The Sons and Daughters of Helena are a small methuselah cult in alleged to the ancient Toreador Helena. They are the theoretical rivals of the Meneleans, though the state of the gods of both cults has led to this grudge being largely ignored on both sides.
The essence of a methuselah cult dedicated to the accumulation of wealth and influence, the Sons and Daughters of Helena pay tribute to their legendary icon, the vampire known variously as Helena, Helen, Helene, or — to those few who know her modern-nights Mask — Portia, in exchange for her blessings, direction, and supernatural aid. Structured as a pyramid of worship, adherents are lured in with tales of Helena being the undead Helen of Troy: a figure of supreme beauty, intellect, and wit. They’re told tales of how she’s survived for millennia, manipulated armies to further her goals, orchestrated the fall of Carthage, and is now the most powerful vampire in the USA. How much of this is true is debatable, but the Sons and Daughters use their Presence to attract recruits, make their words believable, and foster adoration from fresh initiates.
Helena is indeed the individual prominent in the tales of the Trojan Wars, and she is the schemer and beauty icon her cult purports her to be. She’s even present in the United States and influences a small army of followers. However, these followers are not the Sons and Daughters, over whom she has minimal control and about whom she has little interest. Elders of Clans Ventrue, Toreador, and Brujah with no attachment to Helena formed this cult in her name to exploit the myths surrounding her and profit from fledgling gullibility.
A vampire pyramid scheme, the Sons and Daughters’ elder council sends abstract messages and puzzles to the lower level adherents, requesting they perform tasks on the cult’s behalf while intimating that by performing well, they’ll please Helena and earn her favor. The missions they set usually center on eliminating the cult’s enemies, obtaining or laundering money, seizing territory for higher ranking members, or expanding the cult. The initiates at the bottom are expected to dedicate their time to serving Helena, send tribute up the chain, and in return — if they please “her” — a nice bauble comes back down. Usually this takes the form of the elder council recruiting other initiates to perform a task for the previous group, or more rarely, the elders might send down a vial of treated, potent vitae with the message to “use this only in times of extreme duress.” The vitae usually comes from the body of another captured vampire from outside the cult.
To the Sons and Daughters, their religion is a mystery cult from which they obtain more wisdom and enlightenment the more they dedicate themselves. To anyone who delves deeper into the cult’s inner workings, it’s about as mundane a cult as vampires could form. Yet, as with many con jobs, as long as the marks don’t realize they’re being milked for all they’re worth, the sense of belonging, purpose, and belief is enough to keep them from slipping to the Beast. The cult’s dissolution would lead to many vampires greeting the dawn in humiliation and despair.
- VTM: Cults of the Blood Gods, p. 120
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