Spirit Hall is the Freehold of Duchess Lisette Levay in the Duchy of the Delta Crescent.

Deep in the swamps of Barataria to the south of New Orleans, Lisette Levay discovered and claimed an abandoned freehold. Bounded to the north by the stump of an old twisted cypress tree where Lisette tells fortunes, the unsettling lodge spreads to a cattail-strewn lake in the south. Solid mounds of earth intermix with morass as the freehold's lawn, a natural defense from those who are unfamiliar with the area. The lodge itself is a treehouse that rests within the branches of a huge banyan tree, transported from a more exotic clime and seeded in the fertile swampland. Dripping with Spanish moss and vines and covered with black swamp mud, the house is hardly visible among the branches.
Spooky and unsettling, the freehold reeks of tainted Glamour as though it recalls old murders and horrid tortures performed within. Many changelings feel distinctly uncomfortable near the freehold and few understand how Lisette can bear to sleep there. The Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, recognizing this, instead throws lavish parties atop a grassy area within the bounds of her freehold, but not inside the actual structure. Wild music, liquor, and drugs all dispel the gloom while the party goes on.
Constructed by Unseelie who committed terrible crimes before the Shattering, the site originally served as a hideout. Captive Seelie were sometimes brought to the lodge and tortured before being given to swamp creatures to devour. The freehold still remembers, and Lisette drinks in the psychic residue left as tainted Glamour.
- CTD. Kingdom of Willows, pp. 57-58.