White Wolf Wiki

The story changes were a widespread standardization of the nature of fae magic.


Initially, individual towns, cities, and the like had their own minor variations on myths and legends. These differences, more profound then than in modern times, had the effect of warping the rules governing fae magic nearby, such that things like Contracts and the Hedge would behave differently near one town as opposed to another.

This state of affairs began to change around the beginning of the 19th century due to the 1812 publishing of the first edition of Children's and Household Tales — more commonly known today as Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Beginning in Germany, the aforementioned rules regarding fae magics began to standardize, an effect which often preceded revolution among the Lost.


Consequences, both positive and negative, followed in the wake of the story changes. To begin with, travel from city to city became a great deal easier for changelings. This enabled simpler migration from and outside assault against poorly ruled freeholds. Magics like Contracts, ordinarily weakened in regions with different rules, became easier to utilize, once the rules in a given area stabilized. Finally, disruption to rules in Arcadia itself enabled a larger number of changelings to escape captivity.

