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White Wolf Wiki

Sundaram Singh is a hunter of the Martyr Creed.


Rumors persist of a holy man hiding in the wilds of Indian-occupied Kashmir who has declared a jihad against not only the oppressive Indian rulers of the province, but also against the "blue-eyed devils" who control them and the Pakistani government. This leader, one Sundaram Singh, reputedly was a school teacher in Peshawar when he received a vision one night showing the "work of the great devils" that set India and Pakistan at odds. He claims, through religious leaflets distributed in the region, that the devils' ultimate goal is to start a terrible battle for Kashmir that will broaden until it engulfs the world. Given that the two countries are the world's newest nuclear powers, Singh's prophetic statements possess a frightening degree of credibility.

People who have met Singh - mostly Pathan tribesmen - claim he is a small, unassuming man "with the power to move mountains." His feats of strength have already become legendary in the province, as had as his supposed ability to heal the sick. The latter acts, in particular, have apparently earned him a desperate following in this poor part of the country and brought his teaching an eager and loyal audience.

Singh's miracles, however, have a chilling purpose. Since his name has become widespread in the province, there have been an alarming number of suicide bombings directed against Indian government outposts and civilian settlements. It's said that once he heals the sick, Singh explains that he gives a gift from Heaven that must be repaid. Unless the person uses his or her divinely given virality to strike at the heart of the devils, Heaven will return the sickness a hundred-fold. The Indian government regards Singh as the leader of a Pakistan-funded terrorist group and has sent a number of soldiers into the field to apprehend him. So far, the Pathan tribes have managed to protect him from capture. Pakistan has responded as well, increasing funds to "freedom fighters" in the province and using Singh's example to stir up increased resistance against the Indian government.

Certain members of hunter lists have commented that, despite Singh's claims, he actually appears to be helping true devils turn his home into a nuclear flashpoint. None of the imbued know as yet what to make of Singh, but several hunters have voiced an interest in journeying to the province to make contact with him.

