is that it takes years of work to make Gaia's Best. The drinker must make a Stamina roll against the Gnosis of the brew. If he fails, he immediately falls into a deep sleep, filled with wonderful dreams of happy childhood memories and faeries. If he botches, he stays asleep for a full day and doesn't rise under any circumstances. If the drinker succeeds, he regains all his Willpower and Rage points, and becomes very happy. All his physical attributes rise by one for the nest 24 hours. The effects of multiple draughts of Gaia's Best aren't cumulative. In any event, a few mouthfuls of this will send even the most hardy Ahroun reeling, regardless of her Stamina.
  • Fianna: Mist o' the Glen - Gnosis 7 - A deep brown brew, this, with a white effervescence swirling along its surface like lake mist. It doesn't flow down the throat so much as swirl, but when it hits bottom it spreads a comfortable numbness through the body. The drinker's mood becomes amiable and reflective. Tense meetings between rivals, when suitably lubricated with this elixir, settle down to jokes, laughter, and wistful reminiscences. The drinker must make a Willpower roll against the drink's Gnosis rating. Success raises the difficulty to frenzy by two, and puts the imbiber in a more philosophical frame of mind. Those failing the roll lose a temporary Rage point, while botching removes all but one of their temporary Rage points - making the drinker perhaps even more mellow and philosophical than is good for him. This is one of the more common of the potable talens, and can be found at most Fianna caerns.
  • Fianna: Royal Mead - Gnosis 7 - Royal Mead, or Blue Gold, gets its common name from three facts: when held to the light the golden liquid has a bluish hue; drinking it inexplicably turns the tongue blue for several hours; and a pint of the stuff makes the imbiber's eyes shimmer with a faint bluish glow. Its more formal name comes from the fact that most of the meager world's supply of the stuff can be found in the palace at Tara, for Royal Mead is considered by some opinionated Fianna to be the finest-tasting elixir in existence (though as rare as it is, few get the opportunity to taste-test. Imbibers who make a Willpower check against the drink's Gnosis can see clearly in dim light (and in total darkness as if it were dusk) for a scene, but most consider that to be a mere side effect of the heavenly elixir. Royal Mead is made from the honey of the Umbral flower Royalblood.
  • Fianna: Death Sword - Gnosis 8 - In Celtic legend, the hero Cuchulainn died in an act of incredible determination, bravery and loyalty. Tied to a tree to keep him upright despite grievous wounds while single-handedly fighting off the army of Maeve, his tragic sacrifice is one that connects powerfully with the Fianna, especially in these final days. As a result, more and more of these swords are being forged. This is tragic, since they are only forged when the Fianna is utterly certain of his own death. There is a legend of one Fianna who created one of these swords and went into battle with it, but drastically overestimated the forces she faced and easily vanquished them. Mortified at having created such a sword improperly, she lived up to the tradition by impaling herself upon it. Bound with the spirit of Rage, the Death Sword comes alive in the Fianna's hands, drawing on his passion and determination to keep swinging long after he should be dead. The sword does Strength +2 aggravated damage and is difficulty 6 to strike with. However, the most distinctive feature of the blade is that whoever wields it will continue to fight until the blade is removed from their hand or they are hacked to pieces. Once the wielder reaches a point below Incapacitated, they do not die nor fall unconscious and continue to fight until the blade is somehow removed from their hand. This can be done in a number of ways. A targeted attack against the wielder's hand can sever it from the body, doing so requires three unsoaked health levels of damage from the targeted attack. Once below Incapacitated, any single attack that does more than five aggravated unsoaked health levels of damage is assumed to simply tear the opponent asunder. Also, Incapacitated, his body has presumably been hacked to bits. Finally, frenzy will always cause the wielder to drop the blade.
  • Fianna: Riordan Cliffgrazer: Oberon's Brew - Gnosis 8 - Good for three drinks. Gnosis 8. This is potent Faerie ale, rumored to be the special brew of the King of the Seelie Court. Drinking it automatically activates it, forcing the imbiber to make a Willpower roll versus the Brew's Gnosis to avoid becoming totally plastered. If he loses, he will party unexhausted into the night with a +3 to all his Social Dice Pool. Once morning comes, however, he will crash hard, and no one will be able to awaken him for a week. When he does awaken, he will have a splitting headache for the rest of the day and be at -2 to all his Dice Pools
  • Fianna: Tathlum - Level 2, Gnosis 5 - A tathlum is a sling-stone made from a specially prepared mixture of sand, lime, herbs and the brain of an enemy, into which a vengeance-spirit is bound. Ordinarily, a sling does Str + 2 bashing damage. A tathlum generally does lethal damage. If the brain ball was created with a specific individual in mind, it does aggravated damage to that individual. The brain of an especially powerful foe (an elder Black Spiral Dancer or ancient vampire, for example) increases the damage by an additional +1.
  • Get of Fenris: Gaia's Favored Child: Clawed Cane - Gnosis 6 - The Clawed Cane was designed for two purposes: it allows Gaia's Favored Child to walk without too much impairment - she can go at half the pace of the average Garou - and allows her to attack an enemy. Although the Keeper of the Land is not strong, when she activated the Clawed Cane in combat, she can do an extra four levels of damage by striking with the Cane's clawed foot. The Clawed Cane is cared entirely from marble and is effectively shatterproof.
  • Glass Walkers: Wu Yong, "Iron Ghost": Fire-Elemental Bullets - Gnosis 5 - If successful hit then activation, Damage: 3 Aggravated. Yong has 5 bullets.
  • Glass Walkers: Slagger - Gnosis 6 - Most slaggers have a small flame icon drawn on them. When activated, it consumes itself in an intense fire capable of burning through almost anything. The slagger melts virtually everything within a 2 x 3 foot area. To create a slagger, one must bind a fire elemental.
  • Glass Walkers: Spirit Pill - Gnosis 6 - One of the most common tribal traditions around the world is the spirit quest. In some cases, these are actually psychotic episodes brough on by various crude narcotics. Naturally the Glass Walkers have none of this. They bring on their psychotic episodes with very reliable and machine made narcotics. What's more, their narcotics actually work as ordered - they really do aid with spirit quests. Of course, the addition of Pattern Spiders along with carious chemical compounds helps. When taken and activated, the Spirit Pill charges the Garou's spiritual aspect, making it easier to step sideways. All Gnosis rolls to step sideways are reduced by 3. However, the drugs are not without their side effects. The drugs also cause Garou to become even more prone to anger and aggression than normal. All Rage rolls are made at -2 difficulty. These effects last for one scene.
  • Glass Walkers: Implant Virus - Gnosis 7 - When this talen, usually a plastic bug, is place upon a piece of machinery and activated, the talen will dissolve and the spirit within it will infest the machinery. These talens come in various types. Some seek out computer files containing certain key words or phrases and erase those files. Others wait until a certain situation occurs before taking control of the machine's output devices. To create an Implant Virus, one must bind a Net Spider.
  • Glass Walkers: Li Kw'ei, "Spinning Buzz Saw": Glitches - Gnosis 8 - A small, magnetized gear with a broken tooth. Place it on a machine and activate it. The machine will not function correctly until the machine is completely disassembled and reassembled
  • Glass Walkers: Perfecter of Forms: Master's Plasters - Gnosis 8 - A small piece of herb-smeared oil paper. It will temporarily heal one wound, negating Dice Pool penalties until it is removed. If it is removed before natural healing or regeneration can take place, the complete wound will return.
  • Glass Walkers: The Slug - Gnosis 8 - One assassination weapon that has ben widely theorized but never built is an accurate, telescopic sight, closed-action sniper rifle that fires a heavy slug at low velocity. This would allow silenced rifles to be workable assassination weapons. (Most of the time, the high velocity bullet makes too much noise.) The trick is to get low velocity, heavy weight and accurate all in the same device - an impossible task, since the slower the bullet the less accurate it will be. Naturally, the Glass Walkers have an angle on this. The Slug is a talen bullet that is both heavy and shot at a low velocity, but is wrapped with wind or bird-spirits to improve its range and accuracy. Once fired, it literally glides on an invisible wind to its target, finishing with a sudden burst of speed an inch away from impact. The effects of this are staggering, and almost any hit with this bullet is fatal, at least to normal humans. Any shot taken with it while activated is at +2 accuracy, doubles range, and if successful the weapon does four more dice of damage than normal for its caliber. There is also a rarer pistol fetish version of this talen, which, instead of improving accuracy, simply doubles the weight of the bullet after it's fired. It is rated Level 4, Gnosis 8, but bestows no accuracy or range bonus and does double damage, as if it were a ranged Fang Dagger. Like the Fang Dagger, it is good for one shot only per activation.
  • Red Talons: Cleansing Sand - Gnosis 5 - Used primarily by Talons who like to keep their enemies' skulls as trophies, the Cleansing Sand is created by binding ant-spirit into a small quantity of sand. The sand is then poured over a corpse. The ant-spirits strip the flesh clean, leaving dry bone behind. One "dose" of sand is enough to clean a human-sized skull.
  • Red Talons: Dead Rock - Gnosis 6 - An early fetish created by the Red Talons, probably dating all the way back to the first days of human towns and settlements, the Dead Rock works on the strategy that disrupting humanity's food sources is one of the easiest ways to prevent their expansion. Even today, this fetish finds good use in trying to stop continued clearing of tress by convincing farmers that the soil in the area is unsuitable for farming. It is less successful today against massive corporate owned farms simply due to scale, but it gets tried. The Dead Rock is a small smooth pebble scratched with the glyph for "Desert" or "Wasteland" on it, and bound with a salt-spirit. Once activated, it is buried in the ground in the center of a field. Within the day, the plants closest to where the rock was buried dice. Every following day, more crops die, extending further and further out from the rock. It is possible that some tales of crop circles are in fact the results of this fetish being used, since the pattern caused is roughly circular. Every day after being planted, the talen rolls its own Gnosis against difficulty 7. If one or more successes are achieved, then the circle of spoiled crops increases ten yards. This continues until a failure is rolled. Note that the Dead Rock cannot tell the difference between crops and natural plants, so a particularly troublesome rock might eventually need to be dug up again.
  • Red Talons: Old Storm Chaser: Ghost-Tobacco - Gnosis 6 - When smoked by a Garou, all spirits in a fifty yard radius will become intoxicated. Prolonged exposure will make spirits so drunk that they might play pranks or "pass out". Some spirits can become addicted to the smoke and will serve the smoker to get more.
  • Red Talons: Purifying Root - Gnosis 6 - Even the Garou can be poisoned, and the Red Talons don't commonly know a Gift to counter such attacks. However, by binding a snake spirit to a root, a Red Talon can create a talen that, when chewed, eliminates any natural poison in her body. It is also possible to chew the root a bit to activate it, and then give it to a Kin wolf that has been poisoned.
  • Red Talons: Fire Tooth - Gnosis 8 - The Red Talons name is sometimes interpreted to symbolize a group whose teeth and claws are soaked in the blood of humans, but a truer interpretation would interpret "Red" in the light of the fire of Rage. Rage at the pain of thousands of species, and with them the spirits, totems and life that have all been eradicated in the name of humanities expansion. With a Fire Tooth, the name isn't figurative in the slightest. The fetish is made from one of the Red Talon's own teeth, knocked from their jaw and scratched three times. It is then bound with a spirit of Rage. when activated, the tooth begins to burn red hot, and finally explodes eight turns later. When this happens, it does 8 levels of aggravated damage to anything within three feet. Since they are small enough to be placed inside machinery and the like, they can be normally employed to destroy human equipment quite easily.
  • Red Talons: Raven Feather - Level 1, Gnosis 5 - A single raven feather, which must come from a living bird, is braided into the Garou's fur just around the mane. After activating the feather, the Garou gains an unerring sense of where the closest healthy source of food is, be it game or buried meat. The Garou can use the feather to hunt or to scavenge with equal success. The Garou knows the direction of and the rough distance to the food, but not its nature. Thus, a Red Talon using this fetish to seek game may be disappointed with a carcass buried by a packmate many days ago. To create a Raven Feather, the Garou must find the feather and bind a spirit associated with hunting into it. This talen can be used multiple times, but when the bird from which the feather came dies, the talen ceases to work.
  • Shadow Lords: Leech's Blood - Gnosis 3 - Many Garou wonder how the Shadow Lords have managed to persist in Eastern Europe despite the vampiric strongholds which seem to dominate the area. While much of the reason has to do with the guile and tenacity of the Lords themselves, talens like this one help ensure that the Lords' Kinfolk will survive even when surrounded by Leeches. They survive because vampires learn not to feed upon them. The vampires never know, after all, one might have Leech's Blood on her person. This vial of syrupy liquid is useless to Garou, but quite valuable for their Kin. Any human may drink the blood with no ill effects. Any vampire drinking the human's blood, however, suffers one aggravated wound for every blood point drained from the human. The talen's potency takes approximately one minute to make itself manifest, so the vampire may drink quite a bit of blood before she realizes she's been poisoned. Making the talen requires a vial of normal human blood and a fire-spirit, but is otherwise fairly simple. Its potency lasts for one night after being drunk.
  • Shadow Lords: Whisper Feather - Gnosis 5 - This black feather is used to gather a small wind, which the feather then rides. The user can control where the feather travels. As it drifts, the user can perceive where it travels. He closes his eyes (as the player rolls Perception + Occult) and, for the duration of one scene, can see, hear and smell anything within 10 feet of the talen. The effect lasts for one scene, and the wind cannot carry the feather at faster than a walking pace.
  • Silent Striders: Wadjet's Fang - Gnosis 6 - The throwing stick was a hunting weapon favored by Egyptian nobility. Typically, the throwing stick was ornately carved, with one end weighted so that the stock would spin through the air to strike the target (typically a marsh-dwelling bird) with the heavy end. While the Silent Striders' enemies are made of sterner stuff than spindly-legged birds, Cobra's spirit children are always willing to fight at the Striders' side - cobra-spirits readily enter snake-carved throwing sticks. Hitting the target with a throwing stick requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll from the player against a difficulty of 7. A successful hit inflicts the character's Strength in bashing damage. If the Wadjet's Fang is successfully activated, the venomous snake-spirit inflicts an additional three dice of aggravated damage. If the stick-smacked opponent doesn't intentionally break the throwing stick, and if the weapon inflicts less than five bashing damage (before the opponent's soak), the throwing stick is probably intact. While Cobra's brood are almost always willing to enter Wadjet's Fang, they are downright eager to inhabit a throwing stick that has damaged a powerful enemy and may compete for the honor. (At the Storyteller's option, each Gnosis spent in the Rite of Binding reduces the spirit's Gnosis rating by two rather than one for one.)
  • Silent Striders: Atum's Arrows - Gnosis 7 - According to one Egyptian legend, the sun god Atum fired sunbeams as if they were arrows. Though the Silent Striders will never fire so many arrow as he did, they're also slightly more inventive than he was. Designed for hunting vampires, Atum's Arrows are made from acacia wood and bound with a sun spirit. They are also split very carefully at two different points. When activated and fired, the arrow becomes infused with sunlight, turning into fire. However, the breaks in the arrows shaft cause it to rupture in mid-flight into three small balls of flame that each head toward the same target in a shotgun-like effect. They thus lack penetration but do considerably more damage against creatures vulnerable to flame such as some fomori and, of course, vampires. Against foes vulnerable to fire, Atum's Arrows do 8 dice of aggravated damage and are at -1 difficulty to hit. However, against any other foes they only do 1 die of lethal damage.
  • Silent Striders: Pectoral of Terror - Gnosis 8 - These talens are extremely rare, and their owners rarely know the name or true nature of the beautiful necklace they have in their possession. Today these pectorals are usually created by the Silent Striders for use against the Black Spiral Dancers; others are created for use against Garou who have committed great wrongs against the tribe. The Pectoral of Terror appears to simply be a valuable and beautiful necklace, often conveniently "dropped" by a Strider (who must successfully activate the talen) fleeing the scene. It is wrought of highly refined gold, and polished as perfect as a mirror. In the hands of a human or even a vampire it is simply what it appears to be, but in the hands of a Garou it is a time bomb. The spirit bound to the pectoral is a ghost, and it hides on the edge of the Dark Umbra - only an exceptionally gifted Theurge could spot it lurking there, and few would think to try. If ever a Garou uses the polished surface of the pectoral as an aid to crossing the Gauntlet, the ghost within it snatches the werewolf away mid-crossing, pulling him instead into the Dark Umbra. The shades of the dead are drawn to these talens, especially those who hold a grievance against the proud, unsuspecting owner. They gather like vultures in the lands of the dead, waiting with the patience of the unliving for their chance at revenge.
  • Silver Fangs: Poppy Leaf Bandage - Gnosis 4 - It is a leader's burden to go on fighting, however terrible his wounds. The poppy leaf bandage will stop an aggravated wound from worsening, and each bandage applied will also allow the werewolf to ignore one level of wound penalties. Once he removes the bandage, or a day passes, the wound commences bleeding once more, the werewolf starts to deteriorate, and the wound penalties return over the course of an hour. This talen is made from the leaf of a poppy with an ice spirit bound within.
  • Silver Fangs: Luna's Bullets - Gnosis 5 - These are normal silver bullets that are bathed in the ephemera of Falling Star-spirits. Luna's Bullets have been made for almost every type of gun in existence, though .38-and.45-caliber ammunition is the most common. Such bullets are slightly warm to the touch. Unlike normal silver items, these are a small burden on a Garou's Gnosis. The Garou may carry up to six bullets before suffering a Gnosis penalty. (The penalty is -1 Gnosis for every two bullets over six, rounded up.)
  • Silver Fangs: Death Dust - Gnosis 6 - This is the same Death Dust as described in Werewolf: The Apocalypse, but in the hands of a member of the Ivory Priesthood its power increases greatly. When an acolyte of death sprinkles the dust over a recently dead body (up to a week old), she can not only speak with the dead spirit, but can force it to speak truthfully. The player rolls the Talen's Gnosis (difficulty 6) versus the spirit's Gnosis (or Pathos if you have Wraith: The Oblivion).
  • Silver Fangs: Falcon's Arrows - Gnosis 6 - Falcon's keen eyes allow him to see enemies at a distance. He understands that attacking at range is sometimes the wisest strategy and he encourages his children to learn this lesson. Sometimes, to help them, he allows them to take feathers from living falcons to craft Falcon's Arrows. These exquisitely wrought arrows have tips of silver and are fletched with falcon feathers. They fly as fast and true as Falcon himself swooping on his prey. All Archery rolls made with these arrows are at -1 difficulty. Despite their silver tips, any Silver Fang carrying them suffers no Gnosis penalty.
  • Stargazers: Emperor's Tea - Gnosis 6 - To create these tea leaves, a jade-spirit must be bound into them. They are black and deeply aromatic. They may be brewed into a tea and consumed accordingly, but they may also be chewed for their effects. Consuming the tea in either manner sharpens the senses of the Garou temporarily. For the next hour, the Stargazer may add a single die to any rolls involving Perception.
  • Stargazers: Star Dust - Gnosis 7 - This talen eases a Stargazer's passage into the Umbra. This white, glowing dust must be spread in a circle on the ground. When the Stargazer steps into that circle and attempt to Step Sideways, she'll find that the Gauntlet has been reduced by one, thus lowering the difficulty accordingly. To create Star Dust, one must bind a spirit of night or the heavens into bone dust or grave earth.
  • Uktena: Ice Arrow - Gnosis 4 - The Ice Arrows is one of the most infamous weapons among the Pure Ones. Both the Uktena and Wendigo lay claim to inventing it, both with some merit, but the matter is irrelevant - today both use the weapon freely. And as talens go, the Ice Arrow is a marvel of simplicity. In essence, the Ice Arrow is simply a chuck of ice carved into the shape of an arrow and bound with an ice spirit. Since the kinship between the object and the spirit is so tight, doing so is stunningly east, the Rite of the Fetish necessary to create does little more than awaken the spirit within the ice to begin with. And the talen itself has a power that most would consider trifling: An Ice Arrow, once activated, never melts as long as it is held within a foot of the person who activated it. However, as an assassin's weapon, the Ice Arrows is stunningly effective. The hardened ice is as sharp as any steel or stone and, released from the magic that held it together, melts within seconds of finding its mark. No fingerprints can be found, the murder weapon itself is confoundedly difficult to diagnose and, in short, it confuses the living hell out of human investigators.
  • Uktena: Vision Paint - Gnosis 5 - Priests in Mesoamerica used a black paste similar to this to bring visions and to inspire fear. Though fairly rare (the mixture of crushed and burned poisonous insects and plants is tricky to reproduce), jars of Vision Paint still find their way into Uktena septs throughout the world. When rubbed all over the body, this ointment boosts Stamina by one for every two successes on a Gnosis roll, up to double the normal Stamina. At the Storyteller's option, it may also increase the chances for a vision. The effects last for six hours, plus one hour per dot of Stamina in the improved total. Once the effects wear off, both Stamina and Strength are at -2 for the same number of hours. Because the talen requires total skin contact, it is only effective in Homid and Glabro forms.
  • Uktena: Sun Arrow - Gnosis 6 - This arrow has sun designs along the shaft and sometimes the fletching as well. When loosed, this arrow flares with the light of the sun, blinding enemies and searing vampires within 20 feet of its path. Even at greater distances, Leeches fear its light, which is why some werewolves use the arrows as signal flares. After it strikes home, the arrow continues to burn for a number of rounds equal to the successes on the archer's Gnosis roll, doing two levels of aggravated damage (those who can soak fire damage do so at a difficulty of 9). After the final round, the arrow is consumed to ash. One of the brood of Helios must be bound into this talen.
  • Uktena: Maize Paste - Gnosis 8 - According to Mayan legend, after Huraken flooded the world he created four men from white and yellow maize paste. The Uktena can't white rival this feat, but creating smaller animals is very much within their power using their own version of Maize Paste. Made from crushed corn mixed with flour and water and bound with a Wyld-spirit or jaguar-spirit, each dose of Maize Paste represents a small amount of this substance that can be fashioned into the shape of small creature which, when activated, comes alive. With one activated portion, a creature with two health levels can be constructed. Portions can also be mixed together and activated at once to create larger creatures, each portion allowing for two health levels. The Werewolf Storytellers Companion has statistics for various animals, which can be used as a guide for these creations. Animals created with Maize Paste appear entirely natural rather than as creations of a thick goop; once activated the animals possess fur, scales or feathers, natural-looking eyes and all the usual traits associated with living beasts. The animals remain active for the duration of the scene or until destroyed, at which point they dissolve into a fine powder of dried corn meal that is quickly blown away.
  • Wendigo: Wind Snorkel - Gnosis 3 - Created from a flexible, hollow reed or bone antler, this talen binds a willing air elemental spirit. If a Garou needs to swim underwater, burrow through the earth, or venture anywhere that she ordinarily cannot breathe, she can use this peculiar talen. Fitting the end of the tube into her mouth or muzzle, the Wendigo can suck enough air through it to keep herself alive and moving onward on her journey, for as long as necessary.
  • Wendigo: Ice Arrowheads - Gnosis 4 - These arrowheads are made of translucent, needle-sharp chips of ice, frozen tightly to their shafts. Spirits of ice and water easily empower these fragile weapons, which melt away after embedding themselves in the body of their targets. To create these arrowheads, a copper mold is made and water poured into it, or chips are carefully carved and honed with other pieces of ice used as tools. Only once the arrowheads are completely sharpened should the spirits be bound to these talens. Ice Arrowheads do an additional Health Level of damage against fire-spirits and those of Helios's brood.
  • Wendigo: Snow Goggles - Gnosis 6 - Fashioned out of hide, bone or wood, these goggles are practical equipment for any Garou or Kinfolk traveling long distances through the snow. With slits carved or holes poked through the goggles, which are tied behind the head with a thong or sinew, the glare of sun over snow is diminished considerably, preventing snow-blindness and keeping one from becoming lost or dazed in a featureless landscape. Usually, a Wendigo asks the aid of a sharp-eyed animal spirit, a spirit of snow or ice, or a spirit with the Tracking charm, and with its consent binds it into the goggles for the duration of her journey. A character wearing Snow Goggles cannot be blinded.
  • Wendigo: Moon Iglu - Gnosis 8 - This talen is a miniature ceramic vial with a Lune spirit bound inside. When a traveling Wendigo needs to provide shelter for one who cannot endure the harsh elements of ice and snow and wind, or if she needs to rest while being pursued and cannot stay awake to guard herself, she may build an iglu and then open this vial within the iglu's crawlspace. The freed Lune fills the iglu with warmth and the peaceful glow of moonlight, visible from outside, while solidifying the thickness of the iglu's walls to the hardness of diamonds. The spirit then stands guard over whatever is sheltered inside the iglu, allowing no entry or exit without the consent of the Wendigo that released it. When the sun rises, the Lune returns to the Umbra and the iglu resumes its natural state.
  • White Howlers: Bannock - Gnosis 4 - These simple oatcakes may be dry and tasteless, but they remain edible for years without spoiling. A Garou who consumes one is renewed; the cake erases all effects of exhaustion, hunger, and thirst. For the next 24 hours, the Garou feels well-rested, hydrated, and satiated. At the end of that time period, her hunger, thirst, and exhaustion begins again, but all previous deprivation effects are gone. Wounds or non-deprivation based illnesses are unaffected by bannock. To create a bannock, a spirit of grain or other edible plants must be bound into a simple oatcake.
  • White Howlers: Ghost Tallow - Gnosis 6 - These candles are carved with ogham inscriptions of protection. So long as the candle burns, no ghost may approach within 20 feet of the candle, and no powers used by ghosts may affect those within that same radius. Each Ghost tallow will burn for a total of eight hours, and can be extinguished and lit as many times as necessary. To create a ghost tallow, a hound-spirit or other protection-spirit must be bound into an inscribed tallow candle.
  • White Howlers: Mad Woad - Gnosis 6 - This talen is a thick paste created from awakened glastum, the common woad plant. The bright blue substance is used to create fierce symbols on the wearer's skin or pelt. The sigils act as a temporary form of armor, adding one die to the wearer's soak rolls for all forms of damage for the duration of the scene. To create mad woad, one must awaken woad plants, and then distill them into an indigo dye, mixing the completed pigment with fat or grease to form a thick paint.

Kinfolk Talens[]

See Kinfolk Talens here.

Ananasi Talens[]

See Ananasi Fetishes (Fylfot) here.

Corax Talens[]

See Corax Fetishes (Toys) here.

Gurahl Talens[]

See Gurahl Fetishes here.

Hengeyokai Talens[]

See Hengeyokai Fetishes here.

Kitsune Talens[]

See Kitsune Fetishes here.

Nagah Talens[]

See Nagah Fetishes here.

Nuwisha Talens[]

See Nuwisha Fetishes here.

Hammer & Klaive Talens[]

  • Warpaint - Variable Gnosis
    • Stench Mark - Gnosis 5
    • Green Dye - Gnosis 6
    • Royal Marking - Gnosis 6
    • Training Paint - Gnosis 6
    • Bone Paint - Gnosis 7
    • Body Graffiti - Gnosis 7
    • Elemental Camouflage - Gnosis 7
    • Ghost Camo - Gnosis 7
    • Sun Paint - Gnosis 7
    • Tyr's Blood - Gnosis 7
    • Dead Paint - Gnosis 8
    • Fire Shadows - Gnosis 8
  • Gaia's Breath - Gnosis 5
  • Beacon Burr - Gnosis 6
  • Vision Pool - Gnosis 6
  • Candle of Souls - Gnosis 8
  • SenseDep Dart - Gnosis 8

Book of the City Talens[]

  • Attire of Desire - Gnosis 3
  • Clay Contract - Gnosis 6
  • Letter from Hell - Gnosis 6
  • Untraceable Bullets - Gnosis 6

Umbral Talens[]

See Umbral Fetishes here and Cyberfetishes here.

Wyrm Talens[]

See Wyrm Fetishes here.

Wild West Talens[]

  • Bane Arrows - Gnosis 4 - These obsidian-headed arrows are able to home in on Banes, whether they are visible or not. These arrows hit automatically and inflict three dice of aggravated damage. The bite of a Bane arrow is so painful that no Bane can resist crying out in pain. To create a Bane arrow, one of the following spirits must be bound into the arrow: War, Air or Pain.
  • Clear Water - Gnosis 4 - Spirit Affinity: Water, Purity, East Wind - Contained within a flash of water, the purifying spirit within this talen instantly cleanses Wyrm-taint from bodies of water it is poured into, up to and including bodies as large as rivers and lakes. If consumed, the talen acts like the Gift: Resist Toxin.
  • Gaia's Breath - Gnosis 5 - Spirit Affinity: Healing, Calm - Gaia's Breath is a small dried gourd marked with symbols of praise to Gaia. When crushed and spilled over an open wound, the powdered gourd heals up to four Health Levels, even if the damage is aggravated. To create a Gaia's Breath talen, a spirit of Healing must be bound within the gourd.
  • Death Dust - Gnosis 6 - Spirit Affinity: Bear, Wisdom, North Wind - This small jar of dust, when broken open, activated and sprinkled over the body of a recently (within a day) dead creature, allows the wielder to communicate with the spirit of the corpse for five minutes. Note: Death Dust does not summon wraiths; rather it brings up the spiritual "echoes" of a dead soul. Wraiths can be summoned through use of this talen if they agree to appear.
  • Pine Dagger - Gnosis 6 - Spirit Affinity: Pine Tree, North Wind - This talen destroys the Materialized form of a spirit upon contact. When struck, the spirit must win a Willpower Challenge against six Traits or be banished back to the Umbra. This dagger is made from the heartwood of a downed pine tree.
  • Vision Pool - Gnosis 6 - Spirit Affinity: Divination, Chimera - A vision pool is a simple powder which, when added to a clear pool of water, shows visions of the future. These talens are used for divination, but are often convey vague messages, requiring an Enigmas roll (difficulty 6) to comprehend. To create a vision pool, a Divination-spirit must be bound into the ashes of burned peyote.
  • Wyrm Sign - Gnosis 6 - Spirit Affinity: Chimera, Uktena, South Wind - A piece of unfired pottery painted with a sigil of the Wyrm, this talen causes all creatures of the Wyrm in the area to be outlined in green fire, and thus be immediately revealed for what they are. Furthermore, the Wyrm Sign causes mockeries to scream in terror; other Wyrm creatures react less violently. If the sigil painted on the fragment is tampered with, the talen will not function properly.
  • Basket of Bones - Gnosis 8 - Spirit Affinity: Fire - This basket is woven from plant fibers and the bones of fallen agents of the Wyrm. Decorated with beads, it has a handle carved from ash wood. Any one item of the Wyrm, such as an evil fetish, instantly burns to powder when places in the Basket. The basket itself turns to ash after three uses. The item must fit completely within the basket for the Basket of Bones to work. You cannot, for example, jam this talen on a mockery's head and hope for the best.

Dark Ages Talens[]

  • Bane Arrows - Gnosis 4 - These obsidian-headed arrows seek out Banes whether they are visible or not, automatically dealing three dice of aggravated damage (in addition to any successes rolled). This attack is so agonizing to Banes that they cannot help but scream out in pain. Some minions of the Wyrm can sense these talens and might attack before the archer has a chance to fire. Spirits of war, air pr pain must be bound into these talens.
  • Alicorn Dust - Gnosis 5 - This talen is equally useful for surviving both in the wildest lands and in the most "civilized" courts. When activated and dropped into any drinkable substance, the dust will purify the liquid instantly. One full dose of Alicorn Dust is enough to make a polluted steam run clear for an hour or so, purify an entire tun of poisoned wine, or even clear a drinking horn or huge tankard of supernatural poisons. The only disadvantage is that Alicorn Dust purifies alcohol along with other toxins; a poisoned tun of wine purified with this talen would be safe to drink and even retain its flavor, but couldn't make a choirboy tipsy. To create a dose of Alicorn Dust, the werewolf must bind a Gaffling of Unicorn's brood into a mixture of powdered horn from many beasts.
  • Blood-Drinker Stone - Gnosis 5 - An exclusive secret of the fledgling Shadow Lords camp, the Bringers of Light, this talen is highly useful in certain dealings with vampires. After one Ragabash brought the secret of ghouling back to the camp, the Bringer devised this talen in order to nearly fool their vampire "allies." It takes the form of a pebble, which is swallowed upon activation. Until the next sunrise, the used can drink vampiric vitae without an allergic reaction or any other ill effects - the "ghouled" Garou does not gain Potence, ages as usual, and is not subject to the Blood Oath. The stone actually absorbs all the blood into itself, and passes harmlessly through the werewolf's system. Needless to say, this talen is put to use in "deep cover" missions, often ending very surprisingly for the vampire involved. To craft a Blood-Driker Stone, the Bringer of Light must bind any of the following spirits into a perfectly smooth river stone: Blood, Bat, Mosquito, Spider or Leech.
  • Pegasus Tears - Gnosis 5 - These talens look like smooth, clear pebbles, almost like beads of the purest crystal. In fact, these small stones are dewdrops given solid form by the water spirits within, bound during the first rays of a spring morning. When activated, a single Pegasus Tear can be swallowed to counter the effects of poison or any other ailment that comes as the result of food or drink. This talen works similarly to the Gift: Resist Toxin, but also negates supernatural effects, such as faerie magic.
  • Salamander's Scale - Gnosis 6 - Before the advent of gunpowder, this talen was a werewolf arsonist's best friend. Seeming to be a single scale from a serpent (and thus usually as small as a babe's fingernail), the Salamander's Scale nonetheless holds great power within it. When activated, the scale may be set someplace and instructed to ignite at a given sign. When that sign comes to pass, the scale erupts into a gout of fire some two feet across and five feet tall, igniting any combustibles nearby. The "trigger" sign must always depend on a natural phenomenon (moonrise, the sun at its zenith, the third cock's crow at morning, and so on) - the scale cannot be triggered by the actions of any sentient creature. The tiny size of the scale requires great care, lest the user lose it from a rough-stitched pouch or to a gust of wind. However, the scale is also devilishly difficult to find once hidden, unless a searcher knows what he's looking for. To craft this talen, a werewolf must bind a fire elemental of some sort into the scale of a reptile.
  • Armor Beetles - Gnosis 7 - These spirit beetles are found in the deep Umbra, but they can be convinced to serve as talens in the physical world. A Rite of Binding is performed when this agreement is made, and the Armor Beetle turns to onyx. When activated, these talens return to life and can be swallowed, hardening the skin of the user and granting extra protection from attack. Soak dice are added equal to the number of successes on the activation roll. The effects last for the remainder of the scene.
  • Faerie Blood - Gnosis 7 - Usually resembling small, pearlescent mushrooms, this talen is of utmost utility when dealing with the fae folk. Upon consumption, the talen grants the ability to see any fae or fae-crafted item for what it truly is, as well as the ability to discern glamours and fae illusions for what they are. The talen also allows the Garou to see through any illusion crafted by Chimerstry, although it does not reveal Obfuscated vampires. The effects last for a scene. This talen is rarely crafted, but more commonly traded for with the fae. As the creatures of Gaerie prefer to have people unable to see through their glamours, the cost is usually fairly high.
  • Fleshbiter - Gnosis 7 - A favorite trick of bloody-minded Ragabash, this talen appears to be a simple hunting arrow with a sharpened point instead of a metal arrowhead. It completely ignores any metal in its flight path, passing through even the best steel as though it were so much morning dew. Needless to say, it's most effective against armored targets. To create a Fleshbiter, the werewolf must bind a spirit of War, Metal or Death into the arrow.
  • Seeds of Rebirth - Gnosis 7 - When activated and dropped on the ground, these seeds quickly burrow into the soil and begin growing. Within minutes, a tangle of dense brush will grow from that spot, blocking roadways or obscuring forest paths. For each success on the activation roll, five square feet of brush is created. Variations on this talen create different types of foliage, depending on the type of spirit contained within. For example, a hedgehog-spirit could be bound to create thorn bushes, or a woodpecker-spirit for a thicket of trees.

Candle Talens[]

Candle talens have a variety of uses. These candles must be used indoors, and they alter the mood of a single room or hallway when activated. For example, a candle lit in a chapel will affect the chapel itself, though not an attached confessional or rectory. Candle talens can be simple or ornate, but they last only three hours before the bound spirit is released. If the candle is snuffed sooner, it can be activated and lit again at a later time, functioning for the remainder of its three-hour duration.

  • Purity Candle - Gnosis 5 - Any spirit that opposes the Wyrm can be bound into this talen. While the candle burns, Wyrm-tainted creatures in the room must make Willpower checks to keep from coughing violently.
  • Harmony Candle - Gnosis 6 - Any spirit of tranquility or peace can be bound into this talen. While the candle burns, frenzy difficulties increase by three.
  • Sanctuary Candle - Gnosis 8 - Any non-aggressive spirit can be bound into this talen. While the candle burns, no creature within the room can intentionally do harm to any other.

Apocalyptic Talens[]

See Apocalyptic Fetishes here.


Werewolf: The Apocalypse Fetishes and Talens
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