Steve Casper is an Atlanta-area artist who specializes in concept art, storyboards, and illustration. He currently works for advertising company CraterDust but also takes freelance jobs.
See his artwork for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Rage the Trading Card Game.
Cover Art[]
Interior Art[]
- 1997: VTM: Cities of Darkness Volume 3 (reprint of Dark Colony)
- 1996/July: VTM: Chicago Chronicles Volume 2 (reprint of Chicago by Night Second Edition)
- 1995: WTO: Wraith Players Guide
- 1994/November: WTO: Midnight Express (book)
- 1994: cMET: The Masquerade Players Kit
- 1994: VTES: The Eternal Struggle: A Players Guide to the Jyhad
- 1993: VTM: The Book of Nod
- 1993: VTM: Chicago by Night Second Edition
- 1993: VTM: Dark Colony
- 1993: VTM: Vampire Players Guide Second Edition
Trading Card Art[]
- 2019: VTES: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle 25th Anniversary
- 2019: VTES: Sabbat Preconstructed
- 2008: VTES: Keepers of Tradition
- 2006: VTES: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Third Edition
- 2005: VTES: Kindred Most Wanted
- 2005: VTES: Legacies of Blood
- 2004: VTES: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle 10th Anniversary
- 2003: VTES: Black Hand
- 2003: VTES: Anarchs
- 2002: VTES: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Camarilla Edition
- 2001: VTES: Final Nights
- 2000: VTES: Sabbat War
- 1998: Rage: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 5 (Trust in Gaia: Gaia's Favored Messenger)
- 1996: Arcadia: King Ironheart's Madness (Buccaneer Colony, Cog Dreadnought, Cog Mortar, Endurance Reserves, Industrial Accident, Knowledgeable, Nomad, Rat Apples, Razor Hawks, Sidewinder, Smog Cloud, Time Clock, Tornado, Vigorous and Wily.)
- 1996: Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt (Boulder, Broad-Shouldered, Hawk Knife, Hungry Ettin, Irondew Artillery, Mountain Heritage, Pathetic Sniveling, Rockslide, Saining and Trojan Horse.)
- 1996: VTES: Ancient Hearts
- 1996: Rage: Rage Legacy of the Tribes Set (Allya Sun-Follower, Anubis Stone, Austere Temple, Black Dog Game Factory, Cesare Sodalis, Death Rattle, Gaia's Favored Messenger, Ghost Lance, Poignant Parable, Stalks-Death, Twice-Born and Zlogar the Unrepentant.)
- 1996: Rage: Rage War of the Amazon Set (Brazilian Bureaucrat, Ghost Raptor Attack, Ghost Raptor Membership, Hidden Supplies, Tamara Lovegrove and Unbound Bane.)
- 1995: Rage: Rage Basic Set (Ivan Korda and Walks-with-Might.)
- 1995: VTES: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
- 1995: VTES: Dark Sovereigns
- 1994: VTES: Jyhad