Sir Strallach is an Unseelie Sidhe Wilder of House Leanhaun.

Known to his followers as Lord of the Midnight Pact, Sir Strallach "officially" holds no higher rank in House Leanhaun than knight (at least not so far as most of the house and all other changelings know). In actual fact, he heads the Midnight Pact, an elite corps of assassins who practice damage control for the house, slaying those who learn too much without swearing allegiance to the house. In his capacity as captain of the Pact, he holds rank equal to a duke, sits on the High Council advising Eleanor, and works directly for Sir Tairngrim.
Strallach uses his handsome looks and practiced charm to win others to his point of view whenever considered argument fails. He is polite to a fault and seems to follow the chivalrous Seelie Code. Most changelings only see his outer shell, never guessing his true personality or realizing that he is one of the most sinister members of the Shadow Court simply because so few Kithain realize what he's truly like.
His dedication to the cause of his house has hardened him to committing blackmail, making threats, arranging beatings, kidnappings, and even killing other fae despite the Banality this engenders. To offset this, he Ravages almost constantly when not at court or on duty with the Midnight Pact.