White Wolf Wiki

Stephen Grey is a Seelie Sidhe Wilder of House Eiluned and Knight of the Kingdom of Mist.


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Stephen Grey, knight of the realm, is a member of Queen Karolinda's Secret Service. Though quite adept at various Arts, particularly Chicanery and Sovereign, he also makes regular use of nocker gadgets from Y-Branch, Queen Karolinda's version of Q Division. He is always self-contained and would rather be caught with his hand in the cookie jar looking dashing than hide like a common thief or a sluagh.

His most recent operation was to infiltrate Datasoft International, Ltd. (in the Kingdom of Chalk) and the office of its Chief Executive Officer, Raymond Blackwater (alternatively known as the Dauntain or Blacksea) and erase all files regarding members of the nobility and gentry of the Kingdoms of Mist and Roses from his databases, as well as recover a supposed 'black book' believed to be a grimoire of dark sorcery.

He obtained the passcodes through security by seducing a secretary named Ms. Mona Wansamore.

Though he accomplished his primary goal of reclaiming and destroying the information, he was interrupted by Blacksea and his mortal henchwoman, Ms. Blackjack. After a brief sword fight, he escaped through a window and made his get away, but not before confirming that Blacksea did indeed possess the aforementioned 'black book.'


Stephen is a tall man in his early 20s with dark hair. He is nearly as handsome in his mortal seeming as he is in his fae mien. The differences between the two are subtle; both are understated, classic, and at the height of fashion.

Equipment & Chimera[]

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Grey is known by his silver sportscar with its chimerical license plate reading "Sterling-0714." He is also accompanied by a chimerical secretary by the name of Ms. Cashfarthing who appears as a an ever demure, conservatively dressed woman in a somber-colored skirt suit ending just above the knee. The only brightness she evinces is the twinkle in her eye and the pink rose in her lapel. He also carries a Cross pen that, when activated by the correct words in an ancient tongue, becomes a gleaming cutlass.

