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Slick is an Unseelie chameleon Pooka Wilder wanted for theft in three Kingdoms.



Wanted in three kingdoms for theft, Slick has been on the run for the past two years. An Unseelie chameleon pooka, she (or he, no one is sure) uses her ability to don disguises to avoid justice. She has a number of aliases that have been uncovered, including Jack Innabocks, Flower, Dalmara of the North, Bondo, and Paulo Icthari.

Slick grew up in the streets of Chicago, though most people think she was raised in Arkansas. A rebel from the moment she could walk, she started her criminal career at the age of five, by charging the neighbor kids a quarter for a piece of her brother’s Halloween candy. It escalated from there. Her Chrysalis came during her sophomore year in high school. She found a mentor, learned what she could from him and then ran away as soon as she turned 16.

Slick has the amazing ability to fit in wherever she goes. She can change her accent at the drop of a hat, mold her mannerisms and speech to those she is with, and even disguise herself with some preparation. Her androgynous form allows her to pretend to be either male or female, a fact only recently discovered by those looking for her. The voile that formed upon her Chrysalis has a changing nature that shifts to match her mood and demeanor. If Slick dreams herself in the form of a redcap or an eshu, she begins to resemble one. The transformation is never complete and the changes are only cosmetic. Her body-size and shape limits what she can do. Obviously, mim- icking a satyr or a troll would prove nearly impossible, even for her. However, with the right attitude and intricately woven background stories, Slick has pulled off outrageous ruses in the past.

Deceptions give Slick a deviant pleasure, as does her stealing. The moment of betrayal when her trusting host leaves the friendly visitor alone with the silver makes it all worthwhile. She never hesitates either. That silver is hers and she’s out the door before the host can even return with tea. Slick has hit many places, though she’s only been connected with a couple. So far, she has managed to avoid detection, harm, and hurting others, though as her pursuers put two and two together, the risk increases. Slick just grins and rises to the challenge.

Slick tends to change her dialect of Pooka-ese dependent upon the situation. For the most part, when she is disguised, her entire self becomes a lie. She develops extensive histories for each of her aliases and shares them to give credence to her false identity. Extremely clever, she uses a wide variety of methods, each one fitting her current alias, to avoid direct questions.


  1. CTD. Kithbook: Pooka, p. 66.