The Soundwave Masters are a Clique among the Hollow Ones; a "Tradition" of the Council of Nine Mystic Traditions.
Wherever there is a Hollow nightclub gathering, you can be assured that a Soundwave Master is in the sound booth orchestrating it all. They are the techno and trance masters of sound, and an integral part of the Hollow Railroad. Specializing in Mind and Forces techniques, they convert and combine sound, thoughts, and emotions together and into each other, and send their Tass-filled mixtapes along the Railroad to share information across the Tradition. It is widely known that these Hollowers have Council of Nine sympathies and often share their techniques with drugs and digital sound with the Cult of Ecstasy and the Virtual Adepts.
Running raves and nightclub parties, a SW Master can use Mind techniques to surf and sift the thoughts of the crowd for rumors, information, memories, and stories for anything relevant to the cause. They can then convert that information to music, saturated with his or her own psychic essence, and anyone hearing it receives those impressions as well. The process of making these mixtapes is integral to the success of the Hollow Railroad.
- MTA. Tradition Book: Hollow Ones, p 52.