White Wolf Wiki

Tabitha is a Galatea following the Refinement of Gold. She was created as beautiful child, seemingly 12 years old, with long dark hair and sad, solemn eyes. As a part of her pursuement of Aurum, she finds her way to mourning families who aren’t ready to say goodbye to their dead children and slips into their lives. When they are ready to let go, she slips out again. Tabitha views her life as entirely symbiotic; she gets to bask in the adoration of the grieving parents, whilst they get a small break in their mourning. However, the limitations of her eternal childhood are slowly wearing on her.

Tabitha is also shown to stop “other” children from entering overtly dangerous places (often ones inhabited by Pandorans) by telling them scary stories about them. This is because she has a soft spot for them, considering them “her little sisters and brothers“.

