Sweet Magnolia's Grove is a Lost One Freehold in the Duchy of Magnolia's Home.

Just outside of Natchez, a stand of pink magnolias rises by the banks of the Mississippi River. Changelings who venture near the outer edge of the grove sense a profound alteration in the corresponding Dreaming, similar to a freehold but impossible to penetrate. The air that surrounds the magnolias has a heavy, cloying sweetness, unlike the heady delicacy of the blossoms' natural scent. Instead, the odor that permeates the grove bears within it the sick redolence of rot and decay.
This stand of trees, ironically labeled "Sweet Magnolia's Grove" by the locals, contains the hidden freehold of Ceridwyllia, a Lost One of House Eiluned. Driven mad by her centuries-long isolation, Ceridwyllia has affected the land surrounding her freehold with part of her insanity.
While the grove's palpable Glamour attracts changelings to investigate, few dare remain in its vicinity for long. Kithain who stay for more than a few minutes experience a mild but disturbing sense of disorientation. Prolonged exposure leads to frightening hallucinations and a sense of impending danger. Anyone foolish enough to spend the night in the shelter of the trees enters the first stage of Bedlam upon awakening. Even mortals with no faerie blood feel disinclined to stray too close to this spot of dark enchantments.
- See also Ceridwyllia
- CTD. Kingdom of Willows, p. 56.