The Swamp Anarchs are a gang who live east of Texas and west of the Lousiana a few miles outside of New Orleans.
The swamp anarchs are a mercenary band of vampires and ghouls (and perhaps even a Lupine or two, if the GM wishes) under the control of Lucian (see below). The name "swamp anarchs” is misleading - although at the time of this adventure the group made its headquarters in a swamp, the band is highly mobile and is liable to be found in virtually any wild and lawless area, from the great north woods to the slums of East St. Louis.
The swamp anarchs are essentially a guerrilla band, well-armed, well-trained and highly mobile, with the added advantage of their supernatural abilities. There will normally be 2d+6 swamp anarchs at any given time, with at least 2/3 of the band being Kindred of the 11th to 14th generation.
Although they can only be described as *mercenary assassins,” Lucian's services cannot be purchased for mere money – after all, the vampires in the organization could easily steal as much as they want from mortals, any time they need it. Lucian hires his force to anyone who can offer him something he considers unique and valuable. In Samantha's case, she promised Lucian his pick from her illicit brood once she regained her mortality. Sometimes Lucian will agree to support a plan just because it's likely to cause grievous harm or embarrassment to the Camarilla, which organization he hates above all else.
Although he holds the Sabbat in contempt, he will not hesitate to work for them, if the price is right. He seems to have somewhat more respect for the Assamites and the Children of Set, both of whom he has worked with on occasion. He claims to be absolutely unwilling to work for the Camarilla in any form, but as the adventure shows, he can sometimes be tempted to involve himself in Camarilla affairs if he sees an opportunity to turn one element of that organization against itself. In the case of Samantha Drake, he found himself unable to resist the opportunity to watch two Camarilla elders fight to the death, then make off with an assortment of low-generation neonates that the Camarilla didn't even know existed.
If all or most of Samantha's brood was destroyed in the ambush at the mansion, the PCs might think to ask themselves what price Samantha paid instead for Lucian's services. The question is one the Camarilla would dearly love to answer... and that answer is left to the GM.
Charracter Sheets[]
This is the template for the vampires among the anarchs. For the ghouls, use the same stats, but remove the Vampire Package and the Disciplines.
ST 10, DX 12, IQ 10, HT 12.
Basic Speed 6, Move 6. Blood Pool 12, Humanity 9.
Dodge 6, Parry 6 (Brawling).
No armor or encumbrance.
Advantages: Vampire Package, Patron (Lucian).
Disadvantages: Duty (to Lucian), Blood-Bonded.
Skills: Stealth-13; Guns (pistol)-12; Guns (shotgun)-13; Guns (rifle)-12; Shadowing-11; Tracking-13; Survival (swamp)- 10; Survival (forest)-10.
Disciplines: Any three at Power 1. Weapons: Remington 12-gauge shotgun, or M16.223.
- VTM: GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 150-152