Spoils of War is a sourcebook for Dark Ages: Vampire.
From the White Wolf catalog:
- To the Victors Go the Spoils
- Whether its a Holy War or battle of succession, strife brings opportunity. The inhabitants of the Dark Medieval, mortal and supernatural, are rarely satisfied with what they have. Call it what you like a righteous cause or an ancient grudge war is hell, but the rewards can be worth the risks. Do you have the courage, the intelligence and the skill to lead an army to victory?
- The Victor Writes History
- Dark Ages: Spoils of War is the sister title to Right of Princes and contains information on how to raise an army, attack and overtake a foes holdings, and beat an enemy through stealth, diplomacy and assassination. It contains information on both the historical and supernatural applications of war in the Dark Medieval, and how players can turn these weapons to their characters advantage.
- Spoils of War Includes:
- Information suitable for all four major races - vampires, mages, inquisitors and werewolves - on the waging of war
- Revisions to the mass combat system and weapons charts
- The "sample domains" from Right of Princes revisited - and torn down
Prelude: The Beast of War[]
A pair of werewolves encounter the casualties of the new face of war.
- Terms
Chapter One: Duty and Steel[]
This chapter discusses the reasons for going to war and the history of some of the greatest battles of the last few decades, and gives systems for leading troops, building and using siege engines, foraging for food, and combat at sea.
- Siege Weapons Chart
- Fortifications Chart
- New Skill: Seamanship
- Ships of the Dark Medieval Chart
- Troop Types Chart
- Complications Chart
- Typical Weapons
- Peasant Weapons
- Bow, Short
- Bow, Long
- Bow, Long, Welsh
- Club
- Crossbow, Light
- Crossbow
- Cudgel
- Hatchet
- Knife
- Pitchfork
- Sling
- Spear (one-handed)
- Spear (two-handed)
- Staff-sling
- Knight's Weapons
- Broadsword
- Common Mace
- Hand Ax
- Lance
- Lance, Light
- Lance, Compound
- Mace
- Scimitar
- Atypical Weapons
- Bastard Sword
- Battle Ax
- Crossbow, Heavy
- Dagger
- Estoc
- Great Sword
- Morning Star
- Pole-ax
- Warhammer
- Peasant Weapons
- Typical Armor
- Light Armor
- Composite Armor
- Heavy Armor
- Knight's Armor
Chapter Two: Poisoned Quills[]
Examines the shady side of war, including poison, disease, and assassination. Diplomacy and inheritance (which can be just as shady) are also discussed.
Chapter Three: Preparing for Battle[]
Explores how to prepare an army, the elements of a medieval fighting force and its common equipment, the logistics of an army on the march, and the most significant "conflict zones" in the Dark Medieval.
Chapter Four: Ashes and Blood[]
Revisits the four sample demesnes first detailed in Right of Princes ...and tears them down.
Background Information[]
- Spoils of War is the companion book of Right of Princes.
- Ye Olde Erratta mentions that D.M. Fosters was left out the art credits for Right of Princes.
- Ads at the back of the book include: Road of Sin and Road of Heaven.
Memorable Quotes[]
- Narses - Lasombra Prince of Venice and Archbishop of Nod
- Prelude: The Beast of War
- Geoffrey Three-Branch - Children of Gaia Homid
- Sings-Softly - Garou Cub, Homid
- Thistletongue - Red Talon Ragabash Lupus
- Kettil Cleft-Foot - Fenrir
- King-of-Circles - Silent Strider
- Chapter One: Duty and Steel
- Mindaugan - Spirit-Talker Mage
- Michael the Patriarch - Cainite, Died
- Esclarmonde la Noire - Toreador, Former member of the Courts of Love and a Scion
- Hermann von Salza - Ghoul, Order of the Black Cross
- Jürgen - Ventrue
- Lucretia von Hartz - Vassal of Lord Jürgen, Leads the Order of the Black Cross
- Mithras
- Saulot
- Aethelwulf
- Marcus Verus - Ventrue Baron of Chester and a Prodigal
- Rhodry Ironfur - Garou Commander of the Black Salt Sept
- Cassius - Commander
- Llewellyn - Commander
- Roger
- Bites-Quick - Garou
- Raimond
- Morgan
- Chapter Two: Poisoned Quills
- Prince Razkoljna - Tzimisce
- Yitzhak ben Avraham - Brujah
- Krisraros - Old Faith Mage
- Vladimir Rustovitch
- Jenica Bogdana - Mage
- Petre Devanu - Hermetic Mage
- Dirzislau Ivanov - Hermetic Mage, Assassinated
- Itka Petrilova - Hermetic Mage
- Geoffrey du Temple - Childe of Alexander and current prince of Paris
- Trowbridge - Cainite Welsh Lord
- Nevar the Night-Wielder - Shadow Lord
- Bishop Bernard Rousch - Red Order, Inquisitor
- Marcella - Tremere
- Lucretia the Cess Queen - Nosferatu
- Qawiyya el-Ghaduba - Salubri
- Lucius Trebius Rufus - Ventrue
- Varsik- Ravnos
- Jhunakhai - A Gangrel warlord and follower of the Mongol horde
- Jerek Slobodny - Ventrue Prince of Kerev and a Sinner
- Edwyd - Nosferatu, Richard de Worde's Childe
- Richard de Worde - Nosferatu
- Ryn Ap Bleidd - Welsh Fianna
- Chapter Three: Preparing for Battle
- Hardestadt the Elder
- Alexander - Ventrue Methuselah and former prince of Paris
- Bishop Alfonzo
- Chapter Four: Ashes and Blood
- Ludwik Dymitr - Nosferatu, Bar Sinister Leader
- Brand Grydsson - Valdaermen Mage, Ulf's Hall
- Gerti Eriksdottir - Valdaermen Mage, Ulf's Hall
- Ketil Sevensson - Valdaermen Mage, Ulf's Hall
- Gunnar Nyalsson - Valdaermen Mage, Ulf's Hall
- Andreas Andreason - Malkavian, Bar Sinister, Childe of William Weaver
- Tshaya, the Witch - Tremere, Bar Sinister, Childe of Nikolai Brust
- Juliote de Sost - Setite, Bar Sinister
- Aldo di Venezia, "Golden-Fangs-of-Dawn"
- Isabeau du Laurent, "Unbreaking-Stone"
- Ishmael, "Steps-in-Shadow"
- Simon ben Levi, "Brother-to-Steel"
- Rising-River
- Thirteen-Stars-Falling, Sept Leader of the Sept of the Bright Promise
- Lamashtu - Demon
- Onesilos - Founder of the Cult of Lamashtu, Died
- Gerlach Black-Paw - Garou
- Burrhus Malavazos - Old Faith Mage, Cult of Lamashtu
- Amena el-Abiad - Old Faith Mage, Cult of Lamashtu
- Adler Fleisch - Old Faith Mage, Cult of Lamashtu
- Matzouq - Amena's Brother, Mortal, Aware of Mages, Cult of Lamashtu
- Mohammad Bizar - Mortal, guardian and warder for the Cult of Lamashtu
- Father Alwyn - Mortal, Died
- Manfred Bauer - Brujah, Mercenary
- Andrew - Mortal
- Gilbert Rosacroix - Monk, Order of St. Theodosius, Red Order
- Jean-Marc d'Martinique - Ventrue
- Maiselle of Rochester - Toreador
- Catherine Maidstone - Toreador
- Timothy - Mortal
- Thomas Maidstone - Ally to Jean-Marc's Rabble, Related to Catherine Maidstone
- Matthew - Mortal, Village Smith
- Aldrec - Mortal, Village Elder
- Father Yerick - Mortal, Priest
- Prince Harold the Bearded - Prince of Rochester, Ventrue
- Gilbert Rosacroir - Red Order Inquisitor
- Henry Sircely - Red Order Inquisitor
- Peter - Red Order Inquisitor
- Prince Reinaldo de Rubio - Lasombra
- Maria Acedo - Kinfolk, Cousin to Alberto, Died
- Steadfast-Hill - Ahroun Garou, Field of Stars Sept, Died
- Aurelio Núňez - Warder of Men Garou, Golden Wheel Camp, Field of Stars Sept, Maria's lover
- Marta Spite-Tongue - Ahroun Garou, Field of Stars Sept, Died
- Augustín Rodriguez, "Brother-to-Stone" - Garou, Sept Leader, Field of Stars Sept
- Rebecca Broken-Claw - Bone Gnawer Ragabash, Field of Stars Sept, Died
- Ruiz al Rashid, "Walks-the-Wind" - Philodox Garou, Field of Stars Sept, Died
- Lucita Suarez "Leaps-from-Shadow" - Galliard, Sister to Marta Spite-Tongue, Field of Stars Sept. Died
- Baltasar Delgado - Knight-Commander of the Protectorate of Compostela. Poor Knight of the Cross, Died
- Rafael de la Vega - Member of the Protectorate. Poor Knight of the Cross
- Ignacia Navarro de Souza - Member of the Protectorate. Oculi Dei
- Fortunato - Member of the Protectorate. Oculi Dei
- Sir Fantino di Milano - Poor Knight, Knights of Acre
- Ramiro Carrillo - Oculi Dei
- Ganzalo Carrillo - Oculi Dei
- Ramon Grassrunner - Warder of Men Ahroun Homid, Swift Hunters Pack
- Beatriz Silverfur - Warder of Men Galliard Homid, Swift Hunters Pack
- Alberto Strides-the-Stars - Warder of Men Theurge Homid, Swift Hunters Pack
- Hunter-in-Storms - Warder of Men Ragabash Lupus, Swift Hunters Pack
Terms: Bailey (also Ward), Barbican, Bartizan, Battlements, Brattice, Concentric Castle, Curtain wall, Gateway, Greek fire, Keep, Mangonel, Machicolation, Moat, Motte and Bailey, Murder Holes, Portcullis, Postern, Quicklime, Scutage, Towers, Trebuchet; Bar Sinister (Coterie), Beast-of-War (Bestia Bellum), Black Moon Sept (Shadow Lords), Black Mountain Pack (Shadow Lords), Black Pack (Feral Cainites), Black Salt Sept, Cult of Lamashtu, Demesne, Field of Stars Sept, Heart of Lamashtu, Jean-Marc's Rabble, Lions of Rodrigo, Maidstone Inn, Miskolc Chantry, Order of the Black Cross, Order of Bitter Ashes, Protectorate of Compostela, Sons of Dzarovit (Old Faith Mages allied with the Silver Fangs), Sept of the Bright Promise, Sept of Three-Blood Rock (Fenrir), Ulf's Hall,
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