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Strange, Dead Love is a sourcebook for Vampire: The Requiem. It is a collection of “world shards” for Vampire: The Requiem, used to create different mixes of setting and rules to present a variety of Vampire worlds conducive to paranormal romance.


From the Onyx Path catalog:

"No God commands me, yet I answer to a higher law than yours. My heart does not beat, yet it still feels. Only her word rules me, and only her smile warms my blood."
-J. Carlton, Nosferatu Harpy of Baltimore
This book includes:
  • A guide to the themes and props of paranormal romance, custom-fitted for Vampire: The Requiem.
  • A collection of world shards, ready-made chronicles with their own plot hooks and rules.
  • Advice for storytelling romance, including guidance on games for two.


Chapter One: Props and Themes[]

Chapter Two: Shards[]

Chapter Three: Storytelling[]

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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