White Wolf Wiki

The feats of Awakened magic are classified in so-called spells. Plainly said, a spell channels higher realities to change phenomenal reality in accordance with the mage's wishes, or to perceive the secret realities hidden from normal sight.


The root of every spell is the Imago, a mental image of what the mage wants to achieve with the spell and what aspects. Each spell is powered by a specific Arcana. Some effects require the use of two or more Arcana (called a conjunctional spell) and others are only available when the mage has a certain degree of power over his chosen Arcana. Each spell can be cast in an instant version or in a ritual version. The ritual version requires more preparation and caution, but is safer than the short-cut instant spellcasting provides.


The act of casting itself is divided into two parts: rotes and improvised. While a Rote is an already envisioned form of a spell, trained and perfected by the orders, an improvised spell uses nothing but the mage's own creativity, will and power. This allows them to be cast nearly in an instant, but they are more vulnerable to Paradox.


Each spell is further divided into covert or vulgar. Covert magic works secretly or fools onlookers into believing that the effect is mere coincidence rather than intentional magic. Vulgar magic works outside of those limits, raising the possibilities of a Paradox.


The last aspect of a spell is the range. If the effect shall take place within the sensory ranges of the caster, the effect is easier achieved than when the spell must first find its object. To make a spell sympathetic, the Space Arcanum is needed.


The fine-tuning of a spell is its duration, the potency of the spell and the number of targets or the size of the area the spell shall affect. Each factor costs additional Mana.
