Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat is the second sourcebook to describe the Sabbat, and serves as a companion to the earlier Players Guide to the Sabbat.
The Handbook fleshes out background elements of the sect, and introduces two new Sabbat bloodlines. The book advanced the characterization of the Sabbat as thoroughly infested with infernalists, which persisted until Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition. This book also introduced the notion of Vicissitude as an infection – a concept that was later revisited in a drastically different form in Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand.
From the White Wolf catalog:
- Are You Afraid?
- One cannot know the vampires of the Sabbat. They are the darkest of the dark, the vampires other vampires fear. Whether they are rabid packs or silent assassins, all undead quake at the thought of their dark ways.
- Good.
- But there is more to this deadly sect than its followers' atrocities. Its secrets go deep, deep into the night. Its intrigues and feuds are as real tonight as they were centuries ago. Surviving against the Sabbat vampires is almost impossible. Surviving as one of them is even harder.
- The Sabbat Storytellers Handbook includes:
- Complete details on running chronicles and stories involving this sect, as well as five stories involving Sabbat characters;
- Two new bloodlines and the truth about the vile ghoul families who "serve" the Sabbat; and
- An in-depth look at the Infernal powers corrupting the sect, including a detailed description of the Path of Evil Revelations.
Chapter One: Introduction[]
- The Sabbat
- Characteristics of the Sabbat
- The Source of Conflict
- The Use of Intrigue
- The Use of Ritualism
- Sabbat Preludes
Chapter Two: Sabbat Chronicles[]
- Using the Sabbat in an Existing Chronicle
- Creating a Chronicle for both Camarilla and Sabbat Characters
- Creating a Sabbat Chronicle
- Going with the Mindless Brutality
- Going beyond the Mindless Brutality
- Conducting a Crusade
- Listening to Your Players
- Storyteller Quick Reference Story Sheet
Chapter Three: Politics of the Sabbat[]
- The Use of Propaganda
- The Five Factions within the Sect
- Puppets and Puppet Masters
- New Bloodlines
- New Disciplines
- The History
- The Convention of Thorns
- The Code of Milan
- Addendum to the Code of Milan
Chapter Four: The Forces of Darkness[]
- Efforts of the Inquisition
- The Path of Evil Revelations Revealed
- Ethics of the Path
- History
- Current Practices
- Description of Followers
- View on the Other Paths
- Following the Path
- Do's and Don't of Following the Path of Evil Revelations
- Path of Evil Revelations' Hierarchy of Sins
- The Extent of the Corruption
- The Art of Dark Thaumaturgy
- Dark Thaumaturgy Rituals, Wards and Pacts
- Level One: Aport Object, Spectral Mask
- Level Two: Haunting Memories, Sign of the Moon, Summon Grantel
- Level Three: Sign of the Wraith, Summon Tivilio, Turn to Toad
- Level Four: Bind Tivilio, Summon Lucricia
- Level Five: Dismiss Trivilio, The Inner Furnace, Soul Leech
- Level Six: Summon Barliagus, Transfer Essence
- The Paths of Dark Thaumaturgy
- Chains of Pleasure
- Hands of Destruction
- Fires of Inferno
- Path of Pestilence
- Path of Phobos
- Path of Secret Knowledge
- Path of Torture
- Dark Thaumaturgy Rituals, Wards and Pacts
- The Price of Power
- Demonic Investments
- One Point: Aquatic, Bat Ears, Body Armor, Grim Jaws, Kiss of Hades, Laughing Tails, Magic Sense, Razor Fangs, Razor Fingers, Smell Fear
- Two Points: Invisibility to Animals, Pheromone Powers, Psychic Tracker
- Three Points: Cause Vertigo, Magic Portal, Walk the Walls
- Four Points: Guardian, Toxic Blast, Two Dimensional
- Five Points: Hell Skinned, Life Leech, Master of the Domain
- Six Points: Atrophic Touch, Teleportation, Turn to Toad
- Seven Points: Infernal Passage, Journey to the Spirit Realm, Summon Hellions
- Eight Points: Army of the Damned
- Nine Points: Infernal Ranking
- Ten Points: Rejuvenation
- Infernal Blood Bonds
- Demonic Investments
- Infernal Regions
- Vicissitude Revisited
- The Spirit and the Flesh
- Golconda
- Faith and the Sabbat
Chapter Five: Storytellers Aids[]
- Sabbat Stereotypes
- Archbishop
- Bishop
- Black Hand Agent
- Black Hand Removers (Assassins)
- Black Hand Dominion
- Blood Brother
- Coven Member (New)
- Coven Member (Experienced)
- Coven Member (Veteran)
- Infernal Diabolist (Tainted Soul)
- Infernal Diabolist (Fully Corrupted)
- Sabbat Inquisitor
- Lasombra Manipulator
- New Recruit
- Nomadic Sabbat (New)
- Nomadic Sabbat (Experienced)
- Nomadic Sabbat (Veteran)
- Paladin (Templar)
- Priscus
- Scout (Novice)
- Scout (Expert)
- Tzimisce Torturer
- Sabbat Bestiary
- Demons
- Barliagus the Cataboligne
- Grantel the Mandragora
- Lucricia the Succubus
- Nubarus, Grand Vizier of the Infernal Realms
- Tivilio, the Injurer of Cats
- Ghouls
- Hellhound
- Guardian Ghoul
- Zombies
- Revenants
- Origins of the Ghoul Families
- Status within the Sabbat
- Family Relations
- Ghoul Families and 'Vampire'
- Ghoul Family Descriptions
- Demons
Chapter Six: Quick Start Materials[]
- Sample Packs of Sabbat
- The Ravens - A Founded Coven
- Desiree Traville - Lasombra
- Jeremiah Noble (Jeremy) - Brujah antitribu
- Martha Long - Tzimisce
- Cristos Mantigo - Toreador antitribu
- Pamela Ford - Lasombra
- The Dead Gypsies - A Nomad Pack
- Harry Reese - Gangrel antitribu
- Guss "Redbone" McCray - Toreador antitribu
- Ruth Cole - Assamite antitribu
- Lula Burch - Gangrel antitribu
- Little Willie - Ventrue antitribu
- The Ravens - A Founded Coven
- Sample Locations
- Sabbat Temple
- A Nosferatu Kingdom
Chapter Seven: The Stories[]
- Trial by Fire
- A Night on the Town
- A Simple Mission
- On the War Path
- A Quest Beyond Death
- Storyteller Quick Reference Story Sheet
Background Information[]
- Ads at the back of the book include: The Masquerade (June 1993), Mage (August 1993) and White Wolf Magazine (Join the Pack!).
- Word From the White Wolf Game Studio mentions working with Steve Jackson Games to make GURPS versions of each of the Storyteller games (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Faerie and Ghost).
Memorable Quotes[]
- Joseph Pander
- Melinda Galbraith
- Red Cat
- Muricia - Gangrel Antitribu, founder of the Ahrimanes bloodline
- Hymie - Nomad Priest
- Tatiana - Gangrel Archon
- Zeernebooch
- Marconius
- Paulo - Lasombra Priest
- Gustav Mallenhous
- Archbishop Julian - Black Hand Dominion
- Regent Gorchist
- Cardinal Huroff
- Cardinal Bruce de Guy
- Cardinal Agnes
- Cardinal Charles VI
- Archbishop Beatrice
- Archbishop Una
- Archbishop Tecumseh
- Archbishop Toth
- Archbishop Aeron
- Archbishop Marsilio
- Archbishop Rebecca
- Archbishop Salluccio
- Archdeacon Lorister - Follows the Path of Evil Revelations
- Shannon McLaughlin - Lupine and Vampire Hunter, Ghoul
- Curtis Soracco - Lupine Hunter, unaware that he is Kinfolk
- Vernis Walker "Lightkeeper" - Fianna Philodox Homid, Garou, leader of the Sunstringers pack
- Samuel Haight
- Carl Wisor - Ventrue
- Tully Jones - Brujah ally of Wisor
- Alex Silverson - Prince of Birmingham, Alabama
- Erasmos Gallister - Ventrue
- Gregory Roiters - Tremere
- Bartholomew - Kiasyd
- King Snake - Brujah
- Ischin - Orphaned Incarna
- Clois Lampher - Tzimisce
- Dr. Steven Hargett - Tzimisce
The Anarchs[]
- Eddie Karnotski (Stickman) - Brujah
- Homer Fralish (Horse) - Brujah
- Sophia Watson - Gangrel
- Brenton Dickens - Brujah
- Hanna Redmonds (Angel) - Caitiff
The Crypt-Ticks[]
- Jack Knife - Malkavian antitribu
- Tony Hodo (Leatherback) - Brujah antitribu
- Leo Washington - Gangrel antitribu
- Dancer - Ventrue antitribu
- Jose Sadillo - Ravnos antitribu
The Night Crew (Anarch Gang)[]
- Berthel Ward - Brujah
- Bobby Lemon - Gangrel
- Thomas Jurras - Toreador
- Lorell Herndon - Brujah
- Dorsey Bohannon - Brujah
- Torrance Urich - Leader of the Night Crew, Brujah
The Watchdogs[]
- Maria Stone - Gangrel antitribu
- Nettie Hale - Ahrimane
- Juanita Santiago - Ahrimane
- High Top - Black Fury Metis, Garou, also part of the Whisper Pack (Black Furies)
- Dorian - Brujah antitribu, Sabbat priest
- Lauren Duncan - Gangrel antitribu
- Gunner - Malkavian antitribu
- Roach - Nosferatu antitribu
- Jazz Murphy - Ventrue antitribu
- Yvette Cole - Assamite antitribu
Alabama, The Anarchs (Anarch Group), Andalusia, Archbishop, Birmingham, Bishop, Black Fury, Black Hand, Blood Feast, Bloodlines: Ahrimanes, Kiasyd; Blue Amazon (Club), Cardinal, Chains of Pleasure, Code of Milan, Convention of Thorns, The Crypt-ticks (Sabbat Nomadic Pack), Dark Thaumaturgy, The Dead Gypsies (Nomad Pack), Deathbringers (Sabbat Pack), Delirium, Demon, Demonic Investments, Factions: Status Quo, Moderates, Ultra-Conservatives, Loyalists, Panders; Faerie, Fianna, Fires of Inferno, Fey, Garou, Ghoul, Goblins, Hands of Destruction, Haven, Hell Hound, Homid, Infernalist, Incarna, Inconnu, Iron, Kinfolk, Lasombra, The Last Light (Cristos' Nightclub), Lupine, Metis, Mexico City, "The Moonbender" (Dance Club), The "Morgue" (Sabbat Temple), Mytherceria, New Mexico, The Night Crew (Anarchs), Nocturnae, Nosferatu Kingdom, Pack (VTM), Pack (WTA), Paladin, Path of Evil Revelations, Path of Pestilence, Path of Phobos, Path of Secret Knowledge, Path of Torture, Philodox, Priest, Priscus, The Ravens (Sabbat Coven), Revenants: Ducheski, Bratovitches, Grimaldis, Obertus, Zantosa; Sabbat Civil Wars, Spirit, Spiritus, Spirit World, Sunstringers (Fianna Pack), Tzimisce, Unseelie, Vicissitude, Vinculum, The Watchdogs (Sabbat Pack), Werewolf, The Whisper (Black Fury Pack), Zombies,
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