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The Stone of Scone is a Treasure of the Fae.



There in that Stone, mark me, lies all the early glory and ruination and new hope of Caledonia!

It is nae much to look at, really, just a big flat rock. But it is a sacred stone, brought to Scotland ever so many years ago from Ireland, where (I heard) someone carved it from Arcadia's very essence. There is a powerful Glamour upon that Stone: Whatever monarch takes the crown upon the Stone, they say, may reign free from conquest and oppression. From as far back as anyone in Scotland remembers, our kings were crowned atop the Stone of Scone, in an abbey half an hour's walk north of Perth in the Lowlands. In all those centuries no army conquered us: not the Romans, not William the Fat in 1066, and especially not the English.

Then the mortal King Edward, First Bastard of his English line, having failed to trounce Scotland in a treacherous and unprovoked invasion, scarfed up the Stone on his way south. Friends, from that time Scotland's fortunes have declined as England's have risen! For the last seven centuries the Stone has rested in Westminster Abbey in London, with a big throne upon it. And on that throne, above that Stone, every mortal monarch of England has been crowned.

I hear that one of those Traditions, what they call the Celestial Chorus, kept hold of the Stone all that time. Somehow they tapped some kind of magickal force from it, I think; am a wee bit unclear on that. But I know this: The Stone of Scone is the greatest treasure of Caledonia. In stealing it, England gained victory over all mortal Scots, and left the fae kingdoms scrabbling at one another's throats like a pack of dogs. But when the Stone comes back to us, soon now, the mortals will tell the English to shove off, and the fae shall unite.


  1. CTD. Isle of the Mighty, p. 75.