Snow Plague was a term used to describe a deadly degenerative disease created by the Pentex corporation specifically to affect werewolves.
The Snow Plague's contagion started during a particularly hard Canadian winter, with a female werewolf called Cassandra Spitfire, Donna of the Toronto Glass Walkers, leader of the Taddle Creek Sept and the mother of Peter Ward. The disease soon spread across the city of Toronto, contaminating several of the Glass Walkers that made the city their homes. In order to avoid panic, the Glass Walkers of Taddle Creek Sept kept the plague a secret until they investigated its origins. They were eventually able to discover that the Snow Plague had been synthesized by Pentex from a reddish-purple flower extracted from the Amazon jungle.
When the plague flower was observed in the Umbra, it revealed that its spirit had been bruised and crushed through the rituals of the Black Spiral Dancers. With this knowledge, the Glass Walkers decided to get more of the flowers and awaken their spirits themselves so they could be able to create a cure for the plague. The Walkers also discovered that Peter Ward was the original carrier of the plague, since he had been using a cologne named "Fever" given to him by Bryony McLeod, a girl he was dating who was actually a Black Spiral Dancer in disguise.
While Peter was using Fever he was safe from the effects of plague, but the moment it faded and started to smell bad, his sweat became infectious and everyone he touched was doomed. Knowing this, Ward naturally volunteered for the task and took a plane to the city of Manaus in order to find the flower himself. In Brazil, he joined the Severed Arm Pack led by Roshen One-Arm and, with the help of the members of an allied pack called the Ghost Raptors and a native Uktena named Jubati, he reached the Mokolé-Mbembe living deep within the forest.
The Mokolé shared their remembrances with him, and with this knowledge the packs managed to find the place where once stood the reddish-purple flower that could synthesize a cure for the Snow Plague. However, Pentex had beat them to the punch and the plants were nowhere to be found. At that same spot Peter and his pack were captured by Black Spiral Dancers and imprisoned in the Magadon factory of Manaus.
While in captivity they met Dr. Andrew Junius, the scientist behind the fabrication of the Snow Plague, and learned that before Pentex destroyed the reddish-purple flower site in the jungle, their botanist cloned them from a sample and created an hydroponic greenhouse full of the plague flowers. Eventually, the Garou managed to escape the Magadon facility and steal some of the samples while destroying the others. Returning to the Caern of Rain Spirits, the Garou managed to produce the antidote against the Snow Plague and end its threat once and for all.