White Wolf Wiki

Stillwater Packmother was a Get of Fenris Ahroun. She appears in Rage. She is thrown into the generators of the Hoover Dam by Marta Laughs-at-Fear.

Character Quotes from Cards[]

  • Stillwater Packmother Crinos card: “I will destroy the Wendigo for this heinous crime, if it is the last thing that I do.”
  • Rite of Pack Praise: “All praise the fearless warriors, leading us to victory!” - Stillwater Packmother
  • Glib Tongue: Killian brings us grave news, which we cannot ignore.” - Stillwater Packmother

Background Information[]

Stillwater Packmother has sired a Metis cub, Soft Brain. Marta uses that fact to claim that Stillwater has violated the Litany.

"Beaten, bleeding, and unable to lift herself from the cold concrete of the dam, Packmother could not resist as Marta lifted her, bringing Packmother snout-to-snout with her blazing eyes.

“You will die, Fenris cur,” snarled Marta, “and the last words will be your curse, for you to carry for all time.”

She lifted Packmother over her head.

“Die, Packmother, for the crime of bearing a Metis cub in defiance of the Litany! Let all cubs fear your heinous deed!”

And with that, Marta hurled Stillwater Packmother into the generators of the dam." - Sacred Ways Newsletter

In the Rage Christmas Present Fanset for Tribal War, Stillwater Packmother returns as a Wyrm-corrupted spirit known as Stillwater Cubhunter.


