White Wolf Wiki

Syrinx is the first pipe made by Pan, the first Satyr, and a legendary Treasure of the Satyrs.


The story of Pan and Syrinx has spread far and wide; one of the most loved Greek fairy tales. The word "syrinx" became the Greek word for "pipe" and is used synonymously with the term "pan pipes." A syrinx has five hollow reeds, cut to graduated lengths, and bound with string or leather. It produces a sweet, high-pitched music that lilts across great distances. Shepherds in Greece still play them and their sound echoes over the countryside.

The one and only Syrinx was the first pipe made. Pan himself created it and kept it with him at all times. Its current location remains unknown, though many satyrs have quested to find it. Other fae think the satyrs are hiding it but if that's true, it's the best kept secret satyrs ever had. Satyrs keeping secret? Yeah, right.

Many Kithain have heard of this treasure and fear its appearance because it has the ability to inspire incredible passion in those who hear its song. Because it was born of true love, though, it doesn't trigger generic passions as the Gift of Pan does. Instead it makes those who mourn lost love feel the bittersweet pain more acutely and it urges those who do love to act on their emotions with the target of their affection. The music intensifies all of these feelings and solidifies them forevermore. The one who loves, when they hear the music of Syrinx, will love that person forever and maybe beyond.

The Legend


  1. CTD. Kithbook: Satyrs, pp. 5-9, 68.