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Surface Truths is a 2023 novella released for Exalted.


From the seller's page:

When Nisal Theras, a Water Aspect Dragon Blooded, is sent on an expedition into the Threshold with Cathay Ineril as her secretary, he is thrust into a web of political intrigue surrounding their charge, Ragara Oremy.
Oremy carries a sacred family artifact back to his home satrapy, and there are those who would kill to get it. Theras and Ineril must protect Oremy before his enemies find the artifact.
A new Exalted novella made possible by the backers of the Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought Kickstarter.


Background Information[]

Two different studios are credited with the novella's art: Hive Studios, credited on the store page; and Gong Studios, credited in the book itself. Both sources credit only one studio.

Memorable Quotes[]


  • Cathay Ineril
  • Ragara Oremy
  • Nisal Theras


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